Thank you for the comment. I agree and I wish people would realize that taking a police brutality issue and makingit about race divides us and is only hurting us. we need to stand together for anyone killed that has not had their day in court. We have tazers and other forms of non leathel force that could be used. To resort to killing without taking the proper steps is insane to me.
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The thing that gets me is that these are supposed to be TRAINED individuals, that are taught to handle situations that are dangerous. The average citizen does NOT receive this training, or have any specially trained skills or classes to prepare them for anything threatening in any manner, much less potentially life threatening. The crazy thing is that if any of us UNTRAINED people were to kill someone in any remotely close manner to the way that police are killing people, any one of us would go to jail IMMEDIATELY! Do NOT pass go, do NOT collect $200. And NO WAY would a civilian (untrained, uneducated in appropriate non-lethal techniques, and usually NOT armed with devices like a tazer) be able to go to court for shooting someone who was running away, had their hands up not moving, or not actually threatening their life in some way (with witnesses, & even video) and get a "Not Guilty" verdict. Nor would any of us escape jail time for MURDER (which is exactly what it IS). I think that's one of the things that gets me the MOST about all of this, aside from the obvious distraction the media uses by pulling the 'racial issue' card. These guys are allowed to get away with illegal activities that the rest of us can't, when they should be held to an even HIGHER standard than the rest of us. They shouldn't be given special allowances on law-breaking because they're cops. On the contrary, they should be even MORE responsible for following laws and upholding them since they are completely trained on the letter of the law, as well as trained in defense, combat, and use of non-lethal force measures. SMH....I just don't understand why more people don't see the real problem here....