RIPPLE (XRP) Projected to Make TSUNAMI Profits!!

in #blockchain7 years ago


RIPPLE (XRP) is correcting and nearly complete. The below chart shows that five wave impulse (white waves) were completed and so an a,b,c correction is required. That correction is currently in its late stages as shown in below chart. The pattern is also a bullish downward pointing symmetrical triangle. This means that once the red wave c is complete; the original trend should resume...UP!

Here is a closer look at the correctional waves. I've labeled the subwaves of the a,b and c. IF there are five waves complete on the C wave down; then the correction could be complete. However, there is likely a one more, smaller, lower low.

This chart shows how that one more lower low could look like. What does this mean? Simply a slightly different pathway but same destination...UP! It would be an attractive zone to cast a buy ladder; hence, deploy some of the 10% cash holdings to BTFD!!

Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?

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Legal Disclaimer: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**

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Thanks for your tips! It will make us rich!

I'm looking at the daily MACD and RSI. The correction is far from over. Ripple may even go down to $1.20 or $0.85, if you look at the Fibonacci extension. I would not buy it at $2.

Clipboard Image (8).png

Also, I would say the same about Stellar Lumens, it's following the same exact chart pattern as Ripple. They were both way too overbought in the beginning of January.

I feel the same way about VERGE and believe we are in for a drop between $0.06-0.08 going off fib ratios before resuming up - i wish haejin would address these drops after he has been calling consistently bullish and maybe analyse them in more depth.

Agreed. In fact, I bought that little XVG dip last night. The good news about XVG, the Wraith Protocol was finally released, when the news spreads more, I expect a nice boost in its value.

I'd like to see more bearish (realistic) charts from @haejin, the market is not always bullish!

im only interested in the bullish charts anyway.

And what happens when the bullish charts start going bearish? Always look at both possibilities or you will lose money.

its a great point and worth to keep in mind :).

Ripple is good investment. People already got lamborghini for trading ripple!

Yes, and the fact people have gotten a lambo from ripple should signal a moment of pause amongst investors. If someone was able to make such a high % return that they could get a lambo, is it as reasonable to assume that these gains continue/sustain much longer?

Yeah I bought the same model! Thanks XRP! Banks rullz!
South Korea hit Ripple hard back down to 2 but they look stable now!

Now I just feel bad for the guy. :-\

My first ripple investment was at 22 cents. My only regret was not buying more initially. I continued to buy until it reached 1.20. Now it is time to enjoy the show. No sense in selling after short tips. When more banks start using ripples block chain for faster transactions, this will take off to the moon. Not to mention coinbase adding ripple when their issues get fixed.

I bought at 1$ sold at 3.5 $. Now waiting for coreection to get over.... M sure it will start its upward journey soon

true, 11k SAT and 8.5K SAT is a good level to load xrp

XRP establishing an uptrend just below the previous channel. Most coins took a similar dip so it isn't unexpected. Volume is very low so we can expect a slow move up.

I am buying back in Ripple/ XRP at $1.30 / $1.15 / $1

I don't think it's going that lol. Not by any of the charts.

With Pump-n-Dumps price could go down to 10 cents maybe even 2 cents again. where I first bought XRP.

Gawd I'd back the truck up on XRP if it hit a dime lol!

Buy at XRP @ $1 and make 100x your money by June.

1000x by end of 2018

Stellar Lumens (XLM) is a minute from breakout, have a look at that right now.
Ripple had a stronger correction after the big lunge, and may take another two days maybe - but I have no doubt it will jump up to $3 minimum... till over the weekend.
Later ? No idea. These two are from the same makers, and they offer similar advantages, Stellar just isn't a "banker's coin." It's more b2b and private.![loom.png]
Stellar is finishing the triangle towards the fib 0.618...

Thank you for the wonderful chart. I would like to learn more about the fibo retracement tool on Trading View. Do you have any videos you recommend on how to use and understand it? I always hear about how things retrace back to .618

No videos that I know of but you'll always find things on Google, a bunch of sites about trading...
You click th third symbol from above on the left hand tab, the most useful allround is the fib retracement - it's pretty intuitive, you have to decide from what low to go, which makes the most sense... if in doubt, use the all-time low - the top is usually more obvious, at least in an upscale market ;)

I pray that you're right, because I can't stand looking at my portfolio right now. Between stellar and verge I'm hurting, and these articles floating around speculating that the altcoin market is only just beginning to correct.... I'm trying to stay optimistic.


XRP and XLM do not come from the same developers.

Stellar was a fork of Ripple back in 2014
"Developer" or "maker is of course a flexible term.
They are comparatively similar as compared to other coins, I would say.

yeah just Stellar is MUCH better and lumens are used in network for every operation while xrp is not used by any client.

Well... Ripple has co-ops with banks but none are really committed and some openly say it's temporary at best.
Obviously, banks are looking for a solution of their own, and the SWIFT consortium is already working on one.
You bet that these guys will make damn sure no outsiders get a foot inside their precious banking business. Ripple is such a hit not in spite of being sold as "banker's coin," which it isn't really, but BECAUSE of it.
Crypto chickens think that a banker's coin will be a more reliable investment - that's just the way human brains work... people like banks because they do their thinking for them.

