Quantum Broadband Antenna (Part 2 of )

in #blockchain7 years ago

Recurrence Plots: The role of the sampling time by A. Facchini, pages 1-8, depict the same design structure as in this metal box springs pattern design. The refluxtivity recurrence plot in this phase space where all waves are ruled by phases and backward folding movement at the edges of this rectangle produces recurrence in the strange superconducting nonlinear phenomena that will be used for high dimensional dynamics in this nano-broadband two-dimensional gas and solid state deck system antenna. The signals with periodic modulation of the carrier frequency or of the phase shows circular and curved patterns with nano-pattern macropattern coated recurring patterns. Page 4 of same article shows in (a) diagram the basic hook which shows that the motion of the state vector path is a helix which indicates the time at which a new correct recurrence happens in all 36 empty holes, that are 250 nm in size, around the frame of the rectangle, as shown in FIG. 1, #9, #10, # 27. These 36 empty holes are toroidal dipolar magnetic holes used to produce toroidal rotation symmetry to rotate polarization of the incoming light signal, coupling constance connection of negative index of refraction, interacting between electrical currents producing toroidal monopoles in the 36 empty holes on the frame of the metal box springs grid that now is connected to and by the spring hooks. This was reported in the Science article, “Toroidal Dipolar Response in a Metamaterial by T. Kaelberer, 10 Dec. 2010, Vol. 330, pages 1510-1512. The article on page 1510 specifically depicts the empty hole in FIGS. 1, A, B and C and this empty hole is confirmed in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 103, 2 Oct. 2009, pages 1-4, Magnetic Ground State of Single and Coupled Permalloy Rectangles by S. Hankemeier, and in this invention, the metal box springs antenna will be using this magnetic domain structure in Permalloy rectangles, revealing flux-closure domains configurations which are called refluxtivity folding and holding in the micromagnetic simulation process. These structures will be fabricated from blocked crystals at 20 nm thick Permalloy flux-closure domain structures. This optically objectifies the rectangle down on to a nanodimension system. The diagram in FIG. 2 on page 2 of the same article depicts (a) and (b) magnetic structure of Permalloy rectangles and on the same page of the same article FIG. 5 depicts the two polarization lines which will be placed above the substrate as shown in FIG. 1, #11 through #33 and FIG. 3, #59. This area in the rectangle will become the reflux-folding closure structure in the first magnetic microstructure along the edge in this metal box springs design. This is also shown in patent drawings FIG. 4, #72, #73, FIG. 5, #96, FIG. 6 #105, #109 as the edge and the 36 empty holes connected to the box springs frame and hooks. These 36 empty holes are toroidal dipolar magnetic holes used to produce toroidal rotation symmetry to rotate polarization of the incoming light signal, coupling constance connection of negative index of refraction, interacting between electrical currents producing toroidal monopoles in the 36 empty holes on the frame of the metal box springs grid that now is connected to and by the spring hooks to the grid. This was reported in the Science article, “Toroidal Dipolar Response in a Metamaterial by T. Kaelberer, 10 Dec. 2010, Vol. 330, pages 1510-1512. The article on page 1510 specifically depicts the empty hole in FIGS. 1, A, B and C. The recurrences of this state vector recur with itself and other hook vectors of the same size macro-stripes at 25 Hz. This vector design hook is loosely placed as a gravity wave bounce process release on the metal box springs and is associated with the combination of size width band connection, shown in FIG. 1, #4, FIG. 4, #72, #73, FIG. 6, FIG. 7, FIG. 8, #105. The resonant frequency of the parallel combination is a geometrical factor, having the dimensions of the reciprocal length, depends on the geometry of the inductor wire and empty holes and capacitor oval loop quantum gravity design and substrate layerings. In both cases the velocity of a wave—in the one case acoustic, in the other electromagnetic—can be found without recourse to wave techniques. When it is possible to ignore wave theory and to assign separately the two properties of matter that are needed for waves—inertia and springiness in the case of elastic waves, inductance and capacitance in the case of electromagnetic waves—to elements that have dimensions small compared with a wavelength, it can be said that these elements constitute lumped-together parameters. In contrast a continuous medium in which waves can propagate is said to have disturbed parameters. This is related to the use in this invention that nano-size wire that stretches across a rectangular square that is 20 mmx30 mm and 1 mm thick which creates an Einstein miniature universe on gravity space time like curve and connect to nano electro-optical conductance of a unified field design. As stated in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 103, 2 Oct. 2009, All Optical Metamaterial Circuit Board at the Nanoscale by Andrea Alu, pages 1-4, this metal box springs will pave the way for optical nanocircuits for transformative advancements in selectivity nonentanglement in communications reception antenna. This rectangle nanocircuit board aperture gas and solid state oriented is constituted of layered metamaterial double deck with low effective permittivity, over which specific traces channeling the optical displacement currents producing phase folding in a curved inwardly into the edge of the rectangular board. This allows the optical local connections among nonlocal sizes and distances along the metal box springs multiple complex oxide nanocircuits elements in this metal box springs printed circuits to realize the full spectrum being manipulated by chemically parallel stripes of complex oxides cladded to superconductors in the grooves to be accessed and selectively separated in this antenna design. These rectangularly stacked plates which house the metal box springs will realize the bridge between silicon-based circuits and the plasmonics. This will allow the interconnection between signal processing and optical communications technology in this metal box springs design. This creates the design that produces nanoinductors, nanocapacitors and nanoresistors which are put together in this metal box springs design arrangement of size-distance miniature nanoparticals with specifically arranged directional sectorial zoning left-handed metamaterial permittivity which creates the separation magnetically and refluxtivity folding