Play2Earn heat & pressure in tha blockchain.

in #blockchain7 months ago

I kind of like seeing so much pressure and heat that some new Hive projects are receiving these days. Especially those Play2Earn ones which promise to deliver so many feats, perks, wealth and prosperity for their supporters and early adopters.

Yeah, because I suppose that as long as they stay busy with the development of their projects. That they have to take care that things go as they imagine they should go. And overall, in order to continue maintaining the unconditional and blind support that they are getting from the community at the moment without yet showing any tangible results.

There is no wonder that this will have their little videogamer brains distracted, busy and entertained in other more important things such as maintaining their high reputation, self-esteem and trust in them within the chain. Enough as to keep them for a long time away from their boredom only having to be attentive of who around here are obtaining too high rewards from their content creation, "adjusting" them according to their sick criterion.

Yeah, because I suspect that if they are not yet able to show concrete facts. Real infrastructure and solid tangible results that people and all those who have invested in their projects can already test. This at least will keep them pretty busy crunching numbers, to as minimum have to be attentive to how many HP delegations they have received so far and from whom in order to pay the daily dividends that they have promised to all those who have been supporting them and therefore they wouldn't have time to dedicate themselves to anything else.

I really wish the best of luck to everyone involved in these projects. Just as I also wish good luck to all those who have invested in them and have very high hopes and expectations that their investments and money will multiply in a very short time.

I have never truly been a fan of video games. I've never really been a video gamer. Not on video game consoles, on PCs, online, on the blockchain or anywhere else. Therefore I never had the opportunity to waste so much time on entertainment, distraction, vanity and useless things.

And perhaps it's why I don't care about video games here very much or that these can attract my attention too much to the point of thinking that in some way they can contribute in something to my well-being or the well-being of anyone else as to try to play-to-earn them and be able to understand them well in the process.

But don't listen to me. You to yours. You do yours. It's just me, that I'm already too old for video games and I've already seen too many things in this "decentralized" utopia that are not what they seem and therefore I'm already cured of frightfulness.

So, for now, I will remain just content for a while as long as more of them stay busy, distracted and entertained building their new gaming utopias. That they stay busy trying to fulfill their commitments with the community. And staying away & stop of interfering with serious other people business in matters that actually do not concern them at all.


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Games are a waste of time, the most valuable resource we have.
But if these projects attract at least a few buyers of the hive, then let them play)))

Games are a waste of time, the most valuable resource we have.

Yeah, the most valuable resource we have. ¿Isn't that true? Regardless of the fact that there are already some of us who don't have much left.

But if these projects attract at least a few buyers of the hive, then let them play)))

Alright! I hear you. Then, let me continue playing the game I was playing before my time runs out. ;o)
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