The Datum project is exactly the platform that was launched into development and implemented as an absolutely decentralized platform, which in its essence is a market for user data, in particular NoSQL data.
Datum is a special and unique platform, which is an ecosystem for storing data, such as social networks, data from applications created for health, media applications such as "smart car" or "smart home", as well as data from your online activity. The whole point of Datum lies in the safe storage of data, as well as in case of loss of material or data, Datum will help you quickly and intuitively simply, easily and profitable for you to recover without loss.
To date, just under 95% of all information that is on the Internet has been created in just the past 3 years, as well as information, materials and data that are obsolete or lost. In addition, each rightholder may request to return his data in its original form, but no one can guarantee their return, as they could be irretrievably lost or deleted. Datum will help all people who own any data or materials to properly own all products and data, because you need to do it right.
- Identification;
- Universal Privacy Policy;
- Use of data and products;
- Lifetime data and materials;
- Rating of the target network Datum;
- At the same time, as a data owner, you can sell them, doing it completely safely and honestly, as well as if you are interested in buying data you can buy them.
The uniqueness of the article here - 100 %
Awesome, good post