and holding at the edge of the rectangular and the center of the loop quantum gravity. A set of laws analogous to Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws has been derived for such nanocircuits' elements and simple impedance definitions used in regular electronic circuits are applied to the light interactions with natural design along with optical nanoparticals. This size-distance miniature universe will now allow processing optical receiving antenna signals at the nanometer scale. This design dimension is smaller than the low-frequency electronic waves, with several potential advantages in terms of speed, bandwidth, and compactness. This antenna will enhance the process because this entire device is 1 mm thick. This design overcomes the uncontrolled wave limitations of large unwanted incoming couplings on to a single nano-element which makes use of optical design edge between the parallel striped complex oxide superconductors nanoinsulators that produce shields made of zero-permittivity metamaterials, confining each wave to a magnetic displacement. This metal box spring design line layering of parallel striped complex oxides on to this rectangular board of metamaterials as a substrate base creates an effective epsilon-near-zero process. This introduces a new size-distant concept in nanocircuit selective boards which are called the parallel striped complex oxides. It is worth noting that the concept of circuit modeling of light interaction with plasmonic structures is well established in the science literature. For example in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 100, 23 May 2008 Defect-Free Surface States in Modulated Photonic Lattices by Ivan L. Garanovich shows and explains the interfaces of periodically curved waveguide arrays can support a novel type of surface states associated with the band flattening with no restrictions on Bloch wave symmetries characteristic of Shockley and also as shown in this article curved array (d) (e) (f) beam dynamics in a sinusoidally modulated lattice and also depicted in this invention design, metal box springs. Depicted in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 98, 12 Jan. 2007 and Physical Review Letters, Vol. 93, 17 Dec. 2004, is a perfect example waveguide design performance of metal box springs. Also in the book Physics of Wave, William C. Elmore, on page 160 in the chapter Acoustic Waves in Fluids states that standing waves are ruled by phases in both upper and lower decks of the crystal layering as shown in FIG. 3, #67, in this rectangular aperture metal box springs design for an antenna. The various standing waves that can occur satisfy the boundary condition that the displacement component perpendicular to a wall of the Hertzian striped parallel complex oxides vanishes which is shown in FIG. 1, #27. The combined energy motion parallel to a wall is not restricted, since viscosity is ignored. The result of the present analysis of the metal box springs is useful in connection with the full field design of the acoustic properties that are involved in this metal box springs antenna. One of these field theories is the combination of the standing electromagnetic waves in this metal box springs elastic movement of these waves are brought together and controlled through the processed connection on the edges of this rectangular crystal block. These dual decks have a sandwiched of liquid helium-4 gas that has a controlled temperature that is changed through lowing temperature that creates a solid which produces the connective method which is of fundamental importance; this importance is a Bose-Einstein condensate and is comprised of a layering of helium-4 gas mixture which is shown in the article, Helium-4's many phases, in Science News, page 25. Superfluidity arises when the atoms in superfluid helium-4 join up in a quantum state called a Bose-Einstein condensate, allowing them to exhibit collective behavior as shown in FIG. 10, interdigital electrodes oval loop quantum gravity, # 119-#126 in this design that which is associated with one part of the connection in the quantum full field design which is now a proven fact in quantum physics. The collection gathering of the negative refraction of acoustic waves by this antenna directivity diagram grid of phononic crystals results from Bragg scattering and occurs in pass bands with negative group velocity-group velocity are opposite to the wave vector which we call refluxtivity of focusing of sound by either negative refraction or by a channelization mechanism as shown in FIG. 10, interdigital electrodes oval loop quantum gravity design, #126, #119, and #125 . Physical Review Letters, Vol. 97, 1 Dec. 2006, pages 1-4, in Fixed Points of Higher-Derivative Gravity by Alessandro Codello, states that constructing a quantum field theory of gravity was based on the application of perturbative methods to Einstein's theory being applied to this new metal box springs design and as stated in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 102, 15 May 2009, pages, 1-4, “ Focusing Ultrasound with an Acoustic Metamaterial Network” by Nicholas Fang. This article shows the demonstration of focusing ultrasound waves through a flat acoustic metamaterial lens composed of a planar network of sub-wave lengths Helmholtz resonators. This transparent metal box springs design uses this perfect lens based on focusing the propagating wave and recovering evanescent field through a flat negative index crystal slab plate. This artificial media refracts waves in negative direction and has several different magnetic metamaterial boundaries that are being used in this metal box springs design for magnetic boundary separation selection process. The beams are being steered along the metal box springs complex oxides in this photonic crystal that is achieved by Bragg scattering on the surface of this metal box springs leading to enhanced diffraction in a negative direction for frequency relay folding and frequency scanning holding that is produced by the use of this directional metamaterial photonic crystal slab as shown in FIG. 1, #1 and FIG. 2, #41 and FIG. 3, # 58 through #66. The upper deck as shown in FIG. 3, #58 through #61, depicts the fishnet metal box springs repetitive design, shown in #56, the substrate of the top deck which is a new type of polariton in a piezoelectric superlattice. In Physical Review Letters, Vol. 90, 17 Feb. 2003 an article by Yong-Yuan Zhu describes this new type of propagation of an electromagnetic wire wave design superlattice which results in the creating a new type of polariton that does not exist in ionic crystals. This will encompass the forbidden band associated with the polariton and is not due to Bragg reflection but rather to the constance