Vaccine Event is Written into Ethereum and EOS | Blockchain is Useful for Medical Supervision?

in #blockchain7 years ago

The record is written on the Blockchain, which saved forever, cannot be editable
Sync globally, see publicly, no central authorization to delete them
Blockchain is not only able to record the text, from the medical aspect, there is large application area to applicate. The system of Blockchain is able to use to track and abuse the medicine using by using the tracking in blockchain and supervised technology.

  1. The original copy of the event had been blocked, where we can find?

The vaccine article explored in everywhere but it was deleted afterward. Most of the original copy is blocked by various social media platform. If you want to read the original copy, where you can find it? how to avoid that the truth is covered? Does the information is controlled by the authority? Where is the freedom?

Thankfully, blockchain technology is the only place where can reach this goal to practice on saving the article forever by accident. And no one or authority are able to delete or edit them. As we’ve seen so far, this is the only way we can save the original copy of the article is uploading them on the blockchain. The guidance as below is to help you to read the original article :

  1. Reading from the chain of Ethereum

Opening the link as below, find the “Input data” window, there are some codes inside as default, click the UTF-8 then you can read the original copy, which is full of every detail. You can take a look at yourself.

(If you cannot open it, copy the address and paste on your browser)

Vaccine Event:

Peking University Event:

select and press the UTF-8, then you can see the display in Chinese

The text of vaccine event on the blockchain

The text of the Peking University event on the blockchain

How to write on the Ethereum?
(1). When trade in the imtoken wallet, select “Advanced Preference”, within the frame, input the text by hex rather than Chinese directly because you need to transfer them into the type of hex first

(2). The message transferring method to hex can use the link to achieve it:

After you finished doing that, delete the space and add “0x” at the beginning and put them all into the trade record.

Be Careful:
Don’t write the long article on the Ethereum due to the fee is really high and if the article is too long, it is easy to make a traffic jam on the ethereum’s network.

On the ethereum, you can transfer it to yourself with the 0 ETH. However, it also needs the fee for transferring because the amount of word you input will associate to the amount of fee you need to pay.

  1. Reading on the EOS’s Chain
    Also, open the link as below directly and you can see the article or can click the Read More. (if the website cannot be opened, copy the address and open in the browser)

Vaccine Event on the EOS’s Chain

The text of vaccine event on the blockchain

It is very easy to input the text on the EOS’s Chain. You can input on the remarks of the transfer directly.


There is no fee on texting on the remark on EOS’s Chain. It is very convenient and only type in Chinese directly, but you cannot transfer it to yourself and every time you transfer has to be more than 0 EOS.

  1. Medical Industry need blockchain to track the supervised technology

“Vaccine Event” is a very good example to use the blockchain technology so that it is able to track
the safe vaccine, the true vaccine and so on.
As the matter of fact, this supervised type without currency in the blockchain technology now has the very completed model. Thus, blockchain is misread

(People often think that blockchain on only use in investing). And the market doesn’t have the trusted, honest and hard-worked team causes the latest technology cannot be practice and applicate as soon as possible no matter it is in the department of governments or some non-profit organizations. However, this is the thing we need to do more or less and it would be faster than what we imagine.

And now in the United States, the blockchain technology is not being used. The Centre of United Stated Disease Control and Against is now researching the system which is fundamentally based on blockchain to share the database of the treated pathogen, analysis the epidemic and manage the response of public health existed danger. Some responders of this topic may concern that the system of Blockchain may be able to help to track the usage and abuse of the medicine of opioid.

  1. Embracing the supervised blockchain on the public chain

From the blockchain usage in the medical industry, the priority goal of medical industry application in Blockchain is to achieve the supervision, then is tracking the medicine. According to Celes Chain used the new generation of consensus mechanism 3.0, the decentralization and the efficiency can be achieved. Furthermore, C-Chain embraces supervision from the bottom, supports the communication of across chain and authorizes the side chain linked for serving better in developing application service in supervision institution. C-Chain would plan to work on the financial establishment, medical treatment, digital bank and etc.

C-Chain designs the script to support the automatic contract and the other various applications. We will fully design it to support the higher efficiency supervision and keep the professional supervised legal compile layers to achieve the largest limitation to obey the local legalization. This legal supervision compiles layers responses for the legal text with correct grammar from translating the automatic contract.

With the help with reducing marketing cost, increasing the supervised efficiency and the other features, C-Chain is able to attract more supervised institution, financial institution and the other users who use this platform from their devices. CC use the blockchain mode in recoding the important data and witness’s information by decentralization so that supervisors can gain any data and record.

When Celes Chain designs the automatic CC script language, it uses the different legislative systematic script for the groups of participants to choose freely on the legal method they need to achieve the goal of the code is law finally. However, different countries have the different legislative system and it exists with the problem of timing. So, CC has another compile to translate the law and regulation into the real legislative text.

Celes’s Chain performs as the user, code, and texts at the same time in working to corporate with medical supervision to make sure that the developmental service is under the regulation so that there is no fake medicine in the future medical industry.