ICO SSOT Health - A new approach to medicine

in #blockchain7 years ago


Have you at any point changed family specialists? Have you at any point needed to contact your past specialist to send therapeutic archives? Assuming this is the case, at that point you know how awkward and baffling the way toward sending and accepting information on social insurance.

Plainly the current social insurance framework, the way to deal with treatment and the arrangement of value administrations and items are obsolete. Present day calculations for the development and investigation of therapeutic data convolute the examination of information, rectify basic leadership and treatment. With the approach of blockchain innovation, it wound up conceivable to redesign the system of medicinal data and the restorative framework in general.

With the assistance of SSOT Health, patients have information about their wellbeing, as they are attached to the worldwide patient identifier. Each time a patient interfaces with the social insurance framework, their information is then put away in the patient's approved dispersed framework. We should take a gander at this venture in more detail.

about the task

SSOT Health positions itself as a stage for future wellbeing. They center around the improvement of worldwide wellbeing and reveal the energy of patient-arranged data through the adaptation of information, in this manner presenting another model in the therapeutic biological community.

SSOT Health offers a medicinal services arrangement in view of a blockbuster that enables you to make a typical therapeutic data database open to specialists and suppliers from anyplace and whenever.

The arrangements specified above will be incorporated into three fundamental applications:

SecuredPHR - a progressive - based progressive Personal Health Record (PHR) application is a database that stores and updates every medicinal record. Therapeutic information are dependably ensured and can be coordinated into any medicinal framework.

SecuredPharma is a square - based Pharma application for enhancing acquisition and conveyance forms that helps people, providers and makers in the store network and lessens appropriation time by 90%!

SecuredClaims - application SSOT on the piece to deal with the complexities of protection cases and assurance against misrepresentation. This adds to bring down costs for protection administrations while enhancing their quality.

Because of the decentralized wellbeing base of SSOT, medicinal client information will dependably be accessible and utilized for the expected reason. Patients can deal with their information themselves and transmit them as required, without expect that they might be harmed, modified or utilized without their assent wrongfully. Likewise, SSOT Health enables you to store extraordinary therapeutic documentation utilizing an advantageous structure and an unmistakable interface.

Advantages of the SSOT Health idea

Access to wellbeing data (paying little respect to what electronic therapeutic framework they utilized);

Higher security and privacy;

Lessening the time spent for specialists, so there is more opportunity to nurture patients;

More powerful trade of research results to encourage new restorative and remedial strategies for illness (medicinal history information fixing to the worldwide patient identifier);

This stage arrangement enables you to offer better therapeutic administrations to patients, enhance income and give ideal patient care, and also bring down expenses;

Worldwide similarity;

Conveyed information adaptation (in view of Ethereum piece framework and keen contract).

Token conveyance:

It ought to be noticed that 500 million SEHR tokens will be offered through pre-deal and deal, and another 500 million tokens are held for the group, reserve and group.


The venture group comprises of youthful, however excited engineers who have involvement in the field of wellbeing examination and arrangements identified with bar. SSOT Health pulled in a group of specialists, comprising of specialists and investigators in related fields, to guarantee an exceptional yield on venture for financial specialists and guarantee a steady development of the task. A rundown of colleagues and counsels can be found on the undertaking site.


The SSOT Health venture expects to systematize data and actualize a sound security foundation in the human services industry, which diminishes expenses and makes the therapeutic framework more productive and important. This can truly tackle a large number of the issues related with cybersecurity of information, their capacity, communication, and at last give a sufficient way to deal with the utilization of these patients. I trust that the possibility of ​​the venture is deserving of consideration and they have a decent shot of accomplishment.

SSOT Health venture points of interest:

• Project site: https://www.ssothealth.org

• Twitter: https://twitter.com/ssothealth

My bountyhive user name : kalumsri


good ideas and great team .. i'm sure this project will attract more investors and I also believe this project will be much better in the future,good luck