Emercoin: Blockchain# adoption in Russia is sluggish

Blockchain solutions provider Emercoin is on the rise after integration with Microsoft Azure. EMC token has grown from $0.21 to $0.42 this month. CoinFox spoke to PR Manager Ivan Kuznetsov on the company’s advance and future plans.

CoinFox: Since the beginning of July, the price of the Emercoin currency has upsurged 2 times. What is the reason for such rapid growth?

Ivan Kuznetsov: The reason lies in a growing interest for Emercoin. Primarily it happens due to the introduction of new operational services based on the Emercoin blockchain. Here, for example, is the implementation of one of our technologies that allows to prevent counterfeiting.

CoinFox: Can you make an estimation of how in-demand are Emercoin products on the Microsoft Azure platform thus far?

Ivan Kuznetsov: It is hard to estimate at this point how in-demand are Emercoin products on the Microsoft Azure platform. Potential users visit pages, enable software and apparently test something and check it up.

CoinFox: Do you plan to attract investments in the near future?

Ivan Kuznetsov: We are always open for investors. We constantly communicate with potential investors. Unfortunately, some of them only want to make profits from price growth and with minimal risks, but this is not our story. You can go to an exchange and buy as many coins as you need and try to make money on the rate fluctuation. We are open for investments in our technologies and in products based on these technologies.

CoinFox: When can we expect the launch of the Emercoin blockchain Lab announced in March?

Ivan Kuznetsov: In fact, the Emercoin blockchain Lab already exists, but it is not officially registered yet. At the moment, it is a community of developers united under the name of Emercoin. By the way, new members are always welcome in our team. As of now, the team includes people from a wide variety of countries, from China to the USA.

CoinFox: Russian Petrodvorets Watch Factory, which produces the iconic watch Raketa, has employed Emercoin blockchain solution for confirmation of the authenticity of their product. Do you have other clients in Russia? How do you assess the prospects of Russian market?

Ivan Kuznetsov: Yes, we have a number of clients in Russia but according to our agreements, we cannot disclose their names or nature of their business. The prospects of blockchain in Russia are truly immense. But unfortunately, the strictly negative stance of certain officials towards cryptocurrencies has its effect on the blockchain. Until the context of blockchain usage in Russia changes, that is, all the things are approved officially, the process will be sluggish.


Nice article. Good to see I'm not the only one who thinks like this. The future is in blockchain. Cryptos are the new popular kid now, but the market will find it's way just like it did with the Internet boom. Personally I always use: https://www.coincheckup.com I'm really enthusiastic about this site, they let you analyze every single coin out there. Check: https://www.coincheckup.com/coins/Emercoin#analysis For a complete Emercoin Investment research report.