This is the most powerful blockchain killer app that everyone missed so far

in #blockchain7 years ago

This is the most powerful blockchain killer app that everyone missed so far


I think you’ll agree with me when I say:

Innovation is the key to wealth and prosperity generation in modern times. However, I’m sure you know that most innovations, and therefore most of power and wealth that come from it are concentrated in the hands of big tech giants.

The result is worrying (I call it “Singularity Error”):

a) our role in this journey towards Singularity is to remain as users regarded by them as a mere data source to be fed to their artificially intelligent machines;

b) eventually to be replaced by smarter and more capable entities.

c) while a few shareholders and founders take all the profits, accumulating even more power.

Is this what the future holds for us?

Well, it turns out that there is one blockchain application that can turn the tables in our favor on a fundamental level …

… application that has a potential to make innovation work for the people, and give the power and prosperity back to the people, to you and your family.

Today I’m going to show you what that powerful application is … and how you can easily get involved and start taking control over your own destiny now.

Sounds good? Let’s dive in.

3 Major Requirements For The Successful Future That Will Inspire You


Before I introduce this blockchain app, let me very briefly point out the rationale behind its creation.

After analyzing the potential impact of exponential technologies, the history of power and wealth concentration, as well as various future scenarios predicted by the tech visionaries and opinion leaders…

… I didn’t like what I discovered.

To me, it sounds like: “more for the few at the expense of the many”.

Thus, reflecting on how to ensure we pivot from negative to positive future, I made some important conclusions.
If you’re wondering what they are:

  1. We need a comprehensive vision that revolves around the triple bottom line: well-being of humans, the planet, and then the profit.
    That vision should exclude all middlemen. Wherever there are middlemen involved, like corporations and banks, there is abuse of power and breach of trust. Proven to be true 99.9999% of times.

  2. The best way to give the power and prosperity back to the people is to enable them to innovate within the community outside of corporate and modern banking structure.

  3. The best way to organize such process is to distribute innovation infrastructure among the community and automate the network relationships through smart contracts and incentive mechanisms.

Let’s consider them as 3 major requirements to overcome “Singularity Error” (read above what that is).

But where do we go from here?

Read below…

Why I Think Corporations Will Die Soon and EunnovaX Is The True Future Singularity



Here’s The Deal.

I believe that human creativity, compassion and wisdom, harmoniously integrated into a single state of transcendence is The True Singularity we all should yearn for.

Therefore, I propose:

  1. An Initiation of global community of visionaries, inventors and explorers leveraging open source innovation infrastructure

  2. to build innovations that

    a) empower and generate prosperity for the people

    b) facilitate personal success of every person on the planet

    c) contribute to healthy environment.

    Innovations that comply with the above principles I propose to name as “eunnovations” (from Greek “eus” – good and “eu” – well, thus “benevolent innovation”) - an open source decentralized benevolent innovation created specifically to benefit common people and the environment (not corporate shareholders and banks).

  3. Organized in the form of decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) with the following token economics:

a) DAO: EunnovaX is an idea based enterprise, so there is no one team exercising the total control over the whole project. Teams can change, but DAO stays forever. DAO will employ such blockchain features as value exchange, smart contracts, measure of value and consensus protocols to streamline the process of innovation.

b) Consensus: the participation in the maintenance and development of the project is incentivized through 4 major mechanisms: proof-of-concept (if innovation is open source and contributes to the well-being of humans and the planet), proof-of-authority (if innovators can prove their qualifications), proof-of-commitment (if one loves contributing to the project in any way), proof-of-work (if one executes the allotted task).

c) Token Utility Value: EunnovaX coin will provide access to the open source decentralized innovation infrastructure and more importantly to eunnovations themselves (see above for definition).

d) Value outside the network: as community builds more open source innovation infrastructure and eunnovations based on it, the value of EunnovaX coin against fiat currencies will steadily grow, eventually reaching an exponential “hockey stick” growth.

Since innovation has been at the heart of wealth generation in the modern world, EunnovaX token will inevitably become the key to unlock future wealth and prosperity, attracting masses of adopters as they flock to the most trusted currency out there – EunnovaX coin. With EunnovaX community, together we will transform the world to the point where “doing good” will be indistinguishable from “doing well”.


What all of this might mean for you?

Well, the success of EunnovaX will inevitably produce the following.

Just imagine:

  • Ultimate Charity Project supported by sustainable self-sufficient business model that will solve global poverty issue.

The potential of creating global open source innovation and production networks is still underestimated.

