A Simple Request To BLM

in #blacklivesmatters8 years ago

Black Lives Matters, please have the same anger when people that are not black are killed by the cops. Please change from a race based movement to a human movement so we can actually progress. People of all colors live in poverty and are held down by the system. Please stop making color of skin the issue when the issue is the police brutality. We need to come together as one to fight the corruption. I do not want to see another person of any color lose their life because of police brutality. corruption can run through any movement. Please look within and see that making police brutality a Race issue and not a human issue it is hurting your numbers, people that want to stand up for injustice but some of the people in BLM do not want people that are not black to help. Divide and conquer is the same thing the powers that be have been doing for a couple thousand years. If we are to busy fighting each other we wont have time to fight the real problem. I'm sick of ignorant people and this shit needs to stop. I am in no way saying black lives don't matter and the fact that I have to say that is fucked up. Please wake the fuck up.

America no longer cares about the color of our skin, we are all slaves. just listen to Russell Means.
Americans are the new Indians.

The problem with police brutality needs to be stopped no matter the color of the victims skin. It is all wrong.

R.I.P Keith Scott


THANK YOU! I was actually in the process of gathering my statistical information for my own post regarding this matter. I am absolutely disgusted at the amount of focus and attention (not to mention riots) given to the deaths of those who are shot simply BECAUSE of their race. In this most recent case, the officer himself was also black, whereas in other publicized cases, the officers were white, leading to even more cause to call "racism" in these shootings.
But, ultimately, you are exactly on the wavelength that I am on this matter. ALL lives matter. And the lives of citizens should not be put in jeopardy by those sworn to protect and serve them. Regardless of race, religion, creed, sexual orientation, or any other reason. It's staggering the number of deaths caused by police officers, especially in recent years. Last year the number was just over 1,000, and so far this year we are at between 790 and 850 citizen deaths at the hands of a trigger happy cop. Those statistics vary based on the source, which is yet another issue altogether. Regardless of the source, it is noted that this year alone 194 of the between 790 and 850 killed by police officers were black Americans. That leaves somewhere between 600 and 660 (roughly) deaths that were NOT black Americans. Where are the protestors and internet outrage, or public outrage in general, for THESE people?? Why are the deaths of other races not publicized the way that black deaths are?
Police are given military grade weapons these days, issued armored cars, and militia style weapons and vehicles. WHY?? And why are we not focusing on these facts instead of the race of the American gunned down by these authority figures?? It seems as though any one of us could be the next victim, and that in itself is scary. If we're going to riot, we need to riot together. ALL LIVES MATTER. The issue here is the liberties taken by authority figures against citizens. The issue here is the lack of punishment given to the men in blue for killing innocent people. We stand back and allow this behavior to go unnoticed and unpunished all too often, and this is becoming an epidemic in our country. If we would step back and see the big picture, here, we would see that it's a matter of us vs. them, citizens vs the authority figures appointed to protect them and instead are murdering them. THESE issues are being clouded by the failure of the media to report similar cases because they can't be deemed "racial" issues, and by the herd-mentality of people who fail to fact check sources, and go along with the crowd in nationally televised situations instead of stepping back to realize that we are ALL in danger as long as the authorities are allowed to be our judge, jury, and executioners at a whim, and have no fear of repercussions when they pull the trigger on any one of us.
I apologize for my ranting, but this issue is one I have long argued, and have very strong feelings about.

Thank you for the comment. I agree and I wish people would realize that taking a police brutality issue and makingit about race divides us and is only hurting us. we need to stand together for anyone killed that has not had their day in court. We have tazers and other forms of non leathel force that could be used. To resort to killing without taking the proper steps is insane to me.

The thing that gets me is that these are supposed to be TRAINED individuals, that are taught to handle situations that are dangerous. The average citizen does NOT receive this training, or have any specially trained skills or classes to prepare them for anything threatening in any manner, much less potentially life threatening. The crazy thing is that if any of us UNTRAINED people were to kill someone in any remotely close manner to the way that police are killing people, any one of us would go to jail IMMEDIATELY! Do NOT pass go, do NOT collect $200. And NO WAY would a civilian (untrained, uneducated in appropriate non-lethal techniques, and usually NOT armed with devices like a tazer) be able to go to court for shooting someone who was running away, had their hands up not moving, or not actually threatening their life in some way (with witnesses, & even video) and get a "Not Guilty" verdict. Nor would any of us escape jail time for MURDER (which is exactly what it IS). I think that's one of the things that gets me the MOST about all of this, aside from the obvious distraction the media uses by pulling the 'racial issue' card. These guys are allowed to get away with illegal activities that the rest of us can't, when they should be held to an even HIGHER standard than the rest of us. They shouldn't be given special allowances on law-breaking because they're cops. On the contrary, they should be even MORE responsible for following laws and upholding them since they are completely trained on the letter of the law, as well as trained in defense, combat, and use of non-lethal force measures. SMH....I just don't understand why more people don't see the real problem here....

this guy is my all time hero. i wish i had more friends like this.

haha yeah I remember when that video came out. I wouldn't say a hero but he is a badass. damn I want some of that chicken.

that's for sure. chicken is good.

It is only 75 years since segregation from racial school buses and racial drinking fountains. But this racial divide simply needs some effort to remove racial barriers and racial injustices.

Until the killings end there will not be any lasting attempt at peace. Such " unofficial " actions and 'official ' inaction's ' just means more people will grow to distrust social order and seek to maneuver for their own agendas . . .

The politicians said they wanted and needed to be in charge , so since they voluntarily took that job ; your job is to be a Patriot and tell them next election " You're Fired ! ! ! ".

Remember only three things are sold in America now-a-days ; Fear , Propaganda and Marketing. Please open your eyes and mind and simply say , No , i do not believe you . . .

The only reason they put hot people on the news is to try and get people to subconsciously listen to their spin...
