Why My Social Network is Abandoning Hive

in #blockchain4 years ago

A week or so ago, I wrote a nice post about how I was using IPFS on top of Hive, to create a truly P2P Reddit alternative. While I'm still going to be using IPFS to distribute posts and content, I've decided to build my own blockchain instead.

Hive is great, but every website I've seen using Hive has the same content as Hive.blog. This is a bit problematic when users want to step away from Hive for a completely new perspective. I don't know if I'm going to reward user interactions or not, but I'm thinking of a distributed hashing model, where users must find a nonce for every one of their interactions on the network: likes, posts, shares, comments, etc. They're all going to require the user, and not the network to show proof of work. My thinking is that this'll cut down on SPAM within the network, and since no one will be competing to solve complex math, not much wasted electricity either. My blocks will be considered completed when all the data within them produces a certain amount of zeros when hashed (thinking 4 for both the block and the user interactions).

If I do decide to reward my users, the coin will go to the last interaction within a particular block before it's solved. I'm going to create network benefits one can use the coin for (like placing a post at the top of all your subscribers' reading lists). If anyone has any other ideas for this, I'd love to hear them.

Thanks for the read.