What is a Cryptocurrency?
Is a digital currency which is equivalent to fiat money, used as a tool of exchange for financial transactions secured with cryptography. Currently, corporations all over the world caters and considers cryptocurrencies as payment in exchange of their goods and services.
Below are some currencies that you may find in the Blockchain:
- Ethereum (ETH)
- Ripple (XRP)
- Litecoin (LTC)
- Litecoin (LTC)
- Monero (XMR)
- Bitcoin (BTC)
and may more...
What makes crypto more interesting aside from its correlation to our traditional paper money is that we can use it as well in investing by means of trading - buying low, sell high. It's a good investment and as of today (February 10, 2020) 1Bitcoin is $10,174.10. Not bad right? If you are already into this type of asset, you may want to consider earning few more cryptocurrencies during your spare time and it's for FREE!
So, here are some ways that you may earn Cryptocurrencies:
- Freebitcoin
You may redeem your FREE satoshi every one hour. There are many ways to earn them in this site: Free Roll, Betting. Multiplying BTC, Lottery, Contests and many more ways.
- Coinpot
This is a digital wallet used to store Dogecoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin, BitcoinCash and Dash. Each coins mentioned have their respective websites where you can redeem for free. The good thing about this site is that even though you're not logged in the the coins are still being generated. Here are the sites linked to the site:'
- Moonbitcoin (http://moonbit.co.in/?ref=7f932cee1164)
- Moonlitecoin (http://moonliteco.in/?ref=8aa9f6342540)
- Moondogecoin (http://moondoge.co.in/?ref=a6018510d666)
- Moondashcoin (http://moondash.co.in/?ref=812D1C115024)
- MoonBitcoincash (http://moonbitcoin.cash/?ref=7235174CA43A)
- BitFun (http://bitfun.co/?ref=94FCD3434520)
- Bonus Bitcoin (http://bonusbitcoin.co/?ref=CCF7B7E4640F)
Aside from redeemable coins, Coinpot also have other means of FREE earning such as lottery, Multipliers and challenges. The site also have a coverter where you can convert one coin to other.
- BitcoinBlast (Mobile Game)
Downloadable for IOS and Android users. It is a mobile game that helps earn satoshi and are redeemable when the limit is reached. Earned satoshis are sent directly to your coinbase wallet. You may claim every 5 days.
- Cryptopop (Mobile Game)
Available for android and IOS. Ethereum coins may be claimed here and are sent directly to your coinbase wallet. Redeems may be done every after 2 days.
Hopefully, all information provided above can help. Enjoy earning FREE coins!
Nice Mits!!
idol nako ning ng.comment.. haha.