I can imagine the less lines it has, the less possible later the bugs and halting would come out. Tau is kinda exclusive or elitist when it comes to the entry level I guess, especially at current stage. It certainly takes time to understand. I'm inspired by the article/videos you've been sharing.
If I understand correctly, TML is mostly for developers right? Or do you think demo would be more understandable for most?
Correct TML is a meta language which is something developers can use to create programming languages. That being said I do think it will reach a stage where it's not so elite and esoteric for non developers to use. Tauchain the discussion platform is for everyone.
I hope the demo Ohad chooses is one which is easy to relate to. I think transitive closure was not the kind of demo for ordinary people to relate to.
I have faith in the project and looking forward to see how it can scale the discussion. Hope it can be a successful.
Thank you for your kind compliments on my effort. You speak very good Chinese. Feel free to translate some of my posts and explain what you find necessary at a high level. I don't want Tauchain to be an esoteric thing which is why I post the blogs about it. Tauchain has to be for the world, for everyone.
Cool. I’ll dig deeper into them and translate them in the future :)