coupling of both decks of this antenna through the oval loop quantum design, as shown in FIG. 10. This metal box springs uses real transparent crystal processes that activate the couplings between the motions of electrons, photons, and phonons in this substructure in between the spaces of these stacked plate rectangle crystal decks. This metal box springs design upper deck encompasses infrared absorption and polariton excitation results from the couplings between these two deck lattices vibrations that transverse optical phonons and electromagnetic waves in this ferroelectric domain coefficient which is modulated in this superlattice deck from a transparent point of view and coupling both decks between the lower deck superlattice vibrations of the electromagnetic wave that is established underneath the top deck as shown in FIG. 3, # 63. FIG. 3, #67 shows both upper and lower decks of the coupling between these multiple superlatices. As shown in FIG. 3, upper deck, line #61 is comprised of a very thin layer of graphite. As stated in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 103, 11 Sep. 2009, Searching for the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in Graphite by Y. Kopelevich, the thin graphite layering produces a very strong magnetic field that will be used to connect the lower deck with the upper deck of this metal box springs. FIG. 3, #60 is a layer of ionic Al2O3 and as stated in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 103, 11 Sep. 2009, by H. J. Xiang that puts the combination of Si and Al2O3 together to form this thin film with high carrier mobility in this top-deck structure of the box springs. In all of the specifications being stated in this invention concerning the metal box springs, the upper and lower deck will be composed of many layered transparent crystal formations placed above the line, on the line, and below the line as shown in FIG. 3, #58 through #70. As shown in Nature Letters article, Vol. 466, August 2010, pages 735-738 in Loss-free and active optical negative-index metamaterials by Shumin Xiao, deep subwavelength resolution and nanophotonics creating optical negative-index metamaterials using nanostructured metal-dielectric composites, near-infrared and visible wavelengths ranges in optical designs of metal box springs fishnet designs are not out of the realm of fabrication reality. It can be fabricated with extremely low-loss and active optical nanostructure that require metamaterials such as designed granules of silver and gold substrate placed at strategic size distance thicknesses of active material that will be kept nano-small to preserve the negative refractive index superfine boundaries to produce separation selection holding placement and spillover in this Lorentz-Einstein-Bose condensate as an oscillator which will produce a spectral range between 722 and 738 nm and a refractive index which is negative in a broader range between 720 and 760 nm. This fabrication process will be used to develop this metal box springs structure immersed in a medium of left-handed negative metamaterials as spacers accomplish the developmental post-processing method. First, the metal box springs are fabricated with Al2 O3 as a spacer in association with electron-beam lithography with a Leica VB6 writer and lift-off processes as shown in FIG. 1, the north side of line wave #6 which is repeated on all north side of line waves of metal box springs shown in #11 through #33. Then chemical etching is used to remove the Al2O3 spacer and, finally, epoxy with dye molecules is used to fill the vacated space. This is a part of the fabrication assembly process. In FIG. 3, #59 is a thin film of FeSe1−x. As stated in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 103, 11 Sep. 2009 Crystal Orientation and Thickness Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of Tetragonal FeSe1− x Thin Films by M. J. Wang, this thin film of FeSe1−x films on orientation of 001 on MgO substrates that will produce the structural transformation and magnetic ordering that will produce the underlying frequency coupling and folds and holding of the redirect wave of the incident wave that is coming in to the horizontal waveguide of the metal box springs design. This thin film mentioned above, south side of metal box springs waveguide indicated as shown in FIG. 1, #11 through #33. FIG. 3, #63 is comprised of a layering of helium-4 gas mixture as discussed in the article in Science News page 25, Helium-4's many phases when superfluidity arises when the atoms in superfluid helium-4 join up in a quantum state called a Bose-Einstein condensate, allowing the helium-4 to exhibit collective behavior. FIG. 3, #62, is comprised of a liquid crystal plate combination with gold granular designed rods. This is stated in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 103, 18 Sep. 2009, in Bloch Oscillations in Complex Crystals with PT Symmetry by S. Longhi, pages 1-4, namely that this metal box springs exhibits the optical Bloch oscillation in photonic lattices with gain or loss regions. This novel dynamical design material combination phenomena has no counterpart in ordinary lattices. This exhibits a Bloch oscillation that depicts the metal box springs oscillation of coherent oscillatory motion design waveguide of a quantum design particle in a periodic potential driven by an external direct current force which this metal box springs represents the most striking metamaterial design of waveguide mechanics of periodic systems. The Bose-Einstein condensates in tilted optical lattices relates to the transition of energy spectrum from continuous energy bands to a nearly a super narrow formation of Wannier Stark ladders when the direct current is applied. This transparent metal box springs is able to translate through the multi-layerings of complex rare earth oxides crystals lattices. This particle movement is in real-valued potentials which occurs in the presents of metal box springs nonlinearity, lattice disorder, or particle interaction process. The metal box springs has two complex resonant interaction of light on two deck levels systems. This includes optics design with metamaterial slab structures substrate for the waveguide propagation in lossy and/or active waveguides described by a complex negative refractive index. As depicted in above-mentioned article diagrams on page 2 FIG. 1 and page 3 diagram FIG. 3, the complex-binary lattice is made of one of many lattice layerings of AlGaAs optical coupler capable of performing all the functions needed to feed and retrieve information from the crystal fibers that this material performs both electrical and optical which is shown in this pattern submission located in FIG. 1, #5 and the entire metal box springs layerings as