Blockchain public and private

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


Source of the image was modified in CorelDRAW

Certainly the topic that I intend to address is how the public and private blockchain work, however I believe that I must make a preamble and describe very briefly what is blockchain for those new users that are integrating to the steemit platform.

The blockchain its translation into Spanish means "chain of blocks" that chain of blocks is a very well structured system and structured as an accounting book where each block is responsible for keeping a large amount of financial information, but currently this block chain we are using to store any type of information susceptible to be saved under this scheme.

The best part is that this block chain becomes a very secure database because of the number of users known as (nodes) these nodes are those that have the function of verifying all the transactions and in a direct way only the creators of the blocks.

It really is not very difficult to understand the operation and assimilate all the information that can be found. There are many links where you can document about it.

In the following image it is explained graphically:

Source of the image

Let's go into the subject, how does the public and private blockchain work?

I think many will agree with me. The chain of blocks is here to stay, unless there is a big explosion but in all the equipment or systems that serve as replicators and verifiers of the chain of blocks worldwide, since this information is stored in each of them and is a faithful copy and thanks to these copies is that you can reconstruct the information that may be susceptible to loss or damage at some point in that chain.

Definition of public blockchain:

Source of the image

A public blockchain, also called open, as its name implies, is one in which anyone can join the network and collaborate with the update of the chain. This means that any member of the community in question can review the information contained in the verified blocks and participate in the process of verification of operations without any type of restriction..

One of the main chains of public blocks is the Bitcoin, after reading and carrying out an exhaustive investigation in many readings they describe it as public.

A very important feature is decentralization because thanks to that independence a better performance is achieved and any person in the world who wants and can maintain the impression of the block chain as long as it meets specific requirements can participate.

In addition, they get benefits or incentives as long as they do it correctly, the way they get benefit is with bitcoin but there is a condition to be able to have them, there must be a cryptographic verification.

All of them produce information that is registered in the database, and they can access it, since it will be distributed and only having an internet connection massively achieves that all these data are incorporated into their teams and are willing to keep the database, thanks to it large communities can be formed.

Definition of private blockchain:

Source of the image

A private blockchain, also known as closed blockchain, is one that is owned by an individual or institution, which is why it is not allowed for anyone to enter the community and add blocks to the chain. In fact, in order to join the network, it would be necessary to receive an invitation from the network developers.


As the private theory says, it is very clear that not everyone has permission and they do not have access to this type of blockchain, only those that belong to that closed circle can make records in the database, this database will be in private or central servers and only the administrators of these will grant the necessary permissions to be able to access, in many cases only the specific clients that were already registered can enter.

To get access to a private one, you must keep in mind that you have to comply with regulations, rules and requirements to be there.

The verification of the data will always be centralized, that is one of its characteristics the centralization of the chain of blocks.

The incentive that can be received by those who maintain this database will be their own interest since they have the obligation to do it correctly in order to have a reputation on that platform.


Source of the image

Almost always my wife reads the post that I will publish, I can say that she is my editor in chief, she does not know much about the topic, so she asked me for a very simple explanation of how the private and public blockchain works,
I came up with this example:

Source of the image

Imagine that an apartment is a private blockchain where only you are the administrator, the only one that decides which doors are opened, which are closed and which are kept open over all the main entrance, this means that access is limited that only few can go through that door or only to whom she gives permission.

She is the boss and administrator and she is the one who grants the entrance, but even nobody can change those rules unless she decides.

Source of the image

With regard to the public is that everyone can enter a place and leave, of course complying with some rules as in the private but despite these rules is still public and it turns out that someone who is within this blockchain sees something placed in a form that prevents free access and decides to move it to one side to allow free unfolding and follow.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages, the blockchain is relatively new with only seven (7) years of its creation, which means that it is currently in the process of improvement within the blockchain technology, in any case they are being used to store any type of information, its scope reaches the medical and scientific as well as economic.

The evolution of this blockchain technology will only be defined by its use both public and private and the need for them will depend on the environment where and how they are used, it can be seen that the public will grow more in the future, all those who interact in it participate in improvements for its improvement and is happening at this time when you read this post and is happening in all parts of the world, we know that its development is constantly evolving.

