Chapter IV: BlockChain examples: You give there a Financial Example. Very Good, but also I feel you should give an Insurance industry example and a Supply Chain Example. In other words, less coin oriented explanation. The Financial Example help me a lot to understand the FIAT problem.
- Single Point of Failure, a very good concept. A point in space is not a BlockChain
This chapter clearly conveys the huge impact on other industries that the BlockChain Technology it will have.
The message here is terrifying to banks: IF WE all have confidence and believe in the New Financial Distributed Systems that are rising, Banks will be errase of the face of the earth. Now I see why there is a War going on between Bankers and the BlockChain coins.
Key Points:
- Consensus
- Next Needle the Big Haystack, needs to improve. Not clearly understood. Only percieved. Perhaps by avoiding the technical explanation you run into the problem of not being clearly understood.