The Threat & Movement Are Real, The BIS, IMF,ECB,FED Are Scrambling:Dan Reitzik

in #blockchain7 years ago

Dan Reitzik is a successful entrepreneur, Dan has built companies, These include Digital Youth Network, a teen focused wireless community, which was a joint venture between Rogers Wireless, Canada’s largest mobile phone network, and Universal Music, the world’s largest record label. He is the ceo/director of dmgblockchain.


Thank again, Dave. Yeah, I think it's about the Blockchain and what it can do if applied properly. But, I really don't know. It is worth researching.

Very informative. It is amazing how all this monetary system is changing.

Invest money in crypto, not the stock market. This guy has a sickening vision of the future. Wallets that are subject to approval based on whether previous transactions have been approved by the government and bankers? Pathetic. The same old control system.
Combined with the industrial cannabis grow operations, if Canada is to become the crypto mining capital of the world, as Reitzek suggests, then the people of Canada should prepare for parabolic increases in energy costs .

I very much agree. Bank-based crypto wallets are absurdities that miss the whole point of an anonymous, decentralized, permission-less ledger.

Regarding increases in energy costs, this could be avoided. Canada actually has a large surplus of electricity, selling a lot to the US. BC is also moving forward with a new hydroelectric dam project, etc.

You may be right, but there are many moving pieces affecting energy prices, of which industrial grow-ops are but one. Keep in mind that sunlight is free! Plants do not need lamp-light all the time, and many people are and will be growing outside on their own property (regulations be damned).

If the banking system doesn't want to adapt, then they should all move to Mars ! We don't need them; they need us.

I'm not sure BitCoin is all that secure. Also I think the mining of BitCoin is the electronic equivalent of digging holes and filling them in again. Work does not necessarily create value.

I always understood it that mining involved the solving of complex mathematical equations, such as prime numbers. That these can be used in practical applications. Possibly building rockets to Mars for all those elite bankers. There's a hope. Of course it is ironic, or rather in the nature of things, that we can see the development of technology based on a bright and shiny future emerge at the same time that objective reality is pushing us towards the edge of extinction.

Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." That quote often comes up in the context of new technology.
The only way for any service or good to attain free market value, is for it to be traded in a truly free market.
No matter how limited governmental regulation - to protect the consumer, say - tax dollars will be required to fund that regulation !!!!!!!!!!! and once you give a governmental operative a job to do they will not only do it but continually seek to extend their reach ......
It's entirely beyond me to understand WHY so many 'cryptos' & 'blockchainers' DO NOT GRASP THIS 100% FUNDAMENTAL FACT.
The only commerce which will operate to circumvent the current system of global enslavement WILL BE PURE PEER-TO-PEER COMMERCE no third parties - no third party regulation whatsoever ....
And all our commerce must be absolutely private - not open to third party scrutiny or regulation .... UNLESS the involved parties desire outside scrutiny & intervention .....
Common law contractual obligations ALWAYS & FOREVER apply .... if you transact with some one who exploits, extorts, lies, steals, injures, kills or cheats you - or you them - then take them to court - or be prepared to be taken before some justice system.
With blockchain technology we now have access to smart contracts .. USE THEM AS THAT WITH WHICH YOU TRANSACT ALL OF YOUR COMMERCE .....

do you think a system where you have to remember everything forever would be a burden on future generations, who may not have access to large quantities of energy...?

Your so full of SHIT Canada ❗️RULE OF LAW ⁉️😆🤣 Your owned by the queen❗️Your a parliamentary monarchy you smuck🤣❗️That’s why you hate RUSSIA 🇷🇺 so much ❗️Its because she will tell you BANKSTERS types how its going to be . You Zionist don’t like that . The entire ZIONIST EMPIRE is going to collapse into itself and people like me aren’t going to help keep it alive F O O L ‼️💵🏦⚰️💸❗️This guy is a retard , Blockchain is going to go E V E R Y W H E R E ❗️Its D E C E N T R A L I Z E D ❗️So Communist Canada can’t be the sole data mining ⛏ place on earth . Hell I got a ton of open space I’d like to dedicate to such a task . The cool thing is that its an old barn and you’d never know it LOL 😆. I don’t support royal societies Canada so you’ll never get my money .

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Did you buy in at 18k?