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RE: Hello, world.

in #blockchaindev5 years ago

What other system do you propose then ?
We can now see that with a stake-based voting system, the majority rules. It is just unfortunate, that this majority was bought by one individual, under the table. I still believe 'the market' would have solved this - there are just not enough players involved right now.


"voting system" "majority rules"

Yep. Mob rule, rich elite rule, "Foundation" rule... it's all crap. Especially when you zoom out and realize that is the underlying foundation of the entire world's socio-politico-economic structure. A few thousand people have the money and "power" that gives them all the bombs, tanks, jets, subs, soldiers, agencies, schools, and news outlets they need to effectively control the other 9 billion people (and untold quadrillions of plants & animals.) Hence why so many of the folks in crypto and on Steem are anarchists (literally means "no rulers.")

Nobody should rule over anybody, and one of the cores of philosophies/tools like Unitive/Restorative Justive & consensus-based decision making. The way the term is used in the crypto/blockchain-sphere is very different from the way it is in group facilitation, and of course the Rainbow Gathering.

You can follow @LarkenRose here on Steem

Show me the code.

Unfortunately, I haven't quite figured out how to read the underlying code to the reality we physically exist in. Any tips?

idk wtf you are on about, but I was talking about blockchain / governance.