You always wanted to create your own game? Now you can learn how to do it and it will be build on the blockchain!

in #blockchain7 years ago

Recently many new blockchain based games popped up. Crypto kitties, etheremons and so on and so on. Creating such game should be hard if we build it using standard tools and solutions, but on the blockchain? It is 100% differen approach.

Tutorial is free and divided into three parts. After finishing it you will have nice understanding how to develop dApps on the ethereum blockchain and how to use Solidity programming language. Don't wait, jump in, maybe your game will blow up ethereum blockchain like a dynamite?
Now you can learn how to create your own crypto game with that tutorial


Regardless of creating your own game, CryptoKities taught us a very valuable lesson on Ethereum network scalability or rather lack of it. When CrpytoKities were at their peak, transaction fees increase significantly and network was so congested it almost clogged. All because of some pokemon like minions on chain...

problem is that, kitties or etheremons requires a lot of gas, so if someone is willing to set high GWEI just to play that game even small # of transactions will block network

Is there such things on STEEM network ? :-)

there are some game on steem like

Yes sure, I saw them, i spoke about a tuto how to make them, but not on ehtereum SMT, but in STEEM smt :-)
Also, I installed browser for steempunk, but just don't know how to launch a battle lol :-) Not easy to start ...

ok found it and even challenged a player :-) thx have a nice day

I confirm :-)

it will indeed teach you solidity, but you need to learn to use framework , Web3.js, I can help you if you are interested to create your own ICO or want to be rich..

oh, game developing is my native topic))
we create mobile apps and seek for anew conception, and you're right we should involve smth from cryptoworld into our new theme)
crypto cats can be really popular) 2 favoutite things together - cats and cryptos))

i dont think so, right now eos allows creating SC in c++ only because there are no other WASM compilers but you can try to port tutorial to the C++ maybe it wont be so ahrd