Music is an antidote that cures pains, inspires the mind and breeds love, peace and happiness in men’s souls but Talented people and genius have lost the taste of creativity in the entertainment world due to the low incentive, motivation, and reward for their enormous creativity that has made the world a boring and silent cubicle, this setbacks suffered by songwriters is as a result of the; lack of capital in fronting the production and marketing of the music, piracy, high cost of registration with music marketing firms, etc. In the light of properly understanding these challenges it is ideal they are conceptualize below;


  1. HIGH COST MUSIC PRODUCTION: Overtime, considering the cost of production, talented musicians are constrained with the challenges of selling their tracks to the world as a result of the high cost of production and the percentage owed to both the songwriters, producers, distributors and marketers which the musician will invariably be left with a peanut for his tiredless labour.

  2. MUSIC PIRACY: The most bedeviling issues is the problem of piracy or theft which has impoverished those who suffers to produce their music only for it to be adulterated by other people in other to maliciously deprive the true owner of the benefits and enrich themselves at the detriment of the true owner of the music.
    In other to sort out this monstrous factor eating up the labour of songwriters; the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) came up with two major factors constituting music piracy which are;
    (a.) Losses from street piracy: this is as a result of illegal business activities going on in the streets through the illegal manufacturing and sale of counterfeit Compact disc to users or listeners at a cheaper price without the knowledge or copyright approval of the original owner of the music.
    (b.) losses from online piracy: This form of music piracy is visible in the online marketing of music to listeners by impostors without the authorization or approval of the original owner of the music, thereby proliferating the quality of sound and leaving the songwriter with little or nothing as income for his investments. etc.

  3. POOR AUDIENCE COVERAGE: It is equally observable that the publication or marketing of music had a limited coverage, that is; it was saleable within that particular geographical terrin without touching countries far and near thereby constraining the financial outcome of the marketing target of a particular music album.


After taken a cupious look at these challenges confronting the the gift of productivity in the entertainment world; it ushered in the necessity of FLUXORIN. FLUXORIN is a decentralised digital music streaming platform that helps in the promotion of musicians talents through the cyber with ease, less cost, slim risk and a boost in the income of music production and marketing with the ledger machine known as the blockchain that regulates all the transactions carried out through the passage of inflow and outflow of data with certain charges for those transactions and these value charges are regarded as flux token.

FLUXORIN operates through the Blockchain, that is, users, lovers or listeners of music cannot access the uploaded tracks of a musician without going through the blockchain which invariably deducts charges from those who acesses the site and these charges are known as flux token that sends a certain percentage directly to the owner of the music.


  1. SECURITY OF THE BLOCKCHAIN: In other to subvert this rigorous, tedious and stressful processes that will equally bring about a paradigm shift from the crude, outdated or antiquated method distributing one's label; the Distributed Autonomous Label (DAL) is a programmed system planted in the blockchain to remedy the problem of transparency and security of the blockchain against impostors and music theft after the sudden failure of the Global Reportoire Database (GRD) in 2014.
    This programme (DAL) works with a copyright approval from the owner of the music before one can download music tracks on his or her electronic gadget via the internet and a flux token be accrued to the owners wallet. Although a percentage of the token is preserved as revenue for the maintenance of the blockchain and future upgrade of the version of the blockchain. Therefore, FLUXORIN came into the limelight to see out to the above challenges and to specifically grant legitimacy to owners of music before they can be accessed in the internet.

  2. REVENUE GENERATION: Fluxorin also operates through the initial Coin Offering (ICO) that helps in raising funds for the platform through flux token, this process is also carried out through the (Smart contract) that helps in generating funds for any usage of the system known as pay per play, I.e the (PPP) this percentage is shared amicably, a percentage will be accrued to the musician, songwriter, producer, instrumentalist, marketer, the charges for the maintenance of the blockchain technology etc. without bias.

