Artificial intelligence is one of the fields of innovation that is converging with blockchain. Imagine AI that communicates with smart contracts to manage electricity grid payments, creates insurance portfolios, or operates the global financial system. This is one of the areas where self-driving cars naturally work together with blockchain and cryptocurrencies to validate the work that is done. In the spirit of this convergence here are the most cited articles relevant to the connection between these two fields.
- "The fourth industrial revolution". K Schwab. 2017. * *. 673 cites.
- "Blockchain: Blueprint for a new economy". M Swan. 2015. * *. 335 cites.
- "Cultures@ siliconvalley". JA English-Lueck. 2017. * *. 140 cites.
- "Blockchain Revolution: How the technology behind Bitcoin is changing money, business, and the world". D Tapscott, A Tapscott. 2016. * *. 140 cites.
- "Blockchain technology: principles and applications". M Pilkington. 2015. Browser Download This Paper. 80 cites.
- "Decentralized blockchain technology and the rise of lex cryptographia". A Wright, P De Filippi. 2015. * *. 69 cites.
- "Where Is Current Research on Blockchain Technology?---A Systematic Review". J Yli-Huumo, D Ko, S Choi, S Park, K Smolander. 2016. PloS one. 48 cites.
- "A learned representation for artistic style". V Dumoulin, J Shlens, M Kudlur, A Behboodi.... 2016. arXiv preprint arXiv .... 43 cites.
- "Bitcoin mining pools: A cooperative game theoretic analysis". Y Lewenberg, Y Bachrach, Y Sompolinsky.... 2015. Proceedings of the .... 40 cites.
- "Blockchain technology and decentralized governance: Is the state still necessary?". M Atzori. 2015. * *. 38 cites.
- "Sharing ledgers for sharing economies: an exploration of mutual distributed ledgers (aka blockchain technology)". M Mainelli, M Smith. 2015. The Journal of Financial Perspectives. 35 cites.
- "Connected car: quantified self becomes quantified car". M Swan. 2015. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks. 33 cites.
- "Untrusted business process monitoring and execution using blockchain". I Weber, X Xu, R Riveret, G Governatori.... 2016. Springer ... Conference on Business .... 32 cites.
- "The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology". W Mougayar. 2016. * *. 27 cites.
- "Cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and artificial intelligence". S Omohundro. 2014. AI matters. 27 cites.
- "Blockchain thinking: The brain as a dac (decentralized autonomous organization)". M Swan. 2015. Texas Bitcoin Conference. 26 cites.
- "Land-use and climate change risks in the Amazon and the need of a novel sustainable development paradigm". CA Nobre, G Sampaio, LS Borma.... 2016. National Acad Sciences Proceedings of the .... 21 cites.
- "Journalism, media and technology predictions 2016". N Newman. 2016. * *. 18 cites.
- "NRGcoin: Virtual currency for trading of renewable energy in smart grids". M Mihaylov, S Jurado, N Avellana.... 2014. ... Energy Market (EEM .... 18 cites.
- "Decentralized Applications: Harnessing Bitcoin's Blockchain Technology". S Raval. 2016. * *. 17 cites.
- "Blockchain thinking: The brain as a decentralized autonomous corporation [commentary]". M Swan. 2015. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine. 16 cites.
- "The end of asymmetric information". A Tabarrok, T Cowen. 2015. Cato Unbound. 16 cites.
- "Data mining in healthcare--a review". N Jothi, W Husain. 2015. Elsevier Procedia Computer Science. 16 cites.
- "NRG-X-Change-A Novel Mechanism for Trading of Renewable Energy in Smart Grids.". M Mihaylov, S Jurado, K Van Moffaert.... 2014. .... 16 cites.
- "Big-Data Analytics for Cloud, IoT and Cognitive Computing". K Hwang, M Chen. 2017. * *. 15 cites.
- "Bitcoin: bubble or blockchain". P Godsiff. 2015. Springer Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and .... 15 cites.
- "Evaluation of logic-based smart contracts for blockchain systems". F Idelberger, G Governatori, R Riveret.... 2016. Springer ... Symposium on Rules and .... 14 cites.
- "On Trees, Chains and Fast Transactions in the Blockchain.". A Kiayias, G Panagiotakos. 2016. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive. 14 cites.
- "The State of the Art 2015: A literature review of social media intelligence capabilities for counter-terrorism". J Bartlett, L Reynolds. 2015. * *. 14 cites.
- "Cost of Compliance 2015". S English, S Hammond. 2014. * *. 14 cites.
- "Can Robots Be Lawyers: Computers, Lawyers, and the Practice of Law". D Remus, F Levy. 2017. HeinOnline Geo. J. Legal Ethics. 13 cites.
- "A roadmap for scalable agent organizations in the internet of everything". M Schatten, J Ševa, I Tomičić. 2016. Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software. 13 cites.
- "Privacy engineering: Shaping an emerging field of research and practice". S Gürses, JM del Alamo. 2016. IEEE Security & Privacy. 13 cites.
- "Blockchain-based sharing services: What blockchain technology can contribute to smart cities". J Sun, J Yan, KZK Zhang. 2016. Financial Innovation. 12 cites.
