Keynote Speech by Anndy Lian: “Navigating Blockchain & Cryptocurrency in the Public Sector”

in #blockcastcc4 years ago (edited)

On 12 October 2020, Anndy Lian, Advisory Board Member of Hyundai DAC Technology gave a keynote speech at the Digital Week Online on the topic "Navigating blockchain & cryptocurrency in the public sector". Digital Week Online is an online Summit held from 12-16th October 2020. This event unites tech entrepreneurs, authors, investors, innovators, leading corporates, and key governments

At his keynote speech, Anndy shares his experiences on how to deal with the different governments while introducing blockchain and cryptocurrency in the most effective manner. He started by giving a quick overview. Stating that the blockchain technology is possibly one of the finest piece of art when it comes to this century. In simple words, this technology is a decentralized ledger and it is immutable, with core functions like traceability and tracking. It is and will be widely used in finance, manufacturing, supply chain and governments. But it has not welcomed by all especially when it comes to cryptocurrencies, in fact, cryptocurrencies have been denounced by several governments due to a number of reasons. For example, Bitcoin, the leading cryptocurrency, has been banned in some countries, including Nepal, Bangladesh, among others. Many other countries have in the past made it clear that they will not accept Bitcoin but will accept blockchain technology.

"This is a good start for governments. For those who are currently dealing with governments or intend to participate in a public sector bid, please bear in mind that you need to address what is lacking and what can blockchain help them solve and not pure fluff." Anndy Lian commented.

Anndy emphasises that governments are open to the technology so far based on his experiences on the ground when dealing with them. He goes on saying that food security, ID management and controlling the flow of money are some of the "hot" topics. Countries like Singapore, Estonia, South Korea are already embarking their journey to solve problems using blockchain technology together with their existing infrastructures.

Navigating through the public sectors needs time and determination. Businesses must be ready before speaking to the government to sell their products and solutions. They need to build themselves up properly by building up trust and increase credibility through partnerships and with sufficient marketing. Your brand has to gain some traction before approaching them for any form of business. Anndy went on by highlighting that all these are only made possible if the solution providers are backed by real, solid technology that is robust enough to tackle their demand. He has also noted that many of the startup blockchain companies depended on advisors and consultants to make their sales and introduction. He cautioned again that companies must choose wisely and not deceived by their smooth talks as many of them do not have any real experience in the tech field and have not gotten deep in the blockchain space.

Last but not least, he told all to be "Pragmatic". Only being real and practical will open up new paths for you.

Anndy Lian's is known for his advisory work for governments. He plays a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region. He advises the Secretariat on the latest concepts and applications of blockchain technologies in cybersecurity and IoT network data integrity across smart factories and upskills the Secretariat staff in blockchain technologies as applicable to productivity. APO members include Bangladesh, Cambodia, Republic of China, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Republic of Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.

He is also part of the Gyeongsangbuk-do Blockchain Special Committee, Government of Republic Korea, together with industry experts such as Brock Pierce (Chairman, Bitcoin Foundation) and Alexis Sirkia (Founder of, helping the province to grow using blockchain technologies.

To know more about what Anndy Lian is doing, you can visit or on his social media channels, and You can also view his keynote speech at



Media Contacts:

Name: Jenny Zheng

Title: Editor


