Why Blockchain Tech is Humanity's Future and Freedom

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

BlockChain Bitcoin Image

Many great inventions follow nature's lead.

Think about when Isaac Newton came up with the theory of gravity. He sat and watched the apple fall, and bam, Eureka! A stroke of genius.

What Comes Up Must Come Down
Sky Diving Image to Demo Gravity

Observation of nature can lead to profound insights that can change the world, for better or ill.

Leonardo Da Vinci noticed that Sycamore seeds spin as they fall. He realized that this was due to atmospheric molecules pushing against the seed, which is somewhat reminiscent of a birds wing.

Sycamore Seed Image

He then began to draw the schematics for what later became the helicopter.

Da Vinci Helicopter Image

Even though the above are stories/urban legends, the fact is that nature's patterns are ingenious, often following the path of least resistance.

That's why I believe that innovation and creation can be inspired by nature.

In regards to the blockchain.

inventor image

We don't really know whose brainchild it is. We can look at the open source code, but we may never find out.

Whether it's an extra terrestrial life form, an artificial intelligence (as some posit), a regular ol' human being, or an N.S.A. think tank, in the context of my idea, it really doesn't matter.

genius image

It's genius, and it's repercussions are still the same.

What's a Blockchain Implementation?

The blockchain is an immutable decentralized database which acts as a trustless trust network.

One: Immutable because once a block is added to the chain and the disparate branches (due to varying internet speeds) are reconciled, the data can never be altered.

  • That is without the whole thing (every node) blowing up (going down), which is really unlikely.
  • Assuming the internet doesn't go down, in which case, we're doomed.
  • Think of the corruptibility of a centralized database. They have total power, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  • You think accounting departments would be able to "cook the books" if they couldn't alter their database's history?

Two: Decentralized because each node has a complete copy of the entire network's history.

  • There's no central point of failure, nodes can go down, and it really doesn't matter.
  • This decentralized concept was also the cornerstone of the D.A.R.P.A project.

Three: Trustless because you can trust that your suggested database alteration (once accepted) will propagate to every node in the network.

  • Once a transaction a.k.a. database alteration is accepted to a block and reconciled with the master branch, you can trust that this change is written in stone.
  • In the case of cryptocurrencies, this is the solution to the double spend issue. I.e. Your money won't go elsewhere in addition to where you intend to send it.
  • The address is the destination.
  • Your money can't be double spent.
  • As long as you don't lose your private key, no one can steal your money.
  • You don't have to trust a third party, the control is entirely yours, for better or for worse.
  • You could memorize your private key and then it's literally impossible to steal your money.
  • In bitcoin's case, aside from a 51% attack on the network triggering double spends, someone would have to coerce the key from you, or hypnosis, there's always hypnosis.

Four: When push comes to shove, it's just a database, and really that's what every application is.

What does this mean?


the whole planet earth

Really, a web app is more than just a DB

It's actually a complex array of many databases, proxies, cdn's, servers, etc...

But that's not the point.

These days, everything is operated using databases and the internet, to provide data/functionality via web applications:

  • Finance
  • Medicine
  • Identity
  • Education
  • Business
  • Investment
  • Transporation
  • Democracy - Voting
  • Justice
  • Resource distribution
  • Logistics
  • Manufacturing automation
  • Entertainment
  • Everything

Middlemen Going the Way of The Dinosaur

This means that the middleman will be a dying breed.

This is terrible news for middlemen and great news for consumers, citizens, investors, stakeholders, voters, and pretty much anyone not making money from facilitating antiquated bureaucracy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about tearing the system down. I'm a proponent of gradual change and it seems that if we reduce corruption, market forces will prevail, you know, true democracy.

statue of liverty

Now, this somewhat naive rant is really about the innate goal of what technology can do for humanity. We won't ever get there, this is what we're striving for, the unattainable perfection.

Here's how Blockchain reflects nature.

Xray of human beings

Think about how life works, in terms of biology.

On average, a human being is a self-contained biological mechanism filled with 37.2 trillion little bubble universes, that each contains a copy for creating the whole.

Image of DNA artistic representation

D.N.A. is the code for a human being, the database, and if a cell goes wrong and turns cancerous or dies, there are nearly endless backup copies, so that the recipe for the individual isn't lost. Remind you of something?

I realize that life is more complicated than our rudimentary and imperfect means of storing data that we call a database but I believe this analogy makes sense.

images mainframes, servers, and databases

This is why I believe that blockchain is here to stay. So time to roll up your sleeves and start learning because the future isn't gonna slow down for you, it's just gonna leave you behind.

weird space robot future image

Feel free to share your lolz, your feedback, your thoughts, just share, because that's what we're here to do.

Sharing is caring

sharing is caring image

As a web developer and digital marketer early in my career, I love to learn about tech, so please let me know about any naive or just plain old wrong statements that I might have made.

I don't care about being right, my goal is to become better than I am now.