- "From institutions to code: towards automated generation of smart contracts". CK Frantz, M Nowostawski. 2016. Foundations and Applications of .... 12 cites.
- "The blockchain phenomenon". J Mattila. 2016. ... The Blockchain Phenomenon'(Berkeley Roundtable of .... 10 cites.
- "A Blockchain-Based Approach to Health Information Exchange Networks". K Peterson, R Deeduvanu, P Kanjamala, K Boles. 2016. * *. 10 cites.
- "The global brain and the emerging economy of abundance: Mutualism, open collaboration, exchange networks and the automated commons". B Goertzel, T Goertzel, Z Goertzel. 2017. Elsevier Technological Forecasting and Social .... 9 cites.
- "Blockchain temporality: smart contract time specifiability with blocktime". M Swan. 2016. Springer International symposium on rules and rule markup .... 9 cites.
- "The economics of reputation and feedback systems in E-commerce marketplaces". S Tadelis. 2016. IEEE Internet Computing. 9 cites.
- "Trend Compendium 2030". R Berger. 2014. Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. 9 cites.
- "The blockchain: a new framework for robotic swarm systems". EC Ferrer. 2016. arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.00695. 8 cites.
- "Can Blockchain Strengthen the Internet of Things?". N Kshetri. 2017. IT Professional. 7 cites.
- "How to Develop a Great Digital Strategy". JW Ross, CM Beath.... 2017. MIT Sloan Management .... 7 cites.
- "Privacy in bitcoin transactions: new challenges from blockchain scalability solutions". J Herrera-Joancomartí, C Pérez-Solà. 2016. Springer ... Decisions for Artificial Intelligence. 7 cites.
- "Smart contracts". M Kõlvart, M Poola, A Rull. 2016. Springer The Future of Law and etechnologies. 7 cites.
- "Mobile money & payments: Technology trends". D Shrier, G Canale, A Pentland. 2016. * *. 7 cites.
- "The future of digital business innovation: Trends and practices". V Morabito. 2016. * *. 7 cites.
- "Beyond Bitcoin-Part I: A critical look at blockchain-based systems.". P Forte, D Romano, G Schmid. 2015. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive. 7 cites.
- "Formalizing value-guided argumentation for ethical systems design". B Verheij. 2016. Springer Artificial Intelligence and Law. 6 cites.
- "Algorithmic Consumers". MS Gal, N Elkin-Koren. 2016. * *. 6 cites.
- "Big Data Analytics: A Management Perspective". F Corea. 2016. *Springer *. 6 cites.
- "Business Innovation Through Blockchain". V Morabito. 0. Springer. 6 cites.
- "The economics of crypto-democracy". DWE Allen, C Berg, AM Lane, J Potts. 2017. * *. 5 cites.
- "IBM's service journey: A summary sketch". J Spohrer. 2017. Elsevier Industrial Marketing Management. 5 cites.
- "The Internet Information and Technology Research Directions based on the Fourth Industrial Revolution.". M Chung, J Kim. 2016. KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems. 5 cites.
- "The Blockchain Revolution: An Analysis of Regulation and Technology Related to Distributed Ledger Technologies". H Kakavand, N Kost De Sevres. 2016. * *. 5 cites.
- "Medical Record System Using Blockchain, Big Data and Tokenization". PTS Liu. 2016. Springer Information and Communications Security. 5 cites.
- "Fraud detections for online businesses: a perspective from blockchain technology". Y Cai, D Zhu. 2016. Springer Financial Innovation. 5 cites.
- "Decentralized Large-Scale Electricity Consumption Shifting by Prosumer Cooperatives.". C Akasiadis, G Chalkiadakis. 2016. ECAI. 5 cites.
- "THE RISE OF FINTECH: opportunities and challenges". I Pollari. 2016. JASSA. 5 cites.
- "Smart Contracts--How will Blockchain Technology Affect Contractual Practices?". K Lauslahti, J Mattila, T Seppälä. 2016. * *. 5 cites.
- "Cryptoinsurance". M Abramowicz. 2015. HeinOnline Wake Forest L. Rev.. 5 cites.
- "An Intelligence in Our Image: The Risks of Bias and Errors in Artificial Intelligence". OA Osoba, W Welser IV. 2017. * *. 4 cites.
- "The Global Brain as a model of the future information society: An introduction to the special issue". F Heylighen, M Lenartowicz. 2017. *Elsevier *. 4 cites.
- "Research directions for Principles of Data Management (Dagstuhl perspectives workshop 16151)". S Abiteboul, M Arenas, P Barceló, M Bienvenu.... 2017. arXiv preprint arXiv .... 4 cites.
- "Blockchain Disruption and Smart Contracts". LW Cong, Z He, J Zheng. 2017. * *. 4 cites.
- "The Future of Finance: FinTech, Tech Disruption, and Orchestrating Innovation". O Bussmann. 2017. Springer Equity Markets in Transition. 4 cites.
- "Living cognitive society: a 'digital'world of Views". V Veitas, D Weinbaum. 2017. Elsevier Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 4 cites.