shown in FIG. 3 #56, FIG. 4, #85, FIG. 5, # 99, FIG. 9, #114, FIG. 10, interdigital electrodes oval loop quantum gravity, #119, #125. These complex binary lattice refractive indices are already realized in these metal box springs engineered arrays of active semiconductor waveguides with selective pumping to achieve gain and low-loss regions at optical near-infrared wavelengths in this broadband antenna optical amplifier selector metal box springs. The lower deck of the quantum electrical vertical loop wire is positioned on top of a layered substrate, as shown in FIG. 2, #43 and # 47, the vertical design of which is also shown in Physical Review Letters, 103, 18 Sep. 2009, Magnetic-Field-Induced Superconducting State in Cladded Zn Nanowires to Carbon Driven in the Normal State by an Electrical Current by Yu Chen, pages 1-4. This quantum electrical vertical loop wire specifically concerns the lower deck region as shown in FIG. 2, #34 and #44 is the incoming electrical connection to the power source of the device connected to the antenna and #46 and #35 are the transmitted cable connection of the radio waves entering the antenna device and into the cell phone device which encompasses the entire antenna rectangle #34, #35, #36, # 44, #46 and FIG. 3, #57 through # 70 the quantum electrical vertical loop wire wave. This is the connection between the electrical current and the optical-magnetic loop quantum gravity system. The use of Zn nanowire layerings cladded to carbon wire substrate is formed using electron beam lithography. When current is applied on to these quantum electrical vertical loop wires the energy reenters into the superconducting state upon connective application of small magnetic fields as shown in FIG. 10, interdigital electrodes oval loop quantum gravity, from # 126 to and through the oval loop quantum gravity connectiveness between the dual decks system. The particles synchronize with the Saint Andrew's cross energy surface sensitive active movement across this spaces of this metal box springs design top plate as shown between Venn diagram overlapping the loop quantum gravity' s which will be holding both decks magnetically to the metal box springs together in FIG. 1, #29 zero order rediffracted beam, FIG. 4, #80, #81, #82, # 83, #84, FIG. 5, #86, FIG. 9, # 117, #118, FIG. 10, interdigital electrodes oval loop quantum gravity structure, #122, #123. The Saint Andrew's cross pulls in between the oval loop quantum gravity design connecting wave energy propagation between the two decks running parallel and diagonally across the Saint Andrew's energy movement on the top deck of the crystal surface of this aperture window of this antenna. The comparisons in this article confirm that the enhancement of superconductivity strangeness is a mixture between electrical and magnetic pull to control the incoming wave that travels along with the radiational gravity fields which is a counterintuitive phenomenon but when applied to nanosize and distance in this miniature universe it brings together a full unified field design to produce an antenna process which is being presented for a patent application. The usual dual-deck scenario is that electric fields suppress superconductivity by either orbital or spin effects on to its lattice structure for the contraction holding of incoming light signal. This metal box springs design exhibits multi-transparent rainbow-striped layering of complex oxide compounds parallel to the superconductivity wire box springs will be enhanced in this mixture through the compensation of applied magnetic fields by the exchange field of the striped-oxide multi-layerings in conjunction with directional metamaterials to create negative refractive magnetic movements that travel along the sectorial zoning of negative indexing boundaries. These nano Zn and carbon wires quantum electrical vertical loop Hertzian wave placed on the lower deck as low-field negative magneto-resistance or as a relatively high-field enhancement of the connection with the upper deck oval loop quantum gravity connection, as shown in FIG. 10, interdigital electrodes oval loop quantum gravity, #119 through 126. This lower deck of the metal box springs has an even more counterintuitive phenomenon, called the antiproximity effect, which is where and when the temperature resistance which effects the wires are found to enter the multi-layering of the superconducting state from the normal state when the electrodes are driven normal by the oval loop quantum gravity oval magnetic upper deck field which is the reentrance refluxtivity fold being processed by the superconductive phase upon the application of small magnetic fields coming from the quantum electrical vertical loop wire waveguides that make connection to and through the oval loop quantum gravity equilibrium and into a resistive state by highly supplied currents quantum electrical vertical loop, as shown in FIG. 2, #44, #46, #34, #35, which is the connection to its dual power source of this device's Zn and carbon substrate electrodes. Page 2, FIG. 3 (b) (c) of the Chen article shows the cloud rising in which an applied magnetic field generates two effects: it suppresses superconductivity in the wire, in that it decreases the temperature when resistance returns to its normal state value which is called refluxtivity in this invention and the second effect the energy follows the boundaries between the normal state and the transition regime. The fluctuation of temperature suppresses and enhances the coupling effect between the two decks of this antenna, in that it increases the threshold temperatures for the zero resistance to follow the metamaterial boundary between the superconducting state and the transitional regime. In this antenna this enhancement gives rise to a magnetic-field-induced reentrance called folding and holding refluxtivity process that all waves are ruled by phases into the superconducting edge state of the lower deck which is now connected to the upper deck oval loop quantum gravity connection transition regime which is a miniature universe unified field process and magnetic-field enhanced superconductivity charge conversion process at the normal boundaries of phase Venn dome overlapping centers called oval loop quantum gravity as shown in FIG. 10, #120, #121 and #124. The nano-size and micro-distance within this quantum box springs design creates phase fluctuation folds that fold the waves through the crystal edge layerings of both decks which can enhance the control and dissipation by increasing the quasi-particle density. The temperature placed on the superconductor will suppress the fluctuations on the fold under the east side is the louder acoustic volume of the antenna's full length of the bar plate of the edge located