Blockchain Needs YOU

in #blockchain7 years ago

Last article we talked about why YOU should care about blockchain. I wanted to emphasize the point that there is more to this space than just programming and money transfer applications. It’s not just YOU that should care about blockchain that’s important, but also why BLOCKCHAIN NEEDS YOU as a person in order for the technology to gain wider adoption.

In a recent talk that Bitcoin Expert Andreas Antonopolous gave, he was asked a fair question from a member of the audience, “If Bitcoin is going to evolve into an ecosystem that we can all benefit from, what are the job opportunities that can be offered to those involved and interested -- and not just a coder or programmer?”

Andreas responded by asking “which areas of society and our life are touched by money? You could work in those areas. I think there are a few. Everything. Absolutely everything is affected when you change one of the most fundamental technologies; when you change the language of money. Right now, of course, the barrier to entry for bitcoin is ‘ridiculous’.

If you happen to be a mid-30s white privileged male with a lot of money, a bank account, a master’s degree in computer science, familiarity with three programming languages, hardware, access to the internet, and liquid cash, you could really take advantage of this technology. That’s not how it becomes mainstream. That’s how it becomes a nightmare.

As Bitcoin becomes more heard in the mainstream, more and more different people show up. We’re now at the point where this industry requires a broader approach to reach more of the masses. You could write the code, but no one can use it because the user interfaces bloody suck.

So - who’s a graphic designer in this room? We need you. User interface and User experience designer? We need you. Who does marketing? We need you. Sales? We need you. Customer service? We really need you. So it gradually expands. Accountant? We need 10,000 accountants TODAY who are willing to even talk to us once we say the word Bitcoin.

Let’s expand on this.

Bankers - we need you. The blockchain will do to banking what the internet did to media. We’re going to bank the unbanked all around the world. Abra is working on remittance services.

Remember Blockchain is a way to establish decentralized consensus, eliminate the middleman and empower people in ways we’ve never imagined

Security officer? We need you. That data needs to be less prone to being hacked.

Legal / Patent business? We Need You. Every inventor should have the ability to research patent information without spending thousands of dollars or years of their time sifting through countless previously filed patents. Enter LOCIcoin from The token sale will allow the public to to purchase LOCIcoin, which will be used to power the Loci ecosystem. LOCIcoin can be used to pay InnVenn’s monthly subscription fees, stake claims on the blockchain, and place bids on IP. LOCIcoin is also used for the buying and selling of IP.

Supply chain management? CDL truckers? We need you. Transactions documented permanently, monitored transparently. Forecasting / prediction market? We need you. Place bets in a decentralized way. Internet of things (IoT) - public ledger for large number of devices. These devices could communicate directly, update software, manage bugs, and monitor energy usage.

Insurance - global ins market is highly based on trust management. Blockchain is a new way of managing trust. Trust in things like the insured person’s identity. Oracles integrate real-world data with smart contracts. Useful for any types of insurance that relies on real world data, for example crop insurance. Ride sharing - decentralized uber, arranging terms/conditions without 3rd party providers. Govt highways and road infrastructure? eWallets built into cars help automatically pay for parking or fuel. Cloud storage - more secure and robust against attacks.

Crowdfunding - We need you. In many depressed cities, venture capital is nearly impossible to come by. Think Kickstarter for cryptocurrency, decentralized, and no more high fees. Exchange for products, services, or cash. Charity - inefficiency and corruption prevent money from reaching those who are meant to have it. Using blockchain technology to track donations ensure it winds up in the right hands. Donors see intended parties receive the funds.

Voters? We need you. Voter registration / electronic vote counting / no votes or changed or removed. Government! Slow to change, and opaque. Blockchain can reduce bureaucracy and increase security, efficiency and transparency as they adapt to this technology. We REALLY need you. Dubai is looking to put docs on the blockchain by 2020. Public benefits system? We NEED YOU - you have a direct impact on helping people, but want to ensure you’re helping the right people who need it, and help them efficiently. GovCoin is helping the government to distribute public benefits using the blockchain.

Healthcare professional? We sooooo need you. Another industry that relies on legacy systems is ripe for disruption. Often victims of hacking, and records must be safely stored and shared between authorized doctors or patients. This could ensure accuracy and speed of diagnosis.

Energy management industry - allow customers to buy and sell energy from eachother P2P. We need you.

Musicians- We need you. get paid directly from fans without giving up a huge percentage of the profits to a central record company. Smart contracts solve licensing issues and catalog songs with their respective creators.

Retail? You can connect with your customer with a blockchain based exchange to reduce costs of doing business. We need you.

Real estate industry! Big things coming there. We need you. Issues in buying/selling real estate - bureaucracy, lack of transparency, fraud, mistakes in public records. Speed up sales of property by ensuring accuracy of docs, transferring property deeds, verifying ownership.

If you’re a creative artist, you now have a direct way to get paid by your audience through blockchain. Not -- “Facebook” has an audience on your behalf. You have an audience. Blockchain needs you to set an example for others about what’s possible.

Pick Your industry. You get to DREAM about what this world will be. Right now, blockchain is still in hidden pockets of life, and has a barrier to entry. Let’s lower those barriers and empower ourselves in the new economy. So - Stay Motivated! Blockchain NEEDS You.

Blockchain Needs You - #ByteSizeBlockchain

Dan Emmons is owner of Emmonspired LLC, a Certified Bitcoin Professional CBP, Certified Ethereum Developer, Full Stack Developer and Advisor on Cryptocurrency projects. He is also the creator of a Youtube Channel and iTunes Podcast called ByteSizeBlockchain.