Available on steam since july 2017, BLACK SQUAD is a free to play FPS multiplayer shooter based on the principle of team play. It looks like a counter strike for gameplay with a call of duty for weapons.
The game has different game mods:
1-Team Deathmatch: The players are divided into two teams. The team that made the most kill wins.
2-demolition (5vs5) or (8vs8): The aim of the terrorists (Viper Circle) is to place a bomb in one of the two defined zones (zone A and zone B) and to prevent anti-terrorists (Peacemaker) from defusing !the bomb.
3-Assassination: The goal of the team is to keep the vip alive up to a defined area of the map.
4-Battle match: Attack the enemy base and destroy it.
Why you should play this game
-Free to Play.
-The maps are nice, rather well thought out.
-Graphics, for a Free to Play, it really is not bad
-Configuration, it does not require a PC of last generation, very accessible.
-Weapons, lots of weapons, what to find happiness.
Recommended Requirements
CPU Core2 Duo 2.4 GHZ / AMD Phenom X4 820
Video Card Nvidia GTX 560 / Radeon HD 7790
RAM 4GB or Higher
OS Windows7 64bit
Disk Space 5GB
Direct X Direct X 9.0 or Higher
Minimum Requirements
CPU Core2 Duo 2.2 GHZ / AMD Athlon 64 X2 2.66 GHZ
Video Card Nvidia Geforce 8600 / GT630 Radeon HD 6750
RAM 2GB or Higher
OS Windows7 64bit
Disk Space 5GB
Direct X Direct X 9.0 or Higher
link to download: http://store.steampowered.com/app/550650/Black_Squad/
have fun!
AWsome never heard of this before! Thank you!