FIG. 1, #27. The parameters of the lithographically produced wire configuration in the multi-layered oxides crystals include lengths, widths, and thicknesses of wires at universal distances that can be systematically changed because of its complex oxides Hertzian parallel striped cladding layers which interact with the electrical current being applied. The electrical current will change the direction of the center of gravity located in FIG. 1, #29 zero order rediffracted beam which will include all the loop quantum gravity ovals on the deck of the metal box springs surface. This is shown in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 100, 16 May 2008, Bifurcations to Diversify Patterns of Shear Bands on Granular Material by Kiyohiro Ikeda which states that granular material displays diverse geometrical patterns which are used in this metal box springs substrate shown in FIG. 2, #47 in order to produce the second and third crystal layerings in rows phases, as shown on page 2, to be used as the substrate platforms shown in FIG. 3, #70, #69. In this crystal layering shown in FIG. 2, #43 and #47 is a thin layer of square-shaped granular gold atoms which covers the entire rectangle platform that is a highly polished mirror connected to #34, # 35, #44 and #46. As stated in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 104, 26 Mar. 2010, pages 1-4, Asymmetric Optical Second-Harmonic Generation from Chiral G-Shaped gold Nanostructures by V. K. Valev as shown in this invention, FIG. 2, #47 and FIG. 3, #66, is the highly polished metamaterial that effects the electromagnetic phenomenon in asymmetric second-harmonic generation form planar chiral structures. This metamaterial will be used as the substrate base that will possess a double refracting linearly polarized light for multipolar radiation mechanisms for the build-up of structural resonances of the collective oscillations of the metal electron plasma being injected from each layered folding edge of the plate. In FIG. 2, line #42 and line # 48 are composed of a layer of InGaAs that is 17 nm thick. In Physical Review Letters, Vol. 96, 17 Mar. 2006, pages 1-4, the article Motion of an Electron from a Point Source in Parallel Electric and Magnetic Fields by Christian Bracher, depicts wave particle dualism patterns on macroscopic concentric interference fringes patterns which were recorded experimentally by Blondel and is being shown in comparison with the metal box springs design. In the same article on page 2 FIG. 1 (a), (b), (c) and (d) specifically depicts the visual dual movement that occurs in FIG. 1, #1 metal box springs design when the light wave runs along the metal box springs design structure. It also depicts the specific center loop quantum gravity shown in (a) as a center design form of a diamond shaped structure which are the oval loops. This classical trajectory field expands and contracts in the rhythm of the layered wiring waveguides in the metal box springs design which will produce coherent separation of multiple frequencies on the spectrum scale line. These Hertzian wavy lines, which in this invention are called metal box springs, on the upper deck are demonstrated in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 103, 2 Oct. 2009, Quasi-Bloch Oscillations in Curved Coupled Optical Waveguides by C. Martijn de Sterke. In this article Quasi-Bloch Oscillations as shown on page 2 diagram 1 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) specifically shows the schematic of the waveguides in a slab of crystal that is coupling between each wave modes with a grading vector due to the periodic curvature grading complex oxide stripes being acted upon by propagating light wave. This depicts specifically the repetitive parallel complex oxide stripe waveguides in FIG. 1, #5, of this invention and also shows the input waveguide on FIG. 1, # 27. This polariton condensates movement in this metal box springs as stated in the article Polariton condensates by David Snoke August 2010 Physics Today and shown in FIG. 1, #29 zero order rediffracted beam #27, FIG. 2 #36 indicates the special properties of the Bose-Einstein condensates in a vacuum of superfluid helium-4 which is placed in between the two-deck layerings in this microcavity and are strongly interacting as shown in the diagram #1 (a) on page 46 half vortices showing the movement of FIG. 1, #27 from west to east on the metal box springs rectangle antenna which in the path around this vortex at the leftmost point of the outer dashed ring at #27 is the phase of the polariton wave function which rotates in a 180 degree movement at the top surface of the first fold. This is used in this invention metal box springs to produce coherent polariton in this microcavities for this nonlinear optical gated folding amplification, optical spin Hall transport, and optical parametric entangled photons pairs and optical pumping folding on the boundary edges of this metal box springs. When the incident light movement travels inside the cavity of the metamaterial matter on the negative left-handed boundary line, the Z folding under effect of refluxtivity happens on the west side of FIG. 1 and shows the output of the reversing of an incoming incident wave. All of the waveguides in FIG. 1 of the line wave wire layerings will be placed on the north side of each line wire made of a cladded AlGaAs that is 30 nm thick that will change the amplitude of the wave guide mode in this metal box springs. The next layering is shown in #48 and #42 which is comprised of a transparent mirror that is comprised of bismuth selienide top line and bismuth antimony bottom line. In layers # 41 and #50 is a layer of mercury delluride which will be used in this device to detect far-infrared radiation. This complex oxide composition of layering is shown in FIG. 2 and FIG. 3, #63 through #66, which is the lower deck and the substrate of the electromagnetic quantum electrical vertical loop connection to the top deck metal box springs design through to the each oval loop quantum gravity. This lower deck quantum electrical vertical loop wire is mentioned in Geometry and Light by Ulf Leonhardt and Thomas Philbin pages 29 and 30 discussing Feynman' s interference of the paths in FIG. 2.13. These paths and the pathways in this Hertzian sine cosine metal box springs carry oscillating amplitudes with a phase that is proportional to the optical path length as opposed to the cloaking application would cause interference, but in the use in this broadband metal box springs it creates the interference necessary to connect to the upper deck of the oval loop quantum gravity region because of the red line bending as shown in the article on pages 29 and 30 which in this metal box springs wants this to happen