In connection with the launch of Bizzilion, it was decided to create a Bounty campaign. This will allow everyone to make additional profits by performing simple tasks. To achieve the goals of the campaign and earn money on it, you must fulfill simple mandatory conditions.
Mandatory conditions
- Register on the company's website
- Subscribe to the company Telegram channel
- Subscribe to the company Telegram chat
- Subscribe to the company's official Facebook page
- Subscribe to the company's official Facebook group
- Subscribe to the company's official account on Twitter
Bitcointalk Campaign (award: 0.0025 - 0.025 btc per week)

Attach your referral link in the signature of your BitcoinTalk profile.
Only for users with rank:
- Member (Bonus - 0.0025 BTC per week)
- Full Member (Bonus - 0.0037 BTC per week)
- Sr. Member (Bonus - 0.