Crypto chickens! You're so right! You should trademark that phrase, it categorizes what a full-fiat Rippler type of crypto investor is like compared to a typical anti-banking Satoshi disciple.

I think i'm looking at XRP like this: if a industry is going to adopt the use of coin (centralized or decentralized), that shows some sort support and inevitably gives value to the currency. Its a proof of concept. I support Ripple, not because I will use it, ever... but because Banks will. Which means it'll be around for a while. Up up up UP!

Very well said, which is why (or so I think) so many people literally hate Ripple.

@jojof whats your 6 months speculation on XRP and XLM price reach? I think both could hit $5 by Q3

Jed McCaleb literally founded Ripple and Stellar Lumens

Also of Mt. Gox though he suspiciously resigned months before the Mt Gox collapse

gotta love a guy named Jed lol

Thanks for the explaination.. would buy xlm soon..

You do realize that for ripple to be worth $100 by June, the total marketcap of Ripple would have to exceed the GDP of Japan? There is no where XRP should be worth the economic output of Japan. There are 38 billion XRP in circulation compared to 16 million BTC. Circulating supply is everything.

$100 XRP is possible.
The Derivative market is $1.3 Quadtrillion.
If not Ripple? Where else are they going to move all this Debt?
Total Marketcap of Crypto's by end of 2018 will be over $5 Trillion, about 10x times higher then present marketcap

You can't assign a valuation to something by saying it'll take a certain % market share of an entire market. That's just flawed logic. I mean, sure the derivatives market is massive, but where exactly are you getting the idea or confidence that Ripple will achieve the market penetration necessary to even take a portion of the derivatives market?

I will concede that Ripple's blockchain technology is good, but there is absolutely no reason banks need to adopt XRP to benefit from the blockchain tech underlying. It's important to remember that the token and tech can be independent of each other. To think that banks will relinquish so much power by adopting XRP is extremely optimistic thinking.

Also, regarding you mentioning the 1.3 Quadrillion derivatives market. People have made the same mistake in the past saying that that the worldwide market for precious metals is in the trillions and that if BTC captures just 10 - 20%, it should be worth 50-70k. You can't just postulate that the coin you're excited about will capture market share like that. There's a difference between (coin market cap X coin value) and (total market value X coin market penetration)

Wait and see.

why do you think XRP can hit $100 by june ?

Nice, but I will not touch ripple... it is total centralized! They are so many other opportunities out there

Dale, I understand your position on XRP.

For me, Number one thing to always remember when investing: It's not personal

I don't like that its a Bankers coin but to not take a 100x investment opportunity would be a missed opportunity to retire early.

That's why I bought it. If bankers are using it...

Correct, Banks are going to use this to get out of Fiat.

I'm surprised no one is talking about governments adopting xrp or forking it to make cryptofiat.

Give it time, people will be talking soon about XRP being adopted by governments.

Well said. I completely agree.

Definitely see where you're coming from. Ripple does look a lot like the financial services sector and big banks are trying to get their hand in blockchain, and as a result in the long-term I more support Stellar Lumen (XLM) and what they're doing. However, right now I think that Ripple and its applications are interesting and useful (and worth investing in). It is a damn shame that its centralised, though.

ripple is more inclined towards transactions and thats why it will suit banks where as stellar is more inclined towards day to day transactions and thus will be used by normal public more

sure, it is centralized. That's why banks may use it. Banks don't want a currency which they can't control them.

hey healthiswealth i admire your optimism - do you have any evidence to substantiate your claim ? $1000 XRP its pretty bold !

Factor in the whole $1.4 Quadrillion derivitives ?

Instead of $1,000 XRP we could have $10,000 XRP

I like the way you think , I snatched up mine at 0.98 cents a pop... I have a lot of faith in XRP and it's future . I got my marbles on Steem , XRP , and LTC being major players in the crypto market as it goes mainstream .

Great bag of Alt coins Jake.
Might want to add some EOS and BTS and Verge

Let's not get carried away, shall we? They said the same about gold and look where gold has been stuck for the last 8 years.

he's a bag holder

Are you serious? How come?

Factor in the whole $1.4 Quadrillion derivitives ?
Instead of $1,000 XRP we could have $10,000 XRP

If serious you are the cancer of crypto. Gtfo with your jew banker coin and verge scam coin.

He bullish on Ripple and probably works for the banks. The above is a sell off. Coming from the news that Ripple is not going on coinbase.

Its not going to get to 1000 a coin, come on be serious.

that would be a market cap of 91 trillion

The Derivative market is 10x times that big $1.3 Quadtrillion.
If I was a blood sucking banker I would dump it all into a crypto and be done with it all.

I really hope this comes true! :)

TSUNAMI Profits? I'd love to get drown in that. LOL. Hope it will work out & best of luck to all.

It is a dead project as soon as wanchain hits the exchange!

Says who?

Could you please do an update on EOS? 🚀

I agree, I want to know more about EOS

He made an EOS post 3 days ago.. what more do you want?

