You May Be Wondering How I Ended Up In Costa Rica...

in #blackmold7 years ago (edited)

The Answer: Toxic Black Mold Poisoning

Back in the U.S. I almost lost my life to severe toxic black mold poisoning. There were no doctors able to help me and one almost killed me from misdiagnosis. The black mold destroyed my immune system, my brain function, my entire body. I was withering away in chronic pain and loosing hope. After three years I discovered the black mold in my basement & got the hell out of there! I have so much gratitude for my wonderful father for remediating my house while I chose a place move to heal. Costa Rica was the destination of choice. Through my research I found a vast array of natural and energy healers in my area of residence. I have so much gratitude for the amount of healing and knowledge I’ve gained. I indulge in reiki, akashic record readings, access bars, massage therapy, acupuncture, plant medicine, meditation, yoga, tarot readings, and much more.

When it comes to the topic of black mold you fall into one of two categories: the “???” group or the "holy crap you survived satan’s death grip” group. It is a neurotoxin and it destroys the immune system. I will make a post about that in the future. This bump in the road has been both a blessing and a curse. Black mold poisoning is tough. If you think of your brain as a computer and some hacker is messing with all of your memory… that is what black mold does to you. It made me feel completely out of this world, like I had left my body and was watching from the outside. Researching was the only thing that helped me to keep grounded.

The curse: Here in Costa Rica, the humidity is so high which enables black mold to grow just about everywhere that doesn’t have a dehumidifier or air conditioner constantly running. Changing houses like I change underwear.. tedious, tiring, and not as fun. It also has depleted my immune system making the healing process a roller coaster ride.

The blessing: When I was living back in the states, I had so much time on my hands due to feeling like I was dying on a daily basis. I spent a lot of time curled up in bed researching why my body was in so much pain (because western medicine is completely incompetent). One thing lead to the next and I ended up switching my diet to organic foods, as well as my everyday products from makeup to paper towels. That helped for a while but the toxic black mold destroyed any healing progression a few months later. I owe it to black mold for sparking my interest in investigative research and inspiring me to choose cybercrime as my major in college. I have found that focusing my honors projects around vital information is the most impactful thing I can do on campus. I am very proud of my GMO project for winning second place. I spend a lot of time thoroughly investigating topics of interest and compiling multiple liable sources. I feel that so many things are being swept under the rug or ignored because it either offends someone or is just plain boring. I vow to spread knowledge in the most tranquil and interesting way within my means. Look out for some animations to come, I love creating in Adobe After Effects. The super fun stuff is going to take me some time to create as living in the jungle with no wifi makes EVERYTHING a challenge.

This one is a bit of a blessing and a curse: I lost everything to the black mold. My entire collection of brand name clothes, antique furniture, persian rugs, electronics, and most importantly the sentimental things belonging to my beloved mother, whom passed away from brain, lung, and lymphatic cancer when I was 17. As if my life hadn’t been painful enough over the last 9 years from loosing my best friend, my everything. Oddly enough, I felt at peace. I was more in shock that I felt nothing about throwing everything away and moving on. I could feel in my soul that it was time to free myself from the toxic energies that were keeping me from flourishing in all aspects of life. This particular experience has allowed me to deeper connect with my intrinsic values of humility and being humble. It opened my eyes to the peaceful aspects of truly living a simple life, strengthening my connection with nature.

The biggest blessing: Kalila. She is the best thing to come into my life. My Australian Coolie/Blue Heeler rescue puppy is training to be my service dog. The black mold poisoning still gives my heart palpitations. She is not fully trained yet but she somehow knew what to do when I was exposed to black mold recently. She jumped up on me and suppressed her body on as much of me as she could when she sensed something wrong with my heart. Somethings just fill your heart with joy without even trying. There is no one I would rather wake up next to than her. She motivates me to get out and hike in the mountains when I don't feel well. She is the light of my life (and my two kitties too).

I feel so blessed and lucky to be alive.


For more information on black mold:

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Love & Light,


I have also lived through black mold. It's a real problem. Have you looked into Alkalizing with Bakingsoda which kills mold, or Colloidal Silver, there are also other electrical devises that can help like the ultimate zapper. I would also request Angelic help (I didn't know about it then, but now I have found it to be real and available.)

Yes! All of the above. Chlorophyll works really well too. I have a bunch of wonderful information to share about how to clean it and detoxify it from the body. I hope you have recovered fully! All the best.

Wow... Never heard about black mold before, which makes me in the "????" group, but I guess as soon as I'll start researching, i'll fall into the following group :-/ Glad you survived it! Will be following you and Kalila! Keep it up :)

Wow, never heard about the toxic mold before. (ok, maybe in one tv show...but I couldn't understand that time how dangerous it could be). Following you for more useful information! Hope you got recovered!

Thank you for sharing Monica. I am so glad that you are gaining momentum on your road to recovery in physical healt. Especially happy for you that you have learned the value of humility, one of the greatest virtues of life, and the base note from which all of the beautiful sounds of music take their cue. :)

Glad you survived it! And you have recovered from it!
Although I haven't heard of it and It really is strange.
How was the change from the US to Costa Rica?