because the path way connects with the top deck oval loop quantum gravity structure to trap the incoming light wave in between the oval loop hole. As stated on page 43 optical conformal mapping, et al., Leonhardt [2006 a] that profile is designed in this Hertzian sine cosine metal box springs such that gravity light rays form closed in upon the Venn dome overlapping oval loop quantum gravity as depicted in FIG. 10, interdigital electrodes oval loop quantum gravity, #119 through #126. Here the light is retroreflected, regardless of direction on both sides of Venn dome overlapping in the oval loop quantum gravity, shown in FIG. 10, #121, #120, #124, #123, respectively, and as stated in Leonhardt, et al., page 48, in this Einstein theory containing terms quadratic in the curvature tensor is renormalizable in flat space perturbation theory. In Physical Review Letters, Vol. 97, 20 Oct. 2006, Asymmetric Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves through a Planar Chiral Structure by V. A. Fedotov discusses transmission of circularly polarized waves through the lossy anisotropic planar chiral structure is asymmetric in the opposite direction. This lossy dielectric can make an effective quasioptical load, but minimizing the reflection coefficient is still a major design consideration because the line wire thickness of the dialectic layers is typically closed to a quarter wave length in the medium, called in this invention refluxtivity. The article in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 102, 20 Feb. 2009, on pages 2-3, specifically indicates the antenna field directivity diagram grid of the waveguides that are elastically flexed and interweaving modes in curved binary arrays of single waveguide excitation dynamics. Page 3 of the same article depicts the same design wave guides in real time process of oscillation modes in binary wave guide arrays which depict specifically this new metal box springs invention. This metal box springs design structure is two co-rotating stripe complex oxide bleeding across the elliptic bleeding Hertzian polarizations design structures. This planar chiral metal box springs structure is reversed when it is observed from opposite sides of the rectangular frame bar angles. Consequently, if a planar chiral structure were to exhibit a transmission polarization effect at normal incidence, the effect would be reversed for an electromagnetic wave propagating in opposite directions. This is a total new way of producing the collection and separation of the light wave in a nano-size negative-refractive metamaterial development design. This refluxtivity is previously known but not widely used as a fundamental phenomenon of electromagnetism. It is a polarization sensitive transmission effect asymmetric with respect to the direction of the wave propagation due to the Hertzian waves which are ruled by phases and parallel striped complex oxides. The new complex oxide design effect and metamaterial resembles the famous nonreciprocity of the Faraday effect in magnetized medium but requires no magnetic field for this method to work. This results from the interaction of an electromagnetic wave with a planar chiral structured patterned on a sub-wavelength scale that selects the spectral ranges. Both in the Faraday effect and that produced by planar chirality, the transmission and retardation of a circularly polarized wave are different in opposite directions. In both cases the polarization eigenstates, i.e., polarization states conserved on propagation, are elliptical and which are called oval loop quantum gravity in this invention. The asymmetry of the Faraday effect applies to the transmission and retardation of the incident circularly polarized wave itself, and the eigenstates of an anisotropic Faraday medium are two elliptically polarized wave of opposite handedness. The planar chirality effect leads to partial conversation of the incident wave into one of opposite handedness, and it is the efficiency of this conversion that is asymmetric for the opposite directions of propagation. The article in Physical Review E, Vol. 75, 2007 Influence of parametric forcing on the nonequilibrium dynamics of wave patterns by S. I. Abarzhi, states that the first principles for a variety of physical systems, such as optical systems, Faraday ripples, and rotating fluids are designs which is the same pattern depicted in the metal box springs which conducts matter into electrical energy of this driven convection in nematic crystals as depicted in the Ginzburg-Landau equation. The Abarzhi article depicts visual diagrams on pages 4-9 showing the wave length amplitude and group velocity in design which specifically depicts the domain around the wave sources that are associated with this metal box springs antenna directivity diagram when it is placed at the time the incident wave hits the surface which undergoes transitional mode in these multiple wavelength designs. Therefore, the metal box springs design is the truest parallel pattern dynamic change in the way in which waveguide propagation direction and process of incoming light wave signals are processed. The Abarzhi article is a landmark in the discussion of design process associated with the metal box springs. The top plate surface of this metal box springs is composed of a thin layer of calcite-opal prism in order to separate white light through the double line refraction that will produce a color prism refraction that will run north to south and down into the cavity of this antenna. This first separating, dividing and selecting of incoming multiple frequency signals to sectorial metamaterial zones on to the transparent crystal surface are through the quantum oval loop connection down to the mirrored lower deck of this antenna. This is related to the article in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 100, 15 Feb. 2008, pages 1-4, Wave-Front by Huygens-Fresnel Principle for Nonlinear Optical Interactions in Domain Engineered Structures by Yi-qiang Qin. The use of ferroelectric domain structures being placed on the north and south of the lines of the metal box springs nonlinear multifunctional properties controls the wave-front through the use electrical carriers through optical lens and prism-like domain morphology. The frequency scanning is processed on this two-deck antenna directivity diagram in order to direct the separating white light into color frequencies for hooking the refluxtivity backward movement in the wave form substance of this metal box springs. The medium is described by a complex energy transmission matrix X for the field amplitudes of the incident of the energy wave which could be either right positive or left negative circular polarization. The introduction of X-wave and Saint Andrew's