INSIDE NEM BLOCKCHAIN - Cyber Security + Events + CSharp2Nem
NEM is 0ne 0f my fav c0ins in case you all don't kNw! As an investor I discovered XEM(NEM) / XRP when they were babies, we are talking about under pennies(USD;)!
During rough times first starting out with my home-businesses(Bl0ck-Space/Day-Trading F0rex/Stemmit;) after quitting my last j0b(Just0verBr0ke);(9-5) and I do mean LAST, I s0ld all 0f my NEM AND XRP f0r nothing really!
I remember having some money on my 'Bitpay' card but I was a tad short to hit the movies with my s0n and so, I sold my XRP f0r a few dollars and is what I paid f0r actually, which gave me 300 + XRP tokens@the time. I believe the price was higher when I made that purchase. My first XRP purchase was NICE! I checked out the market-cap(3rd rank@the time), every time-frame(charts) was hella BULLISH!
Anyway, I am ranting again about my past screw-ups but from this day forward WE move 0n! Rookies will be rookies ;)
All I knw is tht I had those two coins dirt cheap! So, I ended up buying XRP/NEM again around the $.10-$.12 with a major case 0f FOMO.
After seeing those major jumps, I told myself I would NEVER sell those two BUT life happens. We all kNw tht life's all about timing right! so I guess I gtta go & get my timing, right!
Either you $ale c0ins f0r another and you cry when the 0ne you g0t out of, shoots to the moon, maybe you sold f0r some meaningless enjoyment tht didn't last 0r you Sell and never buy back but wish you did ha!
NEM's Partner Company
Had a demonstration conference with
Third largest Power-C0mpany in Japan!
Basically they were just going over NEM's private chain
to test potential cost savings and their nuclear power-plants.
If 0r when this deal goes through, this adoption will be the first 0f it's kind in this bl0ck-space:-O
Thus far, the 'Mijin' chain seems to be as secure enough to use on nuclear plants W0W!
From 1:40(vid up top) you will hear them speaking 0f
Now, why is this so important to me fr0m an investor state 0f mind!? Well first 0ff, I received an email alert 0f someone 0r some company speaking 0f digital c0ins, telling 0f how much their stats(percentage gains).
They also spoke 0f this 0ne c0in poised to BL0W(to the moon) but would not give out the name 0f this particular coin. The 0nly clue they gave, was that this c0in focuses primarily 0n Cyber-Security.
I was tempted to buy into it but then I was like, hold up I'm in this space so why would I give someone else m0ney when we have @steemit, the m0st crypto-knowledge you can't get ANYwhere else ;)
I guess that was my breaking point breaking 0ut 0f being a rookie investor ha! ANYWAYs I said I would figure it out and then something in the back 0f my head was telling me NEM!
I had remembered doing some research on NEM months prior to obtaining this email alert. It was no scam by the way, just f0r those ppl who don't want to put in the work ;)
So, I re-researched NEM to check and see if it fit the bill and sure enough, I find myself reading about
The other day I just felt the need to look into the wallet you know, just to make sure the funds were intact & what not AND I figured out how to send it and so, YEP I took some profit best believe lol I had 207+ NEM and sold 65 since the price was near $.30. I did not want to EVER touch it BUT S0n was in Texas and I was bored and lonely:( and besides, my mining m0ney was postponed once again f0r the third straight consecutive wk thanks to the recent Bitcoin H.F. and my Forex-trading money was caught up in trades(in position).
Yeah so, after this news and hearing l0t's fr0m NEM these past two weeks, I am now
I logged in @steemit ASAP to ask users what coin focused on Cyber-Security and no one gave me an answer. I let time slide while still HOLDING my NEM that was purchased around $.10-$.12. I was able to hold on to NEM because I had no idea how to send it out of it's iOS-wallet.
F0r those who are and to those who would like to develop software f0r NEM's network, Github- has just released a new tool
NEM is said to have 0ne 0f the highest security ratings 0f ANY 0f the Blockchains ;)
My Favorite Game Use To Be Pac-Man But Now It's Going To Be 'Pac-NEM' real soon ;)
NEM is on tha m0ve(working)!
nice bro @tradz