We all know that internet has become a common thing for all people in this era. Most of the world population know and use the internet in their daily life, and almost all internet player is a social media user. About 2.5 billion people are an active internet and social media user. Social media is an amazing technology and platform on the internet that can connect people from anywhere, anytime with an easy and simple way. With social media we can connect with some famous and influencer people, we can search an old friend and much more.
The problem
Another amazing thing from the internet is cryptocurrency. Basically, cryptocurrency is a new solution for many things in the financial sector. With cryptocurrency or token, we can transfer money (in a form of a token) with low fees and in an easy way. But the problem is just 1% of internet user know about this cryptocurrency and use it. Cryptocurrency is still unfamiliar with most people. a lot of people say that they don’t understand cryptocurrency and how to use it. It needs some requirement they don’t know. It’s such a shame that an amazing thing on the internet is to remain unknown for most internet user. So Social Wallet comes and tries to combine two amazing internet platform become one so people will easy to recognize and use it.
Social Wallet integrating Cryptocurrency into Social Media

Social Wallet is a blockchain based platform that allows token or cryptocurrency to be sent and transfer to social media. It’s really simple such as giving likes or comments on social media. We all just need to make sure our friend or people whom we want to send token also use the social wallet as well. Social wallet uses WIRE as its utility token that can be used to all sending or transferring activity in the platform. WIRE is the first token listed on the platform that can be used and send to social media.
Social Wallet can act as an exchanger who can list the cryptocurrency in the platform and give access our cryptocurrency transfer on social media. As now Social Wallet integrated with Facebook, Twitter and email. In the future, it will integrate with more 14 social networks across the world. Social Wallet also created a Zero Knowledge Recipient protocol so when a user sends token to a person on social media, the recipient doesn’t need to know beforehand or doesn’t need to the pre-downloaded wallet. The recipient only will have a notification on their social media account that someone already sent some crypto to them. They will have a link to accept the token then Social Wallet populates it then the token is ready in their wallet. This protocol is the first achieved in crypto technology until now.
What can I use this platform for?

The point is to transfer or send some crypto to other people in an easy, simple, quick, secure and familiar way. For example, you follow some influencer on the facebook or twitter, one day he/she share some useful tips and trick which you really need at the moment. To show your gratitude you send him/ she some token or crypto. More example, someone you follow raises a funding for some misfortune people and you interested to join the fund, all you need to do is send the token into their social media without any difficulty even though you are in a different country as him/she. It can be used for a further purpose like when you want to buy something from an online shop and the seller also use social wallet you can transfer your payment to this platform.
If you interested to use this platform you can buy WIRE token $0.15 USD per token. you can buy it from February 7th until 27th April 2018.
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