  3. LOW COST OF REGISTRATION: There is usually a subsidized or low cost of registering with the Fluxorin music streaming platform, the process of registration only requires one to open an account with them which you alone can access with them through an encrypted password specifically between the user and the blockchain. Although the registration usually requires one to submit his personal or demographic details in other to gain full asses and send in your albums for the online publication or marketing which you will in returns be receiving thousands and millions of profit as token as people often subscribes to your music in other to download your music.

  4. PROPER ALLOCATION OF ROYALTIES: These royalties are percentage accrued to all participants who engages in the promotion of the music in the blockchain with respect to their level of inputs.

Although FLUXORIN is open to all musicians, who wishes to invest and make maximal income from their labour with a certain bargained percentage as displayed below;
53.7% for pre-sale, 25% for team members, 10.7% for advisors and contributors etc. By this implication, it invariably means that FLUXORIN is basically operated by certain persons heading different departmental units geared towards attaining a successful goal.

FLUXORIN is open for both investors which wishes to invest with their capital in the digital decentralized music streaming and whenever the music is been promoted and attracts more listeners to subscribe to the site, it yields more money known as FLUX TOKEN which a percentage of about 10.7% ,thereby enhancing the investors income without necessarily involving him or her into the main work.

Fluxorin gives opportunity for musicians to know their customers and how many persons have accessed their online tracks through the AML compliance techniques.

FLUXORIN has equally maintained a high level of professionalism through their collaboration with the Digital millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which sort to curb the problem of piracy and adulteration of one's music by theft from impostors, we also have the digital Media Association (DMA), which sort bring about a networking of media practitioners so as to enhance, and re-brand the nature and means of publication, National media publishers Association (NMPA) only to secure the reputation, integrity, reliability and effectiveness of the platform.

  1. FREE FLOW OF TRANSACTION: The free flow of transaction often includes the Know Your Customer (KYC) policy that helps in the provision of customers personal data which will be used to authenticate the legitimacy of the customer whether the blockchain is transacting with true customers or people using a pseudo account just to distort the process of the day to day business transactions. Meanwhile the Anti Money Laundering (AML) is specifically responsible in tracking smugglers who wants to steal other people's token via their wallets to selfishly enrich themselves to the detriment of the songwriters and musicians.

FLUXORIN originally has a team of members according to www. FLUXORIN. IO through which this initiative was manifested and they are named as follows;

  1. Paul Schmidts_ Co-founder, CEO, and Business Developer.
  2. Joseph Silvester _ Co-founder, . project manager.
  3. Rebecca Ramirez_ Business Analyst, Community Manager.
  4. Isaac Jacobson_ Bounty manager, Business Analyst.
  5. Alicia Simons_ public Relations Specialist & Digital marketing and many but a few to mention.

It is gain said that FLUXORIN has a council of Advisors, they comprises of professional personnel who has a wealth of knowledge about this particular case And partners with the prerequisite which are as follows;

  1. David Mccarville
  2. Kevin Harrington
  3. Darius Barusauskas and a host of them but a few to mention.


Conclusively, after assessing the problems bedevilling the act of production by musicians, it will be worthwhile we say that FLUXORIN is a remedy to the above stated challenges so as to enhance, encourage, motivate and improve the economic benefits of going into the Music Industry by musicians and a provisional avenue for young and talented musicians to partner with by investing their talents in other to acquire a profit that Is commensurate with their labour.

It is obvious that risk makes a man and we want to bring this to the notice of investors and musicians that most times fraudsters could be able to hack ones account and make away with millions of people.
fluxorin wants to inform that the work is a brainchild of the Canadian government and it ought not to be sold out to any country else we loss the incentives from ourselves into the evil manipulations of the hackers. They want to bring to our notice that they don't bear loss for whatever case of fraud.

BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4406343.0
WEBSITE: https://www.fluxorin.io/
FACEBOOK: https://web.facebook.com/fluxorin.io/
TELEGRAME: https://t.me/FluxorinICO
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/fluxorin_io
AUTHORIED BY oginiimaoyani
My bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1011967
WALLET ADDRESS: 0xf6d099A2508bE42A65914BCB7Db598fD54D51c87