
Hey. It seems as an good project. Could you tell me what the coin should can? I think the coin should can Proof-of-Work but also Proof-of-Stake or other thinks of earnings. It would be good, if you tell us, how the coin grows :D

Hello Daniprog,

I appreciate your interest. Proof-of-Work? Proof-of-Stake? Haha, right now it's a Proof-of-LIFE!
All jokes aside, This would be Proof-of-Work when finally completed. The main purpose of EncryptNode is data security. Ultimately we'll use the blockchain to store user data and analytics. The blockchain will be maintained by the community and secured via the SHA256 encryption. Currently, the project is live and minable, but stay tuned to see the primary implementation of the technology coming soon.

Thanks again,

Is the Mining (PoW) public or only for family? Cause i dont find your exe file to mine :D