The internet is a global booming Industry generating billions of dollars daily, a good number of world population is using internet for one purpose or other due numerous activities that internet offer, it comprises of software-driven networked switches, routers, firewalls, servers and storage hardware that protects and store users data. Internet can be use to perform virtually everything in our world today by connecting humans to computer called NODES that can validate and irrevocably records activities on a memory blocks that are connected to silos cryptographically. Therefore I define internet as network of networks.
In relation to our topic today internet has some flaws and if strategic security measures are not taken individuals or organisations data can be stolen, internet can also be used to undermine the operation of Blockhain technology but thanks to multiven which aims to take down all the risk and challenges with multiven's multi security mechanism.
Blockchain which gained prominence and wide spread adoption presently has faced many attacks and hostility by both government and some individuals that are still benefiting from this present flawed and highly centralised economy, these set of people dislike the concept of decentralization, an ecosystem where everybody is given a level playing ground, they still wants to maintain the status quo evidenced by their efforts to discredit cryptocurrency which is a Technology of Blockhain claiming that bitcoin is a tool for illegal trade, but their plan failed and bitcoin continue to gain wide acceptance by numerous organisations.
Another area still open to fatally undermine blockchain technology is through the internet, launching of systematic (centralised attacks) on Bitcoin NODES could fatally undermine majority of the active bitcoin NODES and stop the concept of decentralization.
However MULTIVEN as the world first and only apolitical and independent provider of decentralized software integrity maintenance and cyber-defence service for all networks is here to secure the future of Bitcoin by forstering further decentralization of full NODES into space while hardening all earth based NODES from cyber attacks. In addition MULTIVEN aims to disrupt the multi trillion dollar information technology markets by creating multiven open market (MOM), the world first Blockhain based peer to peer marketplace for new, pre-owned and recycled computer and internet hardware and software services, the secondary purpose of this marketplace is to make bitcoin node hardware more affordable to the entire public for further decentralization.
Multiven aims to maintain the integrity of the software that runs all other non-Blockchain Internet networks globally. Payable in multiven coin
Multiven aims to ultilize decentralized human-powered and artificial intelligence towards defending Bitcoin, Ethereum and other public cryptocurrency network nodes from centralization cyberattacks.
The multiven marketplace will lower the cost of buying, selling, and sharing of computer and network hardware, software and services between businesses without intermediaries
Multiven will develop, launch and maintain active Bitcoin full Nodes-in-Orbit (“NiO”) to serve as support of the global node to prevent cyber attacks.
Round 1 - 8th March - 6th June
Bonus - 25%
1,000 ETH Maximum/Person
Round 2 - 7th June - 7th August
Bonus - 20%
500 ETH Maximum/Person
Round 3 - 8th August - 8th September
Bonus - 15%
250 ETH Maximum/Person
Round 4 - 9th September - 9th October
Bonus - 0%
50 ETH Maximum/Person
Ticker: MTC
Token Type: ERC-20
ICO Token Price: €0.50
Fundraising Goal: €50 Million
Total Token Supply: 2,000,000,000
Available for Sale in ICO: 200,000,000
· Q1 2018: ICO Public Sale
· Q2 2018: CyberDefense and monitoring of cryptocurrency nodes commences
· Q2 2018: Nodes-in-Orbit (NiO) project initiated
· Q3 2018: MOM Testing and Security Audit
· Q4 2018: Alfa launch of MOM
· Q1 2019: Stable version of MOM
· Q1 2019: MOM Wallet launch
· Q2 2019: MOM Platform and Trading launch
· Q2 2019: Map-the-Internet project commences
· Q3 2022: Launch of Bitcoin Nodes-in-Orbit (NiO)