If you've heard about #Steemify and are using it, GREAT !!
If you haven't, #Steemify is an application for your mobile device that will notify you about anything regarding your account(s) or the accounts of others without needing any keys.
Costs of doing business.
A challenge is that #Steemify is not an application that is used to create content, therefore monetising it in the traditional way with beneficiary reward is not possible.
On the other hand we also want to keep it 100% free
We could and would support our efforts and pay for the development and server through curation. We feel like this is a win/win situation where we get some compensation for our development, while we share the wealth by curating posts.
Everybody wins !
However, after trying to curate ourself for about a week, we realised we are foremost developers and not curators. Even though there are four of us, time is not always permitting us to fully use our potential in curation. Yet we DO want to engage with the community as much and often as possible.
Therefore we have decided to search for a Community Director for #Blockbrothers and #Steemify to curate properly under the @Blockbrothers banner.
@brittandjosie - The Community Manager
Commenter Extraordinaire
She has been an upstanding member ever since she joined Steemit and has been curating and commenting and posting her way amongst the best of them.
Now we only need to convince her of a sexchange operation so she will fit into the brother theme better ..
Thanks for reading.
Kind regards,

If you support us please vote here
you can also choose to set blockbrothers as your proxy at the bottom of the page (fill in blockbrothers in the field)
or use either of the below links to do so automatically using steemconnect.
Vote for @blockbrothers via SteemConnect
Set blockbrothers as your proxy via SteemConnect
for @blockbrothers
Makers of Steemify. The dedicated notification app for anything happening on the Steem blockchain.
or apply for the Android beta here : steemify@blockbrothers.io
Get our tools:
Get in touch:
steemify@blockbrothers.io | witness@blockbrothers.io
Telegram: https://t.me/blockbrothers
Congratulations @blockbrothers as well @brittandjosie what a great news !! SteemOn and all the best
Thank you dear Peter @verhp11 duty calls!
LOL... so a sex change is part of the operating costs now? Or maybe she can be the block?
Congratulations @brittandjosie, definitely a strong community and engagement minded person!
ThAnx looking forward to the challanges ahead and I hope to make the BLOCK proud.
Thats a good idea! Well done for finding another brother... :OD
Maybe she does not have the block but she most certainly has the balls!
Good lord! I thought I was always the one to say such things! :OD
OMG I only thought about writing that sentence ;)
Ok please leave My balls out of it 🤭
@meesterboom the congrats are highly appreciated
Always a pleasure to meet another Dutchie! :O)
Yes we are all over the place ;)
they change their name unofficially to 'Blockbrothers+' :D Way more fitting.Ohhh YESSS! That's a great idea and a perfect pick! Congrats @brittandjosie, and don't let these brothers change an inch of you! I'd suggest
Cheers guys! (And gal, you know, the + of Blockbrothers+)
I like Being a “+” for now I am just the one with the balls 😉
congratz @brittandjosie to join the team! make my regards to the brothers..
@rival thank you for the congrats and i will pass on the message.
congratulation @brittandjosie
guys, what is votebot??
Votebot is our opensource automatic voting bot. It had some nice features like vote limit per day, vote time delay and such. If you’re programming savvy, you should try it out.
Hope that answered your question, @justsayings
We are all steemit bros. Well done @brittandjosie :)
Well thanks @karenb54 and yes we are. Thanks for your sweet message, now i am ging to work my ass off :)
@brittandjosie what an honor! Love seeing part of the @pifc community being recognized in such a big way.
it is an honor i hope i live up to the expectations :) And you know i support the @pifc community too.
Welcome aboard @brittandjosie. My brother is lying. You’re in the worst company, but don’t let that stop you from being awesome 😉😂
LOL thats why I accepted this challange hope i met the expectations.
Welcome @brittandjosie to the team! Glad to have you on board!
Thanks for having me!
Good to have you with us @brittandjosie!
I feel very welcome, and Lets do the Damn thing 😉
Welcome @brittandjosie! You're in good company!
I most certainly am.
No not darkflame but @blockbrothers
Congratulations to the @blockbrothers, it appears that you've made a great choice.
@brittandjosie, it's time to give the brothers a big sister to show where the real strength is. ;-)
Thank you so much @gikitiki for the vote off confidence, and for stopping by.
I am happy to support you as my witness @blockbrothes
Thank you @el-nailul we appreciate you vote for @blockbrothers
No problem at all @brittandjosie, it is for us, it is for steemit, Let's make this steemit to be better. togetherness we become stronger
I agree
It is very nice to hear that you appreciate our app Steemify. please consider us for your witness.
greetz BrittThank God @ikar59 and thanks for the compliment.
I think that's a wonderful choice, @brittandjosie is working her ass off, and probably has a pair of balls too to fit in :) Congrats !
dear anouk thanks for mentioning the balls :)
Haha thats what I think: je staat je mannetje wel tussen die mannen :-)
Keep up the great work @blockbrothers I love Steemify!!! And a big fat cool congrats (dikke vet cool proficiat ;-) ) to @brittandjosie on the community manager promotion!!! Well deserved!!!
Thanks bjorn its an honor.
Welcome to "our"... I mean... "Their" team. :)
Thank you @ezzy .... our, or their, balls and ass, with or without an operation , well I am just honored and will just start working :)
Any plans for Android version any time soon?
You have got my witness vote today, @blockbrothers.
Thank you for your vote its appreciated. The Android version is under contruction, we Will keep you posted.
And for that, you have my vote as one of my witness.
Well done !!You couldn't find a better and more suitable person for this role. Congratulations @britattandjosie !! I like what @blockbrothers have to share & do for the community by #steemify .
Thanks for the vote of confidence and the compliment on Steemify.
see you in the mamas section dear :)@ireenchew is a great honor and i love the job oppertunity.