Face your fears

in #blockchainmemoryproject6 years ago (edited)

andy-brunner-14323-unsplash.jpg image by andy brunner

Face the things you fear head on and they will move right out of your way.
Fear will kill you, make you sick, or keep you from being yourself.

Notice that voice deep within you telling you the worse will happen.

You have a choice at that point to listen and think it is trying to protect you or move on.

Some readings from books I read years ago, say tell the voice I know you are here to help me and I am okay. That did not always work for me because the voice comes back stronger.

Let’s talk about where that voice originated
It is for survival since the beginning of civilization and now it from constant programming.

Hearing over and over all the bad things that happen. Try to go a day without hearing something devastating.

The voice constantly chatters, for some driving them mad others to the point of taking medication for sedation.

I asked the voice, who are you?
I begin to ask the question the voice showing up, telling me the worst will happen. Instead of giving it first classroom service, I asked again. Who are you? It silenced.

Then I begin to think who is the second voice asking, who are you.

Creating awareness, I become aware of the watcher watching these voices.

The voices/worries stopped

Then it happened for once the voices stopped in my conscious waking a day allowing peace in my mind. Now room exists like a monkey off my back.

I could focus, be happy, think clearly.

It took me my whole life up to this point to clear my thinking during the day. Meditation is important and brings me to that point. Now I can maintain it.

Warning fears surface

Once the peace and relief is found, the voice/ego is afraid you will not focus on it. So it brings your worst fears to surface. I stay with them. Now I can say bring it on.

The other day, I was caught off guard. Going through some boxes on a shelf looking for a data stick I came across an old blood pressure cuff. The voice came strong. You know your BP is high, you should take it.

I have what people call the white coat syndrome and at one time, my blood pressure was extremely high. Normally due to the anxiety, this creates I would have put the cuff out of sight and felt the fear.

This time was different I took the cuff out and sat down to take my blood pressure. It was high, so high in fact off the charts. How can this be I asked myself? I should feel something physically besides the anxiety I created.

Then I gained my composure and went at it again, only this time the cuff would not inflate. The device was broken, the reason for the high readings.

I did not stop here, I went to the pharmacy and bought a digital cuff. Sat down and got normal readings, for the first time in years normal readings.

We create what we think about

This scenario is for me, created by me to see if I would face it. And the reason for the broken cuff is because in my mind I had created an extremely high scenario and it had to be played out, we create what we think about.

Swami advice in India

While in the foothills of the Himalayas a Swami told me before going out on a trek with others to Babaji’s sacred cave, we must always face our fears. It is like a lion is approaching you. Stand firm he will know and turn around.

For me is it like standing on a track with the train coming toward me. The train will stop. Remember the train is the fear.

Thanks for reading,



Our minds are, so often, our worst enemies. I’ve experienced (and have been limited by) this negative self-talk. It seems the human mind is wired for self sabotage but success lies just beyond the fear if you push past it. I’d love to hear about your trip to Babaji’s cave!

I think I will it is fun to reminisce. Besides, I know someone will read it. You know back then it was so different in India. There were no computers yet. Now they are like one of the leaders in technology and knowledge.

I can't wait to read it! Yes, those parts of the world catapulted so far ahead of the rest of the developed world during this last wave of technological evolution. I can envision a day, very soon, when parts of the developing world leave the US in the dust.

That has probably already happened .. the dust part. Technology reaches the East such as, Hong Kong, before landing here.

Wow. Wonderful insight. Those ole voices lol. I have only been meditating a year...feels great. I love this post. As much as i try to stay postive and balanced...real life is duality ..until we master that or balance that..there will be fear and judgement.
Cyber hugs. Proud of you girl. :)

Keep meditating and you will find more peace throughout your life. I am glad to hear it.

I woke up in the middle of the night trying to read your post. It is so insightful. I read it again. Getting back to a form of meditation is something that must take presidence in my life. Your experience with the blood pressure cuff made me laugh as they often do fail to operate properly after a while. Thank you for your words as they give me courage now as I face a new chapter in life. Your friend 🐓🐓

This comment makes me want to share my personal experiences. Life can get really scary and difficult. Narrow passages often lead to vast vistas of freedom. Sometimes we must go through them. Watch your thoughts and yes meditation is the key to a peace of mind.

Thanks for your thoughtful comment. :)

Then I hope that you will as it does take courage to write the hard stuff. I have begun a few chapters, but they won’t be posted until my perspective is clear. You will enjoy the last chapter of @richq11 book. Truly inspirational as well. ❤️🐓🐓

thanks :)

Upvoted. Resteemed. All need to read this. Lol
But seriously. :!

thank you so much.

This reminds me of a quote I read earlier this week:

Nothing worth it is easy.
Nothing easy is worth it.

Life is not a bed of roses as sometimes we face different problems but patience and self confidence is very important in every step in our life.

Life is about conquering your fears.
But it's not easy when you actually have to do it.

Thanks, you are right it is something many will never achieve. It is not easy but so worth it.

You are so right. You’re thoughts can empower you or destroy you.

Yes, the senses are like wild horses we hold rein to, and constantly require attention to get to where we want to go.

Honest, fascinating and insightful. The way that story played out with the cuff illustrates the phenomenon perfectly.

Fear consumes you, takes over you and prevents you from achieving your purposes, so we must have value (when trying above all) to eliminate these "barriers".

Once these insecurities disappear we will have a healthier life or a better attitude towards this type of future situations.

Exactly, If we face our fears we become much stronger than ever before. I love your article, I am motivated now.

Thanks, I needed to hear this today.

I am glad it helps. I have been the same way before and find a post that helps.

Life is a series of challenges. We must face the lion, our fears or we won't grow with the experience. Growth and learning despite fear is what makes us human.

true ... I know you have to deal with them where you are at.

I won't let my fears control my life or make me a prisoner in my own home!

I don't blame you .. fear will not help.

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
Check @resteembot's introduction post or the other great posts I already resteemed.