- "Siri-ously 2.0: What Artificial Intelligence Reveals about the First Amendment". TM Massaro, H Norton, ME Kaminski. 2016. HeinOnline Minn. L. Rev.. 4 cites.
- "Smartphone Medicine". PM Barrett, EJ Topol. 2016. IT Professional. 4 cites.
- "Blockchains and the Logic of Accountability: Keynote Address". M Herlihy, M Moir. 2016. Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM/IEEE .... 4 cites.
- "Decentralized Banking: Monetary Technocracy in the Digital Age". A Hayes. 2016. Springer Banking Beyond Banks and Money. 4 cites.
- "Real-World Electronic Voting: Design, Analysis and Deployment". F Hao, PYA Ryan. 2016. * *. 4 cites.
- "Transformation: examining the implications of emerging technology for journalism, media and society". JV Pavlik. 2015. Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications. 4 cites.
- "Conceptualisation of rights and meta-rule of law for the web of data". P Casanovas. 2015. * *. 4 cites.
- "The Sharing Economy, Competition and Regulation". JE Gata. 2015. Competition Policy International .... 4 cites.
- "Top trends in the gartner hype cycle for emerging technologies, 2017". K Panetta. 2017. ... business potential of blockchain, artificial intelligence .... 3 cites.
- "Security and Privacy Challenges in the Internet of Things [Security and Privacy Matters]". JH Lee, H Kim. 2017. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine. 3 cites.
- "Algorithmic Regulation: Automating Financial Compliance Monitoring and Regulation Using AI and Blockchain". P Treleaven, B Batrinca. 2017. Journal of Financial Transformation. 3 cites.
- "A Manifesto for Web Science@ 10". W Hall, J Hendler, S Staab. 2017. arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.08291. 3 cites.
- "In Search of Research Ideas? Call a Professional". W Zinn, TJ Goldsby. 2017. Wiley Online Library Journal of Business Logistics. 3 cites.
- "Surviving the Machine Age: Intelligent Technology and the Transformation of Human Work". K LaGrandeur, JJ Hughes. 2017. * *. 3 cites.
- "Rethinking Transportation 2020-2030". J Arbib, T Seba. 2017. * *. 3 cites.
- "Industrial Cyber Vulnerabilities: Lessons from Stuxnet and the Internet of Things". LJ Trautman, PC Ormerod. 2017. * *. 3 cites.
- "The Tyranny of Data? The Bright and Dark Sides of Data-Driven Decision-Making for Social Good". B Lepri, J Staiano, D Sangokoya, E Letouzé.... 2017. Springer Transparent Data Mining .... 3 cites.
- "The offer network protocol: Mathematical foundations and a roadmap for the development of a global brain". F Heylighen. 2017. Springer The European Physical Journal Special Topics. 3 cites.
- "Collaborative Filtering on the Blockchain: A Secure Recommender System for e-Commerce". R Frey, D Wörner, A Ilic. 2016. * *. 3 cites.
- "The Wild, Distributed World: Get Ready for Radical Infrastructure Changes, from Blockchains to the Interplanetary File System to the Internet of Things". L Koonce. 2016. Aspen Publishers, Inc. Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal. 3 cites.
- "Digital Banking Manifesto: The End of Banks?". A Lipton, D Shrier, A Pentland. 2016. * *. 3 cites.
- "Blockchain/Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT): What Impact on the Financial Sector?". A Collomb, K Sok. 2016. Communications & Strategies. 3 cites.
- "An overview of smart city in China". M Guo, Y Liu, H Yu, B Hu, Z Sang. 2016. China Communications. 3 cites.
- "Filosofskie i socio-antropologicheskie problemy konvergentnogo razvitiya kiberfizicheskih sistem (blokchejn, Internet veshchej, iskusstvennyj intellekt)". VV Chekletsov. 2016. ... and the Internet of things, artificial intelligence)], in .... 3 cites.
- "Why we need democracy 2.0 and capitalism 2.0 to survive". D Helbing. 2016. Browser Download This Paper. 3 cites.
- "Designing proof of human-work puzzles for cryptocurrency and beyond". J Blocki, HS Zhou. 2016. Springer Theory of Cryptography Conference. 3 cites.
- "Exploratory Models in a time of Big Data". M Mazur, E Manley. 2016. Taylor & Francis Interdisciplinary Science Reviews. 3 cites.
- "The world in 2025-predictions for the next ten years". R Taylor, D Baron, D Schmidt. 2015. ... , Packaging, Assembly and .... 3 cites.
- "About Tau-Chain". O Asor. 2015. arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.04120. 3 cites.
- "Unpacking Blockchains". J Prpić. 2017. * *. 2 cites.
- "Regerator: a registry generator for blockchain". AB Tran, X Xu, I Weber, M Staples.... 2017. CAiSE Forum and .... 2 cites.
Republished with permission from the original source:
The Blockchain Library’s goals are twofold: to provide easy access to resources on cryptocurrency research for scholars, academics, analysts, and anyone with an interest in cryptocurrency publications; the second is provide an archive and historical timeline on the development of the blockchain field and to document the journey of its growth.
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