MediBloc: A revolution in healthcare Services

in #blockchain7 years ago


If you have ever been to a general hospital or university teaching hospital where large number of patients with different medical records visit then you would appreciate this vital information I am about to share with you. This is 2018, and many medical institutions still store medical data of patients in a file. Now imagine if that medical institution has seen at least 1000 different patients, the probability of misplacing or searching for your data each time you visit the hospital is quite high. Apart from data mismanagement and data loss, information leakage is a major problem with traditional medical data storage. In this case, patients that want to change medical institutions or are referred to another hospital rarely carry data gotten from the former hospital due to some reasons like credibility or government restrictions on data transfer from one medical institution to another. Imagine a scenario where you are in charge of your medical records, Imagine MediBloc!

What is MediBloc

MediBloc is an open-source platform that decentralises healthcare information ecosystem for patients and medical practitioners. MediBloc is built on blockchain to safely secure and integrate patients' data from different hospitals in a concise storage where a patient has full access and control over his/her data. With MediBloc, patients have the power to decide who has access to their personal medical records. This feature helps doctors, researchers who are in search of information to seek permission from patients with information about the knowledge they seek without prying into a patient's personal data without authorization. Since MediBloc is an open source platform, developers can contribute by creating DApps using services like MediBloc platform API and SDK.

MediBloc aims to reform healthcare sector by making medical data more accessible, less intrusive also stimulating contents of medical information for medical advancement. MediBloc provides security of data against hacks or theft that is common with traditional methods of storing medical data as patients are able to access,decrypt their personal information by themselves using blockchain technology.


MediBloc comes with its own tokens called MEDI POINT and MED TOKEN. Both tokens are Qtum based and it uses the same protocol as Etherum. MED and MEDI POINT are two different tokens serving different purposes. MED tokens are transferable and can be exchanged outside MediBloc platform and between users of the platform. MEDI POINTS (MP) are not transferable outside the platform or exchanged between users. MP is a point based system that depicts the amount of participation of a user on the platform. It depicts the reputation of a user. MED can be used to purchase MP. MediBloc is a free to use platform as it provides its users with a particular amount of storage ( 1 GB of storage). A very important feature of MediBloc is that MED tokens can be used to pay for healthcare services in institution partnering with MediBloc.


MediBloc comprises of 3 layers that defines the overall structure of the platform. They are;

  • MediBloc Core: This is the first layer where healthcare data networks are implemented and storage. Since storage is limited, the core layer provides a separate storage to efficiently store information. These extra data stored in core layer also provides backup and recovery of lost data.

  • Medi Service: This is an intermediary layer between Medi Core and Application layer. This layer uses data on the blockchain to allow input and output of data through the core layer

  • Medi Application : This layer is where DApps are built and managed on the platform by developers using services like MediBloc platform API and SDK.

Using Use Cases, I will be explaining the different Benefits of MediBloc

What is the impact of people having full control over their medical records?

Samson suffers from a particular STD which leads to stigma in his community. Samson has finally succumbed to his fate but cannot live if he becomes a victim of stigmatization in his community. With MediBloc, Samson can choose which doctor has access to his medical records and he doesn't have to redo a test each time he goes to a different hospital.

How can this impact the way medical data is used in the medical field, and other relevant parties such as insurers and researchers?

Dr Jackson found is doing a research on particular type of STD Samson suffers from and needs to learn more by seeing a victim. He reaches out to a friend who happens to be treating Samson. Samson can decide to give Dr Jackson access to his medical records if he pleases to foster medical advancement on the disease and probably a cure.

What is the effect of having established partnerships with major corporations on the integration of MediBloc once MainNet is launched?

Samson invested in MediBloc and has a substantial amount of MED, His hospital is obviously partnering with MediBloc, Samson can pay for his treatment using MED.

How is digital medical data storage on the blockchain superior to traditional medical data storage methods?

With MediBloc, Samson does not have to fear invasion of his privacy or loss of his medical records something which he suffered from before he found out about MediBloc.

MediBloc is a platform that places priority to privacy and we be a major innovation in the medical sector.

“we are at a point in time when privacy must be guaranteed and patients must have the right and the resources to make autonomous decisions. MediBloc’s innovative solution will lead new changes to the medical ecosystem in this regard.” Sang Min Park (MediBloc Advisor)

This platform would foster better health care service and research. A win situation for all stakeholders in the medical field.



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