Meet “Streamity”: the all-in-one solution for crypto currency enthusiasts

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Revolutionary tech can be hard to adopt at the beginning

Every time there is a new service or product capable of completely changing the way a certain industry works, people might have a hard time when trying to adopt that new technology. They are not use to it because it is something that didn’t exist before, and the way it works are yet to be embraced by the general public.

A common example of this, is how people who aren’t very tech savvy always have a problem when adopting a new hardware such as current smartphones, or new online platforms, whether it is for content consumption, social interaction, or financial transactions.

The sophistication in the different products we have ready for consumption, increases constantly at every passing year, and people who are not use to be constantly informed about the new trends, might eventually feel like they were left behind by the modern world, because they don’t understand all of what is happening, and how to take advantage of the new innovations that are constantly coming out.

When it comes to one of the most powerful innovations of this decade, blockchain technology, getting involved in this industry is not quite easy, because not only is the industry growing incredibly fast, but there is a constant influx of information about tons of projects, and for people who want to start with the right foot regarding their crypto involvement, consuming all of that information in an efficient way can be very challenging, and for some people, it might even be a little intimidating because there is simply too much to learn.

Therefore, finding ways to simplify the process of adoption of crypto currencies, is something that must be done for the industry to continue with its natural expansion, it is not a secret that blockchain technology can disrupt every industry there is, but it must become a sector that is easy to enter for everyone, including people who aren’t tech savvy. And this is where Streamity comes into action.

What is Streamity offering?

Streamity, as the title of this article indicates, is planning in becoming an all-in-one platform for people who want to get involved in the crypto market. I call this platform an all-in-one because it will offer literally everything a person could need, to start his involvement in this industry in the best way possible.

One of their most important developments, called StreamDesk, is a new exchange platform for P2P (peer-to-peer) transactions between different cryptos, or with FIAT money, in which security doesn’t rely on how trustful are the 2 person doing the transaction, but rather, it relies on a smart contract.

A smart contract is defined as “a computer program that directly controls the transfer of digital currencies or assets between parties under certain conditions. A smart contract not only defines the rules and penalties related to an agreement in the same way that a traditional contract does, but it can also automatically enforce those obligations.” | source

By leveraging smart contracts capabilities, doing P2P transactions will be something completely secure, because there will be no way for a dishonest user to scam the other one by not complying with his part of the deal. With a smart contract, it will all be done automatically and the FIAT money as well as the cryptocurrencies, will only be transferred once both individuals have already comply with their corresponding compromise, they will send their FIAT money or crypto currency to the smart contract, and once both funds are controlled by said contract, the release will be automatically triggered and both users will receive the funds, this protects both buyer and seller from potential scammers because the smart contract will make sure everything goes smoothly with no chance of deceiving. Besides, since there will be no intermediary, it will also help with lowering the fees, which reduces the cost of doing transactions, and this is especially good for people who tend to do a lot of transactions on a daily basis for trading purposes, and the fact people can directly exchange their FIAT money for a wide range of crypto currencies will make the adoption of this technology much easier for the average user.

Because the platform will be very easy to use, and the process will be very straightforward and totally secure, this will make it much easier for new users to start making their investments with proper confidence without stressing about how complicate this can be, which is what could happen if they used another more difficult platform for their first crypto purchasing. And thanks to the simplicity of StreamDesk, the general adoption of crypto currencies could continue its due course, including more and more people, so they can also take advantage of the revolution that is taking place with this technology.

Another good feature that can protect its users from bad people, is the fact the price data used in this platform is based on the current prices from the major exchanges, this means that manipulating the exchange rates is something extremely unlikely, and this allows users to do their transactions using the real market rate for that particular moment.

Streamity is more than a trading platform

Even though doing transactions with the security of using smart contracts can provide a lot of mental ease for its users, Streamity needs to be more than that to be called a real all-in-one solution.

The fact is, people need to have a good understanding about the movements on this industry, because the development of blockchain projects is faster that some people might expect, and having proper knowledge is necessary to take good decisions when choosing which project to support and which to ignore. People need to be informed, and it can be something overwhelming because there are so many news sources, that handling all of them and organizing so much information can be very exhausting.

Streamity is planning to solve this problem, by offering in their website, everything they need to know to be on top of all the major events and news in the industry. People will be able to have access to filtered news about current developments, as well as market analysis and studies from experts. It will be a portal so anyone can get properly educated about crypto currencies and blockchain technology in an efficient way, because it will also teach how to operate if people want to trade their crypto currencies for other different ones, and get involved in the different ICOs that are constantly being created.

All kind of users, whether they already have experience with participating in blockchain projects, or if they are completely new, will find Streamity’s portal to be a place with very valuable and useful information for their crypto investments.

Since a community is one of the most important things in order to succeed, interaction between the different users will be facilitated thanks to the presence of a chat designed for traders, and forums when everyone is free to express their doubts and look for answers to anything they might need from more knowledgeable people. This will incentive interaction and make users feel more comfortable with each other.

