Blockchain rolled up in the US, more than triple the patent application

in #blockchain5 years ago

China overwhelms other countries, including the United States and South Korea, in blockchain-related patent applications.

Asamuzu, a Japanese research firm, surveyed blockchain-related patents issued by five countries in the United States, China, Japan, Korea, and Germany from 2009 to 2018, accumulating 12,000 cases. (Local time) reported.

China has filed about 7600 patents during this period. This is three times the size of the United States, accounting for over 60% of the total.

According to the research firm, the number of patent applications was about 100-200 cases per year by 2014. However, it has exploded since 2015, and China has surpassed the United States in patent applications since 2016.

In the same period, Korea and Japan filed about 1159 and 380 patents, respectively.

By company, Alibaba Group took the first place with a total of 512 patents. After that, the UK-based nchain ranked second and third with 468 and IBM with 248. CHAIN ​​is a blockchain startup founded by senior researcher Craig Wright, one of Bitcoin's earliest winners.

Blockchain has been attracting attention due to cryptocurrency, but companies are applying this technology in various fields. Alibaba is actively introducing blockchain technology to its Alipay electronic payment platform. Logistics also tracks the movement of manufactured products to block counterfeits and uses them to transfer money between Hong Kong and the Philippines.

Wal-Mart, the nation's largest distribution chain, is also testing the adoption of blockchain in logistics data management and food safety systems. Honda Motor has partnered with BMW to develop a system for centrally managing parking and highway tolls.

Governments are also participating in the blockchain boom. The People's Bank of China (PBOC) has established a cryptocurrency research institute for the development of new technologies targeting blockchain patents. Both the People's Bank of China and the Swedish Central Bank are reportedly preparing for digital currencies.

According to International Data Corporation, the blockchain solution market will reach about $ 15.9 billion in 2023, more than six times the growth of 2019.

Hideto Kono said, "Businesses without patents can face obstacles in paying fees," he said.