Certainly the future is uncertain the private blockchain may have a takeoff, however I consider that the access to be able to belong to it is so limited and that would slow it down, I clarify that this is my totally objective point of view.

Original from José Lanz

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Nicely written piece. Your description and explanation of the Blockchain is easy to follow and understand. Thank you for sharing

Dear @r2cornell

Thank you for visiting my publication, try to be the simplest to just achieve that ..

I appreciate your visit very much. A hug.

Thanks for the clear explanation. I'm sure many will benefit from it by finally understanding a bit more about what a blockchain is.

Dear @majes.tytyty

Hello very honored that you visit my publication, I always read many publications of the blockchain but in many cases I must read several times to understand it and then I take it to my field to explain it.

I appreciate your visit very much. A hug.

Hello my friend @lanzjoseg thank you for sending me your memo, I really appreciate your time taking me on your list for sharing the link.

Thanks a lot for the explanation. I'm pretty sure many people will benefit from it.

This is very clear and for now I got it, I know a bit more about what a blockchain is. Very simple ...!!!

Very informative post to educate about the benefits and case of uses of the blockchain!

Hi @lanzjoseg

In my opinion, private blockchains are very helpful for business owners or for people who manages confidential / private information.

For example, selling stuff requires to handle personal data like shipping address, name, etc. As a customer, I don't want to see my personal data in a public blockchain.

Other examples are accounting records, marketing data, logistics information and so on.

It seems that private blockchains are similar to BAAS (Blockchain as a service). Maybe they will replace cloud computing.

Good morning my friend and brother. I hope you and your family are fine and... I am very happy you explained this in an easy way (smart wife you have) since frequently the explanations are done in a way only those who are already familiar with the subject can understand.

The pictures fit great to it (some need to see it instead of reading it).

I agree private and public both have their benefits I guess it depends on what you are looking for or want what turns out to be best.

I wish you all a day with 🌞, 💕 and happiness. I share your post

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Dear @wakeupkitty

Hello my good friend, I am very happy that you liked me and that it was also very well understood. If this world of the blockchain needs a lot of reading to be at the forefront, I did my best to be very didactic, use the technique I use in the university, I always tell my students, that there are two types of students who understand why they read and those who understand what they hear, but in this case it is what they can see.

I appreciate your visit very much. A hug.

Here we say there are 2 kinds of people: the ones who are able to read and understand and the 'image thinkers'. The last group has it hard since education is never based on them it is all books and studying by reading.

The image thinker needs a picture or sees someone do it to understand. Frequently they are very smart but society does not invest in them as in the old days where you watched the teacher/master and knew how to do it.

With your article, you made this possible and your students have luck with you teaching them.

Happy Easter with 🌞 and 💕 for you and your family, xxx Kitty

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Hello @lanzjoseg. Very good article, thank you for making me aware.

I appreciated your comment:

The chain of blocks is here to stay...

While this is a very true statement, it might be good to clarify. The blockchain is trustless, solving the Byzantine general issue. As such, it is great for auditing purposes, but makes for a lousy data base. So, while blockchain has a place in the future infrastructure of technology, as evidenced by patents by large corporations, it is not always the best solution. It is yet another tool.

Not all blockchains are about coins and tokens. And within the coin and token space, there is proof of work and proof of stake and a number of variations.

It is good that you are continuing to educate on blockchain and what it means. Thank you again for your article.

Hi friend @guysellars.

You are absolutely right, the Blockchain is not just currency, in my article I mentioned that, it is currently being used for many things because, like all of us, we handle this information less than the chain of blocks is used to store any type of information, the point of becoming used by medicine and by science.

Here in steemit are some Venezuelan doctors who make good publications and only talk about medicine and that's good because we all have access to that information.

I will dedicate to treat other similar subjects.

I'm very happy that you visit my post.

Hello friend, first let me congratulate you on your presentation, the way you give us the information is very nice.

At a general level you always show us educational texts, quite good and very useful, what attracts me the most information is that the blockchain is available to everyone, and we can all see the transactions and everything that happens, although anonymously , it's transparent.

It is impressive what happens after publishing, all the processes that are put in place to transmit the information and the assessment procedure, everything is precise and perfect, almost magical.

Thank you for sharing your information, it is a pleasure to visit you.

