How can AI on the blockchain disrupt our everyday lives?

in #blockchain7 years ago

With the recent advancements in the Artificial Intelligence field, it’s safe to say that almost every industry and field of business will be disrupted by it, in some form or another. Three common areas are on everyone’s watch list.

Automating the boring stuff

Clerk jobs and repetitive tasks that currently require the human finesse and reason are going to be some of the first areas where AI systems will take over. With technologies like natural language processing and computer vision, companies will be able to implement script based scenarios for virtually any situation that the AI might encounter.

Analytics on steroids!

Using advanced machine learning algorithms, organizations and individuals alike will be able to detect patterns in significant data lakes. These algorithms granted that they are fed the right data could predict what a particular demographic is likely to buy, automate personalized marketing experiences and provide insurance companies with never-before-seen insights into their customers’ behavior.

Healthcare revolution

By using AI systems, doctors and healthcare industry professionals could discover new drugs for incurable diseases and even spot symptoms earlier than the conventional medicine praxis can. With AI, eventually, the holy grail of healthcare will be achieved, and that is to create a personalized health plan suited for your specific needs down the DNA level, machine learning could achieve this soon!


Enter Invacio: the next iteration of AI?

Having developed a multi-agent AI system for the last five years, the team over at Invacio have decided to take their complex system called Jean on the blockchain. With the help of the distributed computing power and scalability that a decentralized infrastructure brings, Invacio is ready to tackle some of the world’s most pressing problems by revolutionizing areas like:

  • Online Privacy
  • Exchange Markets
  • Research and Development
  • Communications
  • Counter-terrorism Measures

The current ecosystem caters to multiple industries around the globe. Using deep learning techniques aid in decision making or the computing of stock exchange scenarios. They also have business intelligence solutions based on AI, that once deployed, they can find the optimal solution to the task at hand, given the right data of course.

Users will be able to tell how their product or company is perceived in the public eye, as Jean’s web crawlers bots can scour the internet to find the most relevant data for any given task.

The Invacio Coin

So, naturally, if you want to partake in this ambitious project you can by purchasing the Invacio Coin. This utility token will give you access to all of the platforms’ features. The Tamius decentralized system, Financially relevant data and an immediate store of value that will be available on a select range of exchanges as soon as the ICO phase is over.

The public sale is up and running until the 7th of May 2018, and all unsold tokens will be burned to ensure a fair market value. The total number of tokens is 150 million INV, and the current Hard Cap is set at 100 million USD.

Check to find out more about this opportunity!


Great read! The potential of Blockchain definitely seems unlimited, but could it cause issues much like the industrial revolution. People could take issue with bots taking people's jobs?