Blockchain in finance and management fields. Fintech and govtech cases at Blockchain Conference Kiev

in #blockchain9 years ago

 On 23 September Kyiv will become a meeting point for financiers, IT specialists and entrepreneurs with successful experience of working with blockchain.

What problems can blockchain solve in the finance sphere and total asset management – will be discussed by speakers of the third annual Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Kiev.

On 23 September Kyiv will become a meeting point for financiers, IT specialists and entrepreneurs with successful experience of working with blockchain. A separate themed section has been organized for them.

Hall “Pro” will feature 13 presentations, divided into three blocks. 

In the block “Finance” participants will talk about new blockchain-based developments in this sphere and relations with national banks. What response to wait from national banks towards alternative currency and decentralized services – fear or facilitation? How close are the authorities to the idea of creating national cryptocurrency ?

Block “Fintech” will be devoted to blockchain in banking system. How far have payment services advanced in the last year, and what blockchain-based instruments will appear in the nearest future? What banking employees will be replaced by blockchain, and how much money will it save for financial institutions ?

Block “Govtech” is a must-have conference component in Kyiv. Ukraine is one of the few countries, where government is loyal towards decentralized services for state asset management. Thus, separate regions are about to launch the online auction system for leasing and selling state property, eAuction. Authors and developers of the service will tell about its origin and launch.

The block will also feature reviews of govtech trends, services for registration on blockchain, smart contracts in business and a case study based on experience of Estonia.

Representatives of Smile-Expo Company, responsible for the organization of the conference, state that this year twice as many visitors will come to Kyiv compared to 2015. Around one thousand people are expected from Ukraine and abroad.

The program and registration form can be found on the website 


Well, its great. If we recall that ukrainian programmers are well known around the world , the results should be seen very soon.