I really like the idea of using the blockchain for voting, would make fraud pretty difficult I'd think. My only concern there would be getting people on board to make is a truely decentralized voting blockchain rather than a government owned blockchain.
I'm not sure I understand how smart contracts and your section abount reputation and accountability really tie into what blockchain could do for voting. Are you just saying we could bake in campaign promises into smart contracts to make the candidates keep their promises?
Yes, exactly. The smart contracts could be "baked in" as you mention. Also the participation does not have to stop at the election level. Decisions made from this point forward could be fed back into blockchain as smart contracts with at least of a percentage of the outcome decided by citizens.
The government owned blockchain does concern me, in order for a blockchain to function at an optiimum level it must be decenteralized. Currently the banking industry is undergoing the same issues. Seems these are two institutions that have issues with full transparancy. Makes me wonder if this is the root of the current problems.
Oh absolutely the lack of transparency is a problem. The fact that corporations and large donors can hide behind super pacs and the like is terrible. It would be great if such a process was an open blockchain but, then you have the task of convincing people to run nodes. And in a country (USA) where you have a hard time getting people to even vote, I think it'd be difficult
I have noticed media putting the "fright" into the masses. I enthusiastically share what I am learning about blockchain, smart contracts, IoT and ultimately AI society. They look at me say something absurd like, "Are you not concerned about the Singularity?", the belief that if we will make technology too smart it will somehow gain consciousness. The public needs to be educated. Of course, we know who is controlling the media. It becomes a vicious circle. The next thing you know they will be creating distractions like launching dummies into space in Teslas, oh wait...
The blockchain is here to stay. Cryptocurrencies are not going anywhere. They are designed this way. Little by little society is waking up and when they do everything is in place to move forward. If everything goes awry, Satoshi Nakamoto holds the kill switch, which is his(?) share of a million coins. Fed back into the system they will bring it down overnight. Of course as long as all goes as planned, this will never have to happen.
Oh for sure, I agree with you, the blockchain is an amazing technology. Continue to share, we need people like you to show people that blockchain isn't about elicit dealings and Ponzi scheme. It has some real world use cases.
There's also no doubt the media has a biased viewpoint. I think a lot of times people forget that these companies are here for a profit and fear, hate, murder, terror, all sell page clicks and create discussion. Doesn't matter to them if it's the truth or not. That's where platforms like this come in handy. Just got to make Steemit get Facebook level famous.
Keep up the good work!