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RE: I'm a shill for blockchain

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

Great post. I have some reflections from my experience in life and crypto world.

First, I believe that when we look at crypto we also have to admit that there is a lot of material for shillers. An investment sector with returns year-to-year in last 12 months of about 1000-2000% in something that attracts shillers like a cake attracts ants. And people usually, before speaking with you, enters in contact with this category of people. Internet ads, guys that say "i will made you rich with BTC, just give me your money", shittin ICO's promoters, etc. So, in my opinion, you don't have to wonder for these episodes

Maybe, the average user will easier distinguish shillers from genuine adopter if there was a bigger risk disclousure. What are the risk of adopting an unregulated tecnology? My crypto has a good project, but what is daily volatility? I am not saying that anyone who promotes a new thing without a risk disclousure is a shiller.

But I had some experience in pseudo-shilling activities: I have done more than 3 years of political activism. I storngly believed in what I was doing, it was all gratis, no money, only ideas and great people. When we went to public events, to make flash mob or "informative" actions, the most important thing was think like the person you were talking with. I really believe in the aims of my organization, so i everytime started admitting that "yes, there are some problems but..".
Simply, when you talk with people that are out of your ideas, they start with their interpretations and their prejudices. It is not bad or good, it is simply natural. You have to change their mind, but maybe give some space to "counterindication" can be an useful way to approach people.