Here’s how it works:

Innovations are the key to wealth and prosperity -> Those who control innovations control the wealth of the world -> Those who control the wealth of the world control our future -> Those who control our future become our masters -> Therefore, if we take control of innovations, we become masters of our own destiny -> No more unchecked environmental disaster projects & more evenly distributed tremendous wealth generation -> No more need for charities.

  • Global Movement that will set the standard for innovation, business and governance.

The title says it all …

When our community establishes the worldwide standard of values, principles and systems governing the creation and distribution of value, and backs it up with successful projects, it will become impossible to ignore.

Innovations By The People (open source) For The People (empowering) is the new global vision.

Whenever established companies comply with EunnovaX principles, they are going to get rewarded by EunnovaX coins (proof-of-concept), ensuring smooth inclusion for all into the community.

To start it off:

I am launching a hashtag that symbolizes the core idea behind EunnovaX project - By the People For the People: #ByP4P
Let’s post anything relevant to our movement under this hashtag on every major social media.


But wait, there is more:

  • Robust worldwide open source innovation infrastructure.

This is important.

Taking control of our destiny and our future starts from decentralizing most of innovation infrastructure that is currently based on centralized organizations.

Imagine a world of open source hardware and software that is accessible to literally everyone to make a contribution to and benefit from.

Native token that provides access to Eunnovations will ensure that the value our community creates for the world will stay in the community and be safe from manipulations by fiat money masters.

  • Uniting labor and capital.

This will follow if condition number 3 is met.

Global poverty does not stem from the lack of money, but from the separation of labor and capital/assets.

Whatever the worker produces, it belongs to the owner. Moreover, the owner decides how much he pays the worker. Or does not pay.

And it gets worse:
As automation and corporate owned AI systems advance, the exploited worker all of a sudden becomes useless…

The incentive mechanism, build into EunnovaX community, will reward tremendously projects that unite labor and capital and provide direct access and ownership to the means of production.


Needless to say:

  • Quantum leap in the advance of civilization

One of the incentives built into the EunnovaX DAO will reward enabling the pursuit of personal success and self-actualization.

If you’re wondering, how unlocking the fullest potential of every person on the planet will affect our society …
… imagine thousand Elon Musks all over the world doing their own thing at the same time!

  • World peace – at last

Unchecked imbalance in technological development by one group of people at the expense of other groups creates tremendous tension and leads to great conflicts.

Our concept of “innovations by the people for the people” will provide harmonious technological development and prosperity distribution around the world.

Honestly, can’t think of better contribution to the world peace.

  • Self-sufficient Global Community of Visionaries and Innovators

Eunnova community will generate true and lasting value spanning worldwide.

Inside the community, DAO protocol will distribute tokens according to the level of impact and contribution to the maintenance and development of the project.

In the meantime,

token value against fiat will be determined by the real world value we generate as a community, which will bring steady fiat revenue stream into the project.

And eventually,

as innovative and utility value of our movement grows more and more, Eunnova coin will become such a trusted and valuable currency that it will be directly traded for any goods and services outside of the community.

Thus, we will create a perfect self-sufficient market-network for innovations that will integrate with other market-networks in the future.


Want to know the best part?

These 7 major achievements of EunnovaX are also the reason power hungry organizations like banks and corporations will become obsolete.

As long as Wall-street and Silicon Valley will not address the above issues and make a step towards their resolution, EunnovaX will keep attracting more and more followers and resources, eventually forcing big whales to reform or go the way of mammoths.

Sounds promising, but where do we start now?

Here’s what we do next:

  • This blog on STEEMIT and on other social media channels, forums and chats will be a platform for sharing and evaluating interesting projects and bouncing off ideas and concepts among the community, as well as networking and mutual informational support base. We can call it Eunnova Vision Network.

  • As our community matures and displays signs of capability to execute on our objectives, we can proceed with initialization of EunnovaX DAO, which will be a protocol for organizing, incentivizing, and utilizing EunnovaX innovations. It will be called Eunnova Creators Network.

  • Have fun. Innovating and exploring new things, besides advancing the greater good, is also a lot of fun. I live when I create. We are all unique. Let’s leverage our uniqueness together. In a fun way.

Don’t compete with the present.

Compete with the future!

Today is a wide open space waiting to get conquered. You are not late. If you’re reading this, you are the future!

Are you up to the task?


Leave a comment below to let me know if you liked the concept and how we can make it better.

All images are Creative Commons.


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