cross of this energy transmission matrix is transparent cutting diagonally through the separation of the Hertzian wave disconnection in the rectangle horizontal movement of the metal box springs in FIG. 1, #5, #6, FIG. 4, # 78, #84. The opposing X directions of propagation will be mutually transposed for the direction of propagation equality of the diagonal design element of the X's left line which is negative and the X's right diagonal line which is positive right. This implies that losses and retardation are identical for left to right waves as the energy passes along the X and down through this transparent structure. The two diagonal lines of the X make connection as shown in FIG. 2, #34 and #41 which are also connected to the electrical power source. The other two diagonal Xs located in FIG. 2, #35 and #50 are the frequency modulation which glide across the rectangular deck which connects with the downward mode as shown in #36. This X or Saint Andrew's cross is connected to the quantum oval loop gravity as shown in FIG. 1, #29 zero order rediffracted beam which is the controlling point of the incident surface wave. The movement from left to right is switching between left to right diagonally of the incident waves, leads to a change in the intensity band phase of the corresponding left to right on all oval loop quantum gravity design which converts the design wave components. This new propagation phenomenon described by the matrix in the above-mentioned article is a fish-scale planar structure but in this invention it is called metal box springs planar refluxtivity dual structure. This metal box springs design wave sidewall will have a north and south and east and west side wall of complex oxides attached to copper substrate strips alongside superconducting layering. The metal box springs platform scale size is 1 mm thick and is housed in a 20 mmx30 mm rectangle square which ensures that the periodic broadband movement is being manipulated through a macro, micro, nano size dimension that will produce the right connective rhythm and depth for holding and folding the incoming gravity light wave signal. Page 2 of the Abarzhi article visually describes enantiomeric forms that conclusively proves the truth of the metal box springs design and also the connection of FIG. 1, #2, #3, #4, #27, FIG. 4, #72, #73, #77, FIG. 5, #94, # 96, #97, #98, FIG. 6, #100, #101, #105, FIG. 7 #107, FIG. 8, #109, #108, #111 show the planar chiral relaxed position, expanded position, and maxim expansion position of the springs pattern connection that is a unit vector of twist springs that connect the metal box springs wire grid all the way around the rectangle metal frame. These springs, as mentioned above, are discussed in Science, Vol. 311, 14 Jan. 2011, in the articles, A New Twist for Electron Beams, by Rodney Arthur Herring, page 155-156 and Electron Vortex Beams with High Quanta of Orbital Angular Momentum, by John Unguris, pages 192-194. As in this invention spring apparatus is also being described in these articles concerning spiral wave fronts of the electron vortex beam carriers. These helical wave fronts carrying orbital angular momentum are vibrational expanding springs which enhance the phase contrast along the edges of the frame that are diffracted beams from the hologram that rotate in the opposite direction and which are made of a combination of strained gallium arsenide crystal. This is shown in FIG. 6, FIG. 7, and FIG. 8 and are visually shown on page 192, FIG. 1, of the Science journal article. These new types of electron beam lithography will enable the building of this three-dimensional nanostructure in which atoms are packed up, moved, and set in place rapidly and accurately which brings this invention into reality. The 36 empty holes and 36 spring hooks are synchronized along the rectangular pattern rim and each hole point according to the cork-screw law. This cork screw connection rotates in the same direction as the chiral pattern. Then the connection moves along in the same direction as the chiral pattern and then it moves along W vector W invariant to which the side of the pattern definition is applied to the twist vector of the enantiometric patterns antiparallel to the edge of the frame. Now the vector W points along the direction of the structure which is perceived to be clockwise. Similarly, it is perceived to be anticlockwise if W points toward the observer. This metal box springs shows a new asymmetric polarization conversion effect linking together these loosely designed links because the modulations of the light wave correspond exactly to the phase design presentation of this reconjunction amplitude conversion. This concept of using light gravity in a four dimensional rectangle square 20 mmx30 mm 1 mm thick flat space that is using an oval loop quantum gravity connection, is shown in FIG. 1, #29 zero order rediffracted beam. The book, Time, Space and Things by B. K. Ridley, page 95, concerning electromagnetic interactions, states that the magnetic interaction of moving charges produced a bunching effect in the oval loop quantum gravity of the magnetic fields. Also, as stated in Physical Review Letters, 103, 13 Nov. 2009, pages 1-4, Junction to Prove Antiphase s-Wave Pairing in Iron Pnictide Superconductors by Wei-Qiang Chen, the series of multiple complex oxides that are mentioned below are connected to the north side of the wire Hertzian line box springs metal wire. As supported in this article and in this invention these complex oxides, shown in FIG. 1, #5, #6, repetitively parallel striping on the north side of the metal box spring wires in the same pattern formation in FIG. 4, #78, FIG. 5, #87, FIG. 9, #114, FIG. 10, interdigital electrodes oval loop quantum gravity, #119 are all shown on the north side in a repetitive layerings cladded alongside the metal box springs design in transparent complex oxide crystals, as listed here, is placed on the first line closest to the metal box springs is Gd3Ga 5O12, then the next oxides are TbMnO3, and then followed by and cladded to Ni3V2O8, CoCr2O4, Ca3Co2−2x, MnxO6, URu2Si2, YBa2Cu3, O6.5, Tl2Ba2CuO6+, Nd2−x, CexCuO4, Pr1−x, Ca1+x, MnO4, PyNi86Fe14, FeSa, NdFe, AsO, BaFe2Sa2, LaFeAsO, and UGe2. These complex oxides are all strong ferromagnetism uniaxial, magnetic anisotropy, affected by electrical current and the incoming gravity light wave are cladded on to the north side of the metal box springs wire. The next set of complex oxides, listed below, are on the south side of the metal box springs wire and are layered in this order, closest to the metal box springs wire: URhGe, CeNi2Ge2, Sr 2RuO4, CeCu2Si2, PbTiO3, SrTiO3 that constitute polarization reversal as described in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 