To understand the future we need to study history.
In Januari 1993 there where 50 web servers operating in the entire world.
By October the same year the total amount of webservers grow to 500 servers.
That is a increase of 1000%.
Is this where the blockchain technology is today ?
If we would now compare the early internet with, the new internet that is emerging.
The core values in en early internet were:
Friends all over the world
Part of our every day life
Are these values still identifying internet? Or are they describing blockchain technology?
Like the Onion network, the Safe browser(MaidSafeCoin) and Steemit.
I can see that Steemit fits all of these characteristics, but Facebook does not.
I am sharing a short video i found on Youtube. It is a news coverage from 1993.
Today I discovered an other pattern. This is a historical anecdote.
There is a span of 25 years between the birth of Internet(HTTP), in 1993, and the end of 2017, witch is the beginning of blockchain technology.
There is also 25 years between 1968 and 1993.
in 1956 The Nobels prize in physics is given to John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain och William B. Shockley. They are awarded for the work with transistors.
in 1964 The programmable logic controller, PLC is invented
In 1969 Apollo 11 is landing on the moon, witch was surely beeing developed the year prior to the launch year.
This is a Bell curve on the development of internet
And then came Amazon killing lot's of businesses. And Xkyscore. And, a right, the internet was build by the army. But not as a tool. Not as a tool.
Thank you @rockwellontherun I checked out your information !And found this video with Edward Snowden on TedTalk