I have developed some skills for takedowns but it's a strange mixmash due to how I learned it and practiced. my low single is solid, even goes to quite good if they situation is that they were trying to break free from a grapple and stand up I can cover the space they open so they feel they are safe and are not. I have gotten this takedown on significantly better werstlers then myself. I have an ok single in general my double is pretty crap to be honest.
I have some good trips/footsweeps and if it's in a gi I have at least a few options once I secure a grip. of course that is the trick lol
the thing is since I only have a few options someone only needs a few defensive pointers from a skilled wrestler or judoka to be "out of reach" as far as my takedowns go.
I really have no Judo or Sambo options where I live. It is actually difficult even just finding people willing to rep takedowns beause it isn't something they are as comfortable with. like if I want someone to rep sweeps with me I can basically pick my partner right everyone is willing but if I say something about repping singles holy cow maybe 1 in 20 are willing.....
I have a similar priority now too:
1)Low/Outside Single
No Judo options? That's some what surprising given how widespread that art is.
What about if you say "Can we drill this takedown I learned last week suuuuper slow? I mean, I have to go work tomorrow". There could be some tension because they have been injured doing takedowns, or they don't know how hard you'll go on your reps.