Thank for the info. I saw it the other day, was looking more towards any news updates. I like the chart and hope he's right. Sorry if I ruffled your feathers.

Enjoy the vote and reward!

Could we just assume that you always want an EOS update?

Thanks for the detailed post about Ripple.

Hey all, was writing my first Post and got massive last minute downvotes, no upvote support.

I was curious about it, i didnt remember exactly was i was writing.
I thought i was maybe just writing sh*t, cause i was high from Spraypaint... Roundup ready on my Bananas or whatsoever.
So i checked it out out and who wonders: Berniesanders and his "friends" downvoted me, didnt even read my words :

posted it again, if you like my words, just give me upvote

if u want me shut up, just ignore ;)
Appreciate your support, thank you.
Massive Profits to all of you!

Reading your post now ;-)


I've Started to think Haejin is promotig shit coin to make his own profits!

he posts every coin to go 300%, look at his posts none has come true, 1 out of 30 one will come true and he'll later create a new post bragging about it. KABOOM!! my prediction 1000%, upvote my post give me $600SBD for shit advice.

I´m so impressed by the analytic and objective level of these two comments...

Ok, Ready to go!

yes ripple will prepare for takeoff !

how was the take off?

Hey all, was writing my first Post and got massive last minute downvotes, no upvote support.

I was curious about it, i didnt remember exactly was i was writing.
I thought i was maybe just writing sh*t, cause i was high from Spraypaint... Roundup ready on my Bananas or whatsoever.
So i checked it out out and who wonders: Berniesanders and his "friends" downvoted me, didnt even read my words :

posted it again, if you like my words, just give me upvote

if u want me shut up, just ignore ;)
Appreciate your support, thank you.
Massive Profits to all of you!

Now this Ripple is one heck of the thing, and i thing it will be threatning fact for the bitcoin this year.

the thing is if Bitcoin dies, all of Crypto can

i have get many profit from the ripple but i don't like ripple because it is centralized coin

Yes, its centralized. But, lets take a step back for a second from thinking we are actually going to use the XRP coin. Banks are. People in transactions with Banks are. Banks will only used centralized currency, right? They have to. its their only option at this point. Ripple offers that to them. So why not make money off the fact that Banks have to use a centralized coin?

EXACTLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me I am a fiscal conservative that believes in small government , healthy economy , and as little control and knowledge of what citizens are doing with there lives and ESPECIALLY their money . So if I can make some money off of the same systems that have been making money money off our parents , parents , parents , for generations I am all for it . Why wouldn't you be ?
You got my follow , looking forward to future content , STEEM ONNNNN

@haejin, I find your alternate count most likely, but think you count wrong on the (B) in the correction, as I count the subwaves like this:

It is a great chart.

Which is the next target for Ltc? Where will be the forest?

BTFD= buy the fucking dip? LOL

I strongly believe it's forming H & S so we will see much lower prices.

Moneygram adopts XRP for remittances. This is yuge!

Yup. This could be the fuse that lights Ripple's price rise. Or one of the fuses, I definitely expect more news from XRP this year.

Could you please do an update on Ada???? Plzzzzzz 😭

I bought Stellar Lumans; looks like the same thing is going on. Currently down %16 from yesterday ;(

Out of dry powder too ;(

Look at the chart right now, it's just a second from liftoff.
Can't you take a little correction or what ?
Where did you get in ?

2 days ago :) no choice but to HODL anyways. Most alt coins are correcting. Looking st the price chart or date looks like Feb is lift off for a lot of these coins.

Abso-lootely. I don't always hodl, but when I do... ;)

You are fantastic
I need some information on Stella Lumen.

It's pretty difficult to find legitimate signals and analyses these days. I am glad I found your blog. Thank you for your analysis!!!

This is the place to be. Not only do you get the signals and analyses, but you get the opportunity to learn to analyse and trade with confidence by yourself, all for free, by the best!

thanks for the Ripple charts !

Thanks for sharing your valuable concept.
upvoted and resteemed

I agree completely👍 XRP is ready to move maybe to the $4.00 level or higher 🎈

good project......
carry on friend....
its helpful for tsunami people...
thanks for sharing

xrp is shit not good. it's against everything that crypto was standing for.

I'm not into Ripple, but I wish everyone the maximum of profits. @haejin You're awesome! I'm learning to fish aswell

I think blockchain is best now a fure it will more active
thanks to you for this information.....

You're doing a great Job. Don't stop. Keep it up!

Thank you very much👍👍👍 for sharing this post because you just did not share this post. This post has been written in a nice way, it has a lot of benefits to understand, thank you again and again

I can't wait for this correction to be over and for it to Rip back up, get it ?

good post friends. upvote my blog once

This is the right time to buy Ripple before the price skyrockets and make profits.

I was also keeping an eye on it on TradingView and on WalletInvestor. Some patterns do emerge but it kept on bleeding. If it doesn't stop soon it will bleed into my latest investment.

Ripple is one crypto currency that is set to take over from bitcoin in near future

no, it's Stellar and BitShares.

Show must go on!

We hope Ripple will rise up soon. Maybe 4 dollars at the end of january?

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