[pov] Innovation cannot be forced or blocked

in #blockchain8 years ago (edited)

Ironically just yesterday I was thinking icos changing ecosystem in much faster phase and now countries like China bans fundraising through ICOs.


From past we know that restrictions and blocks raise awareness and increases demand although slows down innovation. But there are short time effects also which we shouldn't discard. Other countries already starting to look into regulating these startups

Apparently, July spike was fruitful for Chinese startups around 65 startups or ICOs raised 2.62 billion yuan ($397.19 million).

Be cautious some ICOs are being postponed as a result, some might try to scam people. DYOR - Do Your Own Research and be extra cautious!

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Just a minor hiccup...they can't stop this frieght train!

@good-karma you have a huge following, why don't you write posts frequently?

This way China harms itself. This will not stop new projects in other parts of the world. Thanks for info!

I had issues with eSteem notifications for last few days, not much activities but still missed few things...just wanted to report

Китай был в топе в 2013.
В 2017 основные лидеры роста Япония и Южная Корея.
Так что цена криптовалют конечно просядет, но не в разы, как в прошлый раз.

China believe that the majority of ICOs are born the cheat customers and run away with their money. How to blame them?

For more information, click here!
This post has received a 5.41 % upvote from thanks to: @eutectico.

Damn you @minnowhelper! You upvote this and yesterday you didn't upvote my post, I pay 1 SBD... :/

Dear Markosky, yesterday we had problems with the connection to steemit. At the moment we are working on a solution. For this type of inconvenience, we have the customer line in Slack.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Best regards.

@minnowhelper team

thank you minnow!!!

Can you imagine what ICO's would be like in 1950 or 1960?

"Hi. Give me a bunch of money, and I promise I will build something that works"

They would laugh at the idea. Generally you need a product first, a prototype before you could ask for money.

People on the blockchain today don't even have a working prototype!! That just drives me crazy.

Anyone who knows how to write a good whitepaper, add some flashy graphics to a website, can instantly create an ICO and get thousands of dollars. It's sad.

At least when eSteem was created, you did not do an ICO, you just started building your product. Which is really nice to see, and quite respectful.

That explains why NEO has been getting absolutely butchered recently. I guess that was the biggest problem as the Chinese government could shut their whole operation down and making ICOs illegal is the biggest hit to the organisation.
It seems like ICO's are trying to be stomped out and outlawed everywhere @good-karma

someday I wil going to there. thanks post

Ha.ha....dont dreamy brother. That is so far along from your country indonesia correct..! U need more money and more...thats joke.

Remember,about the OneCoin which scamed people in many countries. Invest wisely

thank you @good-karma I will be very careful, and preferably when the fraud should be dealt with quickly, so as not to eat the victim.

Man, you pointed in the center! There isn't tool, force or weapon to stop the innovation that whole world support. Block-chain and ICO are technologies future and China government knows it. However as you said, ICOs should be somehow controlled to avoid scams. Maybe to create one ICOs for projects/startups verification. Thank you for post!

@good-karma please please solve the problem that i am using the esteem app regularly and i am new on steemit and it ia is a boon since two days to give upvotes to my poats nad comments and but and so it is not like that now i am not getting upvotes on any comments or posts posted through app. Please please help @good-karma

Thanks for reminder us with this posting, I think is really need to read by goverment around the world how the hard risk on this situation.

amazing ,, vote me mrazi ,, brother of karma

Excellent & informative post !

This were to be expected, but even so the news are shocking. The market is quite frail as we can see, but I think this pullback is good as we have been going up very fast lately. When the streets run red buy more crypto !

Excellent & informative post !Creativity and innovation are at the cutting edge of knowledge management. We have a long way to go to release our creative energy both at the personal and organisational level, as there are many blocks. One emerging powerful tool to help overcome these blocks is the concept of dialogue.

thank you for sharing this very important information @good-karma I will share this post.

thanks for sharing my friend👍👍👍

Good rites should never be lost. Because in them is our faith.

China and other less liberal nations can try to censor as much as they want but eventually the Internet community will always succeed.

Thanks for the caution

Thank you for sharing this information @good-karma

Thanks @good-karma for sharing and a great post 🌞 have a nice day.

Hi @good-karma, Can't agree with you more on it. Great post, loved it.

Also, I want to share this quote with Steemit community through this comments section:

ICO's will continue and crypto will continue to become even bigger. They will come around when they realise their mistake!

Is this related to steemit @good-karma? I do not understand this post.

Why would you think it is?!

I also do not know, maybe I think China's economic growth today also affects the world economy.

But I'm also not really sure if that's what you mean in your post.

The post is very good, you know about the border, our thanks to you, have given spot in steemit.

Amazing gicture

Its because selling ICO became a scammer's haven. Some group are claiming a whole new good project to sell ICO but in a reality, it was just a good looking website. No product

Its good news, but is it possible to change the collateral system in this world? because for the currency, usually have to wear gold, as collateral.

Fundraising is also not possible via ICO in Germany. There is a loophole to work via "Cooperatives", a form of business in the German legal system.

In my opinion it is a good decision, good move china!

Thx for this info... new for me... I stopped ICO's last month... not much success


I like this, good job friend

ICO platforms have stopped any new ICOs. and even for those ICOs that token haven't been sent to investors, they recall them as well. It's actually a good thing from my lens. So those people who's aiming to scam money can be shaped out. from long term perspective, this is a good thing. my personal opinion.

A very great post @good-karma

Thank you for sharing

Thank you for your helpful financial advice! Travel with me a friend @good-karma!

Thank you for sharing your post .

Excellent post. Upvoted and following.

I wouldn't worry much about it. In China, there are too many ICO- and other scammers. But there are still many investors and always new projects going on. Good projects would still find a way to survive.

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