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Private blockchain,
The risk is too great.
I have several private blockchains was frozen by the official.
It only give you a sentence: You violated the rules!
No matter how you complain? how to ask questions?
It is still mechanical Reply for you: You violated the rules!
So participate in a private blockchain,
In the end, it only wastes time and money.

Dear @cloudblade.

Hello friend, you are quite right I have read that in several parts the private blockchain is very limiting, if you see the example that you use for the private blockchain. Use an apartment or a house, where the administrator that in this case is my wife is the one in control, so the users, I mean, I always have to lose. :D :D

But I still always love my wife, and everyone who is married can understand my analogy.

I appreciate your visit very much. A hug.

Wonderful metaphor !
want them, also afraid of being hurt !

Private blockchains at the moment are still seen as an overcomplication to centralised storage and while single point of failure is real and I'm sure there are other benefits companies won't switch over because they are tired to service providers.

I think a few startups will try to use private blockchains to disrupt the space by providing a cheaper alternative but it won't make much impact in terms of general public use in the near feature.

Dear @chekohler

Yes friend. It is a bit complicated this world of the blockchain but it is as its name says, if it is private it is also limited only few can and make the decisions.

I appreciate your visit very much. A hug.

I really enjoyed this post and i have really gain more knowledge about the blockchain.
A well explained post.
Kudos to you friend!
Keep on the great informative work...Welldone friend @lanzjoseg

Dear @adewararilwan.

Thank you, friend, I loved knowing that it was very useful for you,
my publication

I appreciate your visit very much. A hug.

Thanks for researching and explaining.
I will continue reading, and I will understand the concepts better.
Vote, repeat and share on twitter.
Happy life.

Dear @mariita52

Thanks for visiting my publication, I'm glad you liked it.

A hug.

An excellent explanation about the chain of blocks, with each explanation I understand a little more, the truth is that it seems complicated, the good is governed by rules and these protect the system

@lanzjoseg apoyado

Una excelente explicacion sobre la cadena de bloques, con cada explicación entiendo un poco más, la verdad es que pareciera complicado, lo bueno es se rige por reglas y estas protegen al sistema

Gracias mi querida amiga, tu siempre tan consecuente conmigo. Me alegra mucho que esta publicacion haya sido de mucho provecho para ti.

Very nice work, Jose. I'm impressed. Well written and easy to understand. I can't imagine how much research came beforehand! Keep it up.


Dear @steeminganarchy

Thanks friend. a great pleasure that you have liked and that my publication is very easy to understand it. If I do a lot of research, however, thanks to my wife's question, I was able to develop it better, the way to explain it.

I appreciate your visit very much. A hug.

Looks like a very well written and informative article...will need to read it again when the coffee kicks in! Sending transfer seems to be an effective way to be seen...but some steemians will see it as spam. I would have thought this...not knowing who are to begin with. I suppose the fine line here is subjective. It helps to be thoughtful about it though!

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Hello Friend @creativesoul.

I hope you are very well.

You are quite right with your appreciation is a very thin line, but I think that in some cases we must risk, if you consider that your article is worthwhile that others read it send the memo. But an advice do not send less than 0.009 I think 0.001 if it's spam, but that's my appreciation.

I did a lot of research on the subject, but my wife was the one who asked the question and tried to find the best way to explain these blockchain.

I'm very happy that you visit my post.

Great article, but, next time, skip the memo! You spent a lot of $$ doing that. I appreciate the information!


Dear @dswigle.

Thanks for your suggestion, I just wanted to get all those that I think can visit my publication, and when one sends 0.001 there if it seems spam for that reason I sent that amount to note that it is not spam

And you can visit my publication.

But I'll keep it in mind.

Thanks for the shipping. of using the tipu account.

I'm very happy that you visit my post.

My pleasure. Always.

Public Blockchain will be more Transperant. Stay blessed.@lanzjoseg, Very knowledgeable piece and definitely it will empower with knowledge regarding the Blockchain. And in my opinion

Thank you 🙏🏽 😊

If for me personally or public, we just have to see the benefits, maybe if our public can interact with various people from around the world ..

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Dear @anitacarolina

That is the intention of the public block chain, however, it has many scopes.

I appreciate your visit very much. A hug.