102, 30 Jan. 2009, pages 1-4, Reversible Chemical Switching of a Ferroelectric Film by R. V. Wang, all the south side layerings are placed alongside on the Hertzian metal box springs and Hertzian multiple wire system as north and south borders of parallel stripe cladded to superconductors and antiferromagnetism separators. The greater concentration of striped layerings of complex oxides gives a greater resulting curvature of space and time combined with the bending of the light wave gravity distortions produced by all the complex oxides and the metamaterial mass of matter, causing the continuum at the edges of this rectangular box springs to bend back on itself and into the folding in a Z phase of the crystal plates. All of these complex oxide parallel stripes and all incoming incident waves are therefore ruled, collected, and selected by these crystal plate edge phases. This is shown in FIG. 1, #27, FIG. 2, #36, # 41 through #44, FIG. 3, #58 through # 66 and FIG. 4 #72, #73, FIG. 5, # 94, #95, #96 and FIG. 9, #114. This overall symmetric metal box springs design form is a combination of a s-wave singlet state and a two folding and holding between the double deck symmetry in p-wave spin triplet state. Also, in an overall view the four-fold west-to-east movement of this symmetry refluxtivity of a d-wave spin state superconducting Tc in a phonon mediated interaction between this metal box springs design creates this realistic mode phase of electronic structural construction of the Ruthenates copper oxides and is the substrate crystal plate located in FIG. 3, #58, the s-wave and p-wave of which is described in Nature, Vol. 450 20/27 Dec. 2007, page 1178. These complex oxides are transparent crystal compounds that are the connection to the second overlapping dome optical oval loop quantum gravity in the tri-junction of these oval loop quantum gravity that make an overlapping Venn diagram connection between the gravity of the incoming signal, the optical crystal metal box springs and the optical-electric connection from the lower deck folding process as shown in FIG. 3, #67 and a close-up of this process in FIG. 10. This electrode design connection of magnetic fields exerts a combinational electrical suppression and expansion force on these two decks to produce the holding of the light waves moving charges. These coordinate oval loop quantum gravity design and wavy wires attract one another, accelerating or decelerating charges radiate electromagnetic waves as shown in diagram A on page 95 depict the oval loop quantum gravity oval design that are shown in FIG. 9, # 117 and line #116 shows the force of the wire carrying electric currents through the center of the oval loop quantum gravity at #118. According to The Applicability of Mathematics as a Philosophical Problem by Mark Steiner the oval loop quantum gravity at FIG. 1, #27 and FIG. 10 are interdigital electrodes oval loop quantum gravity; #124 will be expanded dome and shrunk double continuously to a point to the second deck as shown in FIG. 2, #37, arrow at # 36. The oval loop quantum gravity, punctured through their inner sphere, are simply connected to the quantum electrical vertical loop wire on the second deck. This psi-function is multiple-valued; this oval loop quantum gravity configuration space, such that traversing the oval loop quantum gravity, causes the function to switch values, i.e., adding a phase factor in which all waves are ruled by phrases and parallel complex oxide stripes. Then this oval loop quantum gravity contacts to a point, making the function switch values in an infinitesimal oval loop quantum gravity point, violating continuity. These mirror and material double dome oval loop quantum gravity can be contacted to a point only if it goes around the same oval loop quantum gravity again; then it comes back to its original design value on the surface of the metal box springs. Its original value is to hold together the vast bundle of light waves that are being folded and held in between the metal box springs design and the electrical energy matrix as shown in FIG. 2, #39. Specifically stated in Physical Review Letters, 104, 19 Feb. 2010, pages 1-4, Strong Field Interactions between a Nanomagnet and a Photonic Cavity by Ö, Soykal, this article diagram image depicts the oval loop quantum gravity that are used in the metal box springs connection to the waveguides and the energy source and the gravity that is connected to the electro-optical form; the article further states that in this quantum-mechanical treatment that produces large quantum-coherent magnetic-photon coupling can be achieved in the range of terahertz. Each oval loop quantum gravity produces strong constance coupling between light and electronic transitions permitting coherent transfer of quantum information between two systems, as well as a host of exotic phenomena, including slow light, lasing without population inversion, and index enhancement via quantum coherence, achieving strong coupling between light and electronic transition in solids. Each one of these oval loop quantum gravity as shown in FIG. 1, #2, FIG. 4 #81, FIG. 5, #88, FIG. 9, #118 and the close-up in FIG. 10, interdigital electrodes oval loop quantum gravity, # 119 through #126 depicts the strong ferromagnet nanomagnet quantum loop quantum gravity electric dipole transition state design that is made of a transparent optical yttrium ion garnet layered across the oval loop quantum gravity on the first overlapping ring. The quantum wire length, width, and multiple layering guides the light wave in horizontal, parallel, vertical and crisscross paths that control the refluxtivity folding and holding of the movement of the incoherent incoming light wave and the re-diffraction coherent outgoing wave frequency that captures the full broadband along the stationary wire metal box springs design that re-captures the outgoing light wave in the full frequency spectrum of light wave. In Physical Review Letters. Vol. 98, 2 Feb. 2007, pages 1-2, Controllable Coupling of Superconducting Flux Qubits, by S. H. W. van der Ploeg, the key coupling between the oval loop quantum gravity as shown in FIG. 1, #7, and FIG. 10, interdigital electrodes oval loop quantum gravity, #124 is the electromagnetic connection between the lower deck electric wave wire guide shown in #126. This metal box springs oval loop quantum gravity and wave connection contain the three Josephson junctions that produce shared strong qubit-coupler interaction through this quantum Josephson mutual inductance and the use of ferromagnetic materials in this metal box springs pattern is a well-defined antenna directivity diagram grid wave shaping circuit hooking the refluxtivity of the frequency relay system in this antenna process.