Accounts will have valuable information for the user, like its transaction history and all sort of investment statistic so the person can evaluate all of his past decisions, and use that information to learn and get better with time.

Besides, with the goal of empowering the community even more, it can work as a platform where people can provide all types of information to educate others, it can be articles, videos, even webinars, all of those will be vetted by professionals to ensure that quality standards are met. This will enrich even more the range of information available to the users and will bring immense value to the platform.

The content creation will be rewarded using Streamity’s token called STM, and it will depend on the quality of the content added to the portal, so experts of the industry can easily be rewarded if they decide to provide original content for this platform, these tokens will also be used to pay for everything regarding Streamity’s services or products, like for example, training courses made by people with specialized knowledge.


Streamity offers a secure way of doing P2P transactions with smart contracts in their StremDesk trading platform, and because they will be able to work with different crypto currencies capable of being exchanged directly with FIAT money, this will make everything easier for people who are just starting with their crypto investments. The security provided by the implementation of smart contracts is also extremely important, especially because in P2P transactions there could be bad people looking to deceive and commit scams, but that won’t be possible with the use of smart contracts.

However, Streamity goes one step further, and is also developing a portal for the creation and consumption of educative content regarding everything about the blockchain industry. People will be able not only to learn from professionals and experts, but they will also be able to bring value to the platform in the form of original content with good quality, which can even earn them rewards using the Streamity token (SMT).

In short words, they are offering everything a person could need to get involved in the blockchain industry. They are offering a better way to make exchanges, and a place where people can learn everything they need to succeed in this industry.

  • If you want to know more about this project, I invite you to check their website.
  • If you want to check StreamDesk Alpha version, you can do it here.
  • If interested about how this platforms works and its technical details, you will find useful information in their Whitepaper.
  • And if you want to get into contact with them, feel free to visit their Facebook , Twitter and Telegram
  • For some informative videos please click here.

Here is a video I made sharing my thoughts about this platform:

  • In case you still have a question about this project, feel free to leave a comment below and I will answer it to the best of my abilities.

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yes definetely steemity is a best platform for all cyrpto lovers . .

It does offer a lot of necessary tools for its users, that is for sure.

I like this application, it is an innovative way for your queries the evolution of the way of consultation.

Yeah it seems promising. They are just starting, so we would have to wait to see how this platform works.

I'm looking forward to trying this out, if it's really going to be so easy to get into crypto as they say it is, they're going to attract a lot of new users to world of crypto investing.

they're going to attract a lot of new users to world of crypto investing

That is the idea, to make everything easier for the users, and become a common platform for exchanging crypto and consuming information.

Thanks for the tip, I will check out the website first thing tomorrow.
I completely agree that for Blockchain tech to succeed, it needs to be accessible for the mainstream public.
I remember when I got thrown into the world of crypto - a little less than two years ago - it was a whole lot to process. It still is, for all that matters, lol. Everything is evolving so fast that it is hard to keep up.
I don’t have a lot more than a basic understanding, but even then: I tried to explain the possibilities of Blockchain technology besides cryptocurrencies to someone just the other day, and I noticed that I had already lost the other person after my second sentence, lol.
Education on a non-techie user level is one of the most important factors if we want this to ever succeed.

Education on a non-techie user level is one of the most important factors if we want this to ever succeed.

Yes, that is the most challenging part. I believe things tend to get easier for the end user after a while, crypto is just beginning so it is not surprising that it is complicate.

I assume the first computers were not made for the mainstream public either... ;0)

And the longer you have been around, the trickier it is to learn new things haha
I have my teen (he just turned 13) teaching me how to work discord and now Lit...
Steep learning curve, but learn I must
Thank you for this, it helps in understanding this brand new Monster, the blockchain!

Thank you for this, it helps in understanding this brand new Monster

I am glad you enjoyed the article mate!

Hey @dedicatedguy

What a great idea for the growth of the crypto space. There is clearly an issue with the user side of things; especially for beginners, and this sort of interface is what is needed for the next level of adoption.

Thanks for sharing.


this sort of interface is what is needed for the next level of adoption

Agree, making things simpler will surely allow for a more rapid adoption to take place.

This does seem like an interesting project. Definitely, the technical barriers to entry to the crypto world is preventing mainstream adoption. At the moment, we are asking a lot of a population that generally uses a single easily guessable password across most of their accounts...

This is really interesting. I'm going to have to spend some time looking more into this. Thanks for writing about it!

I think another reason people do not adapt to new and emerging offerings is because of the difficulty finding the gems among the huge array that is becoming available. It is only halfway through 2018 and I have already heard of dozens and dozens of new websites, apps, and projects that have just become available this year. To try them all and find the gems among all the clutter would be a full-time job.

That being said, this Streamity/SteamDesk sounds like something to watch and consider investing some time into exploring. Thanks for sharing this with #steemitbloggers, and please let us know if you learn more about them!