Day 1 of Blockchain programming delivered by Jimmy Song

in #blockchain7 years ago

I was extremely fortunate enough that Jimmy Song offered me a scholarship to attend his 2 day boot camp in blockchain programming.

When I applied for the scholarship I thought since I could do some python programming and I had good knowledge of the blockchain fundamentals that this should be a fairly easy course to do.

The course is intense and deep. It is so far absolutely amazing! Depth of knowledge that Jimmy unpacks over 8 hours is huge. So I thought I’d share all the topics we went through over an 8 hour period that was literally worth 2 months of content, unzipped up and delivered by Jimmy.

I would certainly be going over the content at least a few more times to fully absorb, understand and implement as there is so much to learn! Looking forward to day two and hopefully a lot of content from day 1 has had a chance to sink in by then!

Topics on day one of “Programming Blockchain” 2-Day seminar.
Tech Orientation -Python Primer/Modular Arithmetic/Bytes to Integers.

Mathematical foundations -Finite Fields (Addition and subtraction/Multiplication and Exponentiation), Finite Field Division.

Elliptic curves -Elliptic curves in python, Point addition, Elliptic curve cryptography, Elliptic curves over finite fields, Verifying points on a curve, Point addition on a curve, Scalar Multiplication, Groups, Generator points, Public points, SEC format, Computing addresses, Create an address on Testnet

Signing and Verification-Verification, Signing, DER signatures, WIF Serialization

Transactions -Parsing, Transaction intros and versions, Transaction inputs, Transaction outputs, Tx Parsing lock time,Working with the parser

SCRIPT and Transactions -The Basics, SCRIPT and serialization, Looking up transactions, Transaction fees, Signature Hash, Signature validation