Online Education has become a service in demand after the inception of Internet and wide spread importance of Education. Everyone knows that utmost important of education and how it helps us to become better. A few years back, there were not many online platform existing and the only medium of online education was just YouTube which was not so effective back then. So, people had to suffer a lot for gaining the education and knowledge they need from the rest of their home. One or two platforms which existed at that time charged a significant higher money for their services.
But as soon as Internet get wide spread, many platforms came into existence in the field of online learning, But all those platform had some disadvantages which made them ineffective for the level of education a student or a learning enthusiast needs. Some even exploited their users with high fees and bad learning experience.
Now, after the popularity of Blockchain technology, a new platform has come into existence which is focused on teaching and guiding those people who needs specialisation and knowledge about some domain which they are not able to get on traditional institutions.
The name of this platform is BeOne.
BeOne Overview & Structure
BeOne is a BlockChain based online learning platform which uses ledger back platform for it's smooth functioning and secured working. BeOne helps it's users by delivering the best class online courses with affordable fees and some reward factor.
BeOne also provides a clear U.I. so that a person with minimum or basic knowledge of computer or internet can access the study courses effectively. The special thing about BeOne is that it provides the courses related to each and every domain. For example: If you're a photographer and needs extra classes to learn some technicalities related to photography then you can enrol with BeOne platform. It offers courses in majority of domain like photography, cooking, business, management, investing, trading, computing and many more.
BeOne is a whole package when it comes to education, learning and accumulating knowledge.
Unique Features Of BeOne
BeOne offers some unique features which is not offered by any website of it's domain. Let's have a look on those unique features:
Pay What You Need
Basically, You just have to pay for the piece of information you require, instead of whole course. For example- If you have chose a course related to Stocks investing and you just need a particular module from there, then you can choose it and pay only for that module, not for the whole course.
Lowest Content Uploading Charges
For a content creator or course maker, it is very important that the respected platform would charge a minimal fees so that he can upload more and more content and keep motivating users to learn every now and then. BeOne has made this desire, a reality. BeOne only charge less than 10% commission of the course fees which is actually the lowest commission rate in the whole education industry.
BlockChain Based Platform
Being the first platform which is based on Blockchain in the field of online learning, gives BeOne a significant advantage over it's competitors and a huge advantage to its potential users.
BeOne Team
BeOne has been created by a great team.
Alexey Goncharenko
The founder of BeOne is Alexey Goncharenko, a successful Online project manager with 7+ years experience in one of the Top Banking Firms. He is also a cryptocurrency evangelist and holds a significant portfolio of cryptocurrency.
Vladimir Dorokhov
Vladimir is the Co-founder and CTO of BeOne platform. He holds a degree in Computer Science and has working experience in the development of various successful projects like Philips, Ferero Rocher, Expedia and many more.
BeOne ICO Crowdsale
So, make sure to join the Biggest ICO of this year. A great project is at your hands. Give your support to it and grow while it grows.
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Media Contact
Contact Name: Kristina Smirnova
Contact Email:
Location: Moscow, Russia

wow, sounds very promising.
When combine Education with blockchain and cryptocurrency, that is the greatest ideas for nowadays.
I will definitely check the ICO and the whole BeOne project.
Thanks for showing this!