Eleven Doctors of Health to Awaken Bliss, Beauty & Genius!

in #bliss7 years ago (edited)

Good Day My Darling Steemeans!

It feels so good to share my passion on a platform with beautiful people like you who show appreciation. Right....firstly, I have been naughty, because it has been seventeen days since my introductory story....and I really shouldn't have kept you so long!

As stated in my introduction....through experience of meditation, pure eating and wonderful healing movements like yoga and Callanetics etc, I have experienced tremendous bliss and wellness, vitality and energy in recent years! Yes....and I am 41! But...this lifestyle makes me feel like I am 21...truth!

I know deep down in my heart....and I know that you know too....that we have the potential to experience beauty and joy of mind, Soul and body...something so sublime! We have infinite potential...designed by a power so great...we are meant to thrive and shine....illuminate like a million stars...yes we do!


Our DNA is so long...it could reach the sun and back! Come on....tell me that this in itself isn't astounding...wonderous....stunning! We have yet to learn how to unlock all this potential! Now...aren't you just a glorious creation to behold? And you know this...that deep down...there is so much more to you! But how...how do you access this infinite reservoir of pure potentiality?

Well....what we need to understand...is that the answer to everything you seek...your joy, bliss and potential...is right inside that beautiful body of yours! It is locked up...deep down inside...and only you can access it...or awaken it. This modern life has surely numbed us...dumbed us...and disillusioned us...that we have forgotten just how damn great we really are! And it's time that we take action!

Steemeans...I am very passionate about this stuff...as you can see. Because....when I have had the out of this world experiences that I have had...and I have had a couple magical moments that I can recall (and the painful ones in between helped me find my way there) - in 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015 and 2016...I wish I could take your hand...and connect you with my Soul's experiences...so that you can bask in the awe and bliss of it all!!! And you deserve it my good friends....you deserve to feel all the magic that you were designed to feel! Every bit of it! Later on I will share some of my magic moments with you.


How do we do this? I have learnt through my experience...that it is all about returning to ourselves...returning to nature...reconnecting with All....as well as reconnecting Within Ourselves!

I have to say...that I am currently going through a small set back after being exposed to a nasty health hazard that is becoming a concern for all. I will, however, share this with you at a later stage, and explain the steps that I am taking to heal and alchemize this.

So...let's start with the basics....

I learnt that the 'Seven Doctors of Health' are - sunshine, air, water, diet, exercise, rest and laughter. I...however...have decided to extend that list to eleven, and I call it 'Eleven Doctors of Health to Awaken Bliss, Beauty & Genius!"...and here they are:

Connect with...

  1. Source/Love/Light
  2. Nature
  3. Sunshine
  4. Air
  5. Water
  6. Nourishment
  7. Movement
  8. Earth Grounding
  9. Meditation & Prayer
  10. Rest
  11. Laughter

In my blogs to follow I am going to do a write up on each one of the above, and explain where we are going wrong and what we need to do harness the best of each element or practice.

While I do believe that I have come a long way...I have yet still much to learn. This is a lifelong journey...which makes it fun and adventurous...as we seek...explore...and uncover...the secrets to Bliss! I will share what has worked for me, but since our paths are unique and different...you may, in some instances, need to tweak some things to find what works best for you on your Soul Journey.


This is my "Come on....you can do it!" face! Ha ha....

So follow me.... fellow Steemeans! The land of milk and honey awaits! It is yours for the taking! And...be sure to share your triumphs with me as we progress.

With Love and Light
Jess in Bliss