30 Use Cases of Blockchain Technology

in #blockchain6 years ago

30 Use Cases of Blockchain Technology


Essentia develops world's first blockchain solution to manage international logistics hub together with Traffic Labs and the Finnish Government


Voter registration is being facilitated via a blockchain project in Switzerland spearheaded by Uport.

Mobile Payments

The blockchain ledger the Ripple uses has been latched onto by a group of Japanese banks, who will be using it for quick mobile payments


A smart contract based blockchain is being used by insurer American International Group Inc as a means of saving costs and increasing transparency


Decentralized journalism, as enable by blockchain technology, has the potential to prevent censorship and increase transparency as Civil has shown.

Fine Art

By storing certificates of authenticity on the blockchain, it’s possible to dramatically reduce art forgeries, as one blockchain project is proving.

National Security

For the past two years, the US Department of Homeland Security has been using blockchain to record and safely store data captured from its security cameras.


Arbit is a blockchain-based project led by former Guns N Roses drummer Matt Sorum seeking a fairer way to reward musicians for their creative efforts

Waste Management

Waltonchain is using RFID technology to store waste management data on the blockchain in China.

Supply Chains

IBM and Walmart have partnered in China to create a blockchain project the will monitor food safety.


In a bid to boost its tourism economy, Hawaii is examining ways in which blockchain-based cryptocurrencies can be adopted throughout the US state.


Blockchain technology has been used to provide a transparent record of where fish is caught, as a means of ensuring it was legally captured.

Endangered Species Protection

The protection of endangered species is being facilitated via a blockchain project the records the activities of these rare animals.


A number of healthcare systems that store data on the blockchain have been pioneered including MedRec

Land Registry

Land registry titles are now being stored on the blockchain in Georgia in a project developed by the National Agency of Public Registry


Shipping is a natural fit for blockchain and Maersk have been trailing a blockchain-based project within the maritime logistics industry.


Digital Currency Group is helping Amazon Web Services examine ways in which the distributed ledger technology can help improve database security.

Carbon Offsets

IBM is using the Hyperedge Fabric blockchain in China to monitor carbon offset trading.


Ethereum’s blockchain can be accessed as a cloud-based service courtesy of Microsoft Azure

Google is building its own blockchain which will be integrated into its cloud=based services enabling businesses to store data on it and to request their own white label version developed by Alphabet Inc

Real Estate

The blockchain is now being used to complete real estate deals, the first of which was conducted in Kiev by Propy


New York Interactive Advertising Exchange has been experimenting with blockchain as a means of providing an ads marketplace for publishers.


In China, a tax-based initiative is using blockchain to store tax records and electronic invoices led by Miaocai Network


The De Beers Group is using blockchain to track the importation and sale of diamonds.


Russian rail operator Novotrans is storing inventory data on a blockchain pertaining to repair requests and rolling stock

Border Control

Essentia has devised a border control system that would use blockchain to store passenger data in the Netherlands.

Essentia is also developing a blockchain project for border control that will allow customs agents to record passenger data from an array of inputs and safely store it.


Essentia is developing a test project that will help energy suppliers track the distribution of their resources in real time, whilst maintaining data confidentiality.

Food importation is another industry where blockchain is proving its worth in the Energy industry, with Louis Dreyfus Co trailing a soybean importation operation using this technology.

Chile’s National Energy Commission has started using blockchain technology as a way of certifying data pertaining to the country’s energy usage as it seeks to update its electrical infrastructure.