Vantage : the decetralized donation platform

in #blockchain7 years ago


It is estimated that the non - profit organizations received donations from the public amounting to millions of dollars

The important of the non- government can not be over emphasize.....
The needy get the needed assistance .
The sick get monetary assistance to pay hospital bills.
Unemployment is being reduced.
The positive impact is so many.

However,donors seems to be skeptical whether to continue doing the good work or not .
This can be attributed to the fact that , they are not carried along by these nonprofit organizations as regard how the funds is being used.
The things happening around in the fundraising sector in recent times , where some unscrupulous elements will float a non- government organization with the sole s of defrauding the public of their hard earned monies , is fuelling the suspicion of these donors.

Some non- governmental don't use the funds exactly how they stated initially.
These has resulted to donors being reluctant to continue donating funds as they are not provided with the means to track their donated funds and ensure its being put to good use.
This challenge creates distrust and lack of confidence among donors.

And if not curtailed, will adversely impact negatively on the socioeconomic development, the needy won't be able to get the needed assistance and more sick will keep dieing due to inability to raise funding to pay their hospital bills.

Introducing Vantage Network, a Contribution Tracking Platform that enables donors to see exactly how the money they contribute to a fundraising campaign is spent, down to the transaction level. This level of visibility engenders donor confidence, building trust in nonprofits and ultimately yielding more money raised to help people in need.

Vantage network would leverage off the blockchain technology to ensure theres transparency in this giving processes.

The Vantage Network consists of a web portal that allows nonprofits to easily manage their fundraising campaigns and create donation points, a mobile payment application used by nonprofits to spend contributions, a blockchain platform that leverages XVT to track contributions and spending, a digital asset management platform that is used to operate the system and software APIs that integrate the various nodes to enable the tracking of fiat currency and generation of campaign analytics.

t is very easy; a contributor makes a donation using its credit card to a non-profit organization that uses the Vantage Network. Then, the contributor receives a tracking ID that is associated with their donation – very similar to how package delivering works now. Then, they can use this ID to track how their donation is used by the non-profit organization.

The non-profit organization receives the donation in its Vantage Account and spends the donation using the Vantage Mobile Pay app. The interesting point is that the Vantage Network is based on the NEM blockchain, so the donation can be easily tracked.

This will build trust and confidence among donors , which will make for an increased interest in donating and helping the needy among us in the society.

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Token Supply: 200,000,000 Telegram:

Author: Nnedaddy