You are welcome @lanzjoseg😄

Posted using Partiko Android

My regards, brother @lanzjoseg.

First I want to congratulate you for the presentation and the writing. It is easy to absorb, very pleasant and dynamic.

I must thank you and also @ jadams2k18, you with your latest publications managed to clarify some doubts I had been doing for some time.

Regarding the subject of your publication:
"Private Blockchain" sounds like a contradiction to me.
One of the principles of blockchain technology is its public characteristic. This allows the inviolability of the data which is distributed in all the nodes of the network.

I imagine that it should work well in some intranet. That is, the network is private, but the distribution of the data is done following the principles of blockchain. Partitioning into blocks that are distributed.

Extraordinary post. You can describe with simple words a somewhat complicated subject for those who do not have computer knowledge, such as the operation of the blockchain.

Personally I think that the public blockchain will have a greater scope and future development than the public one that will be for the use of a small group of people or applications.

Greetings @lanzjoseg

Hello, again my dear friend!

And what happens with the cryptocurrencies of the private blockchain? Only a select group can use them? Are they private too?

Are they more valuable than the public ones? Or stronger before volatility?

Maybe, they could offer a more stable token

Imagine that Facebook, Youtube, Microsoft create their own blockchain. Would their cryptos be more stable or less? Will they offer less volatility?

What do you think?

Stay in touch!

Both private and public blockchain can be a mainstream technology, or even a hybrid of both. The primary goal is their business model and technological roadmap. People will always use a technology they see relevant to their lives. And as a end user or customers we still have a voice or the power to use or not to use these kind of technology, or atleast make some choices to use private or public blockchains.

Let us see how these two develop.

You are sharing some good info here. Private blockchain projects are going to be a big part of the future of tech. It is not a bad field to get into if you are young. A lot of private chains will be used for supply management. There are project that aim to do that but some companies might try to do it in house. Also for record keeping. We are just at the start of all this.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dear @stever82

Thanks for going read my post.
I commented this post was born by the suggestion of a friend, however I gave more strength to the investigation of the subject, since my wife asked me to please explain what the public and private block chain consists of.

Thank you for your kind comment, from Venezuela I send you a big hug very fraternal.

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I don't know if sending out all those memos was the right thing to do on your part. You could've just asked for a vote via Discord without the extra transactions.

Friend @guiltyparties

I am very grateful for your advice. I try to reach more users who share my passion in this platform.

Next time I will take your word.

A big arm from Venezuela, a country that fights for its freedom.

Anytime man. Not everyone's the same but I usually upvote when people ask on Discord or Steem Chat. Feel free to send links, lots of people do already.

Hey I have received your message!!

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spt-sale-2-day.jpg🎁 Dear @omsoc,

Dear @omsoc

Thanks for visiting my blog, friend

I appreciate your visit very much. A hug.

All your publications are always educative. I gained a lot about block chain.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think more people need to be putting more articles like this online that help explain block chain in many different ways to people. Private and public chains are something a lot of people may not be of aware of.

Someone new getting into the crypto game, may make a bad investment or back something they don't mean to under false assumptions, assuming it's a public league traded coin as opposed to a privately traded point... Case in point, BTC and TBC.. Very close name but totally different in use and ownership rights.

Thank you for posting this article!

Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

🎁 Hi @lanzjoseg! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

Dear @lanzjoseg

I only had a chance to read your publication just now (it's a bit to old to upvote).

Great and solid explanation. I must admit that until lately I didn't hear about private blockchain.

The chain of blocks is here to stay

Yep. We're on the same page here. I cannot see any other technology replacing blockchain anytime soon.

since this information is stored in each of them and is a faithful copy and thanks to these copies is that you can reconstruct the information that may be susceptible to loss or damage at some point in that chain

I always had a trouble understanding where those copies are being stored. I mean: all blockchains must be absorbing huge amount of space. Where are all those copies being stored? And how are those copies synchronized? Till now I'm not really sure.

Almost always my wife reads the post that I will publish, I can say that she is my editor in chief,

Hahaha :) Same here. My wife does edit pretty much everything.

ps. do you see future for private blockchains?


Blockchain is the future of everything. Soon everything will run on the blockchain and type of error is being less.