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RE: BREAKING: Trump appoints Pro-Blockchain + Crypto advocate for Budget Chief who also despises the Federal Reserve!

in #blockchain8 years ago

I edited my comment awhile ago -- even keel. I hope this article and news helps a zillion people, that's why I wrote this and if I was in a better position re the car running me over --- I would be able to act myself on this and position myself better.

So I hope it helps a ton of people and gets the word out.


Ahhhh ok, It will definitely help out a lot of people. Thing happen, you must learn to let go of that moment. Have you written about that experience yet? How would you act on it i you could? You can still invest in BTC, right? BTW BTC spiked in price today by hitting 829$

Yeah it is good info, thanks for the update ^_^

It's hard to let go of something when every area of my life is being affected and all of the publicly paid agencies are burying my file.

I only recently started talking about it here. I did not feel comfortable about it and only do it in a handful of places I feel comfortable.

I will not be writing about it really, I speak in general terms if it comes up or I can relate in someone's post on something.

It is hard when the agencies are by their nonfeasance and or malfeasance -- are causing me to to be drained physically, financially, spiritually and emotionally. There is nothing left for me to invest, I cannot pay bills or hardly find food money. After years of supporting and helping others.

I have realized I have little to no support, really nobody cares, and I am being marginalized by the system I paid into for years and one I have questioned since I woke up and done so publicly.

Discussing it a bit quietly here and there IS how I am trying to let go and deal. Most people cannot relate and I pray nothing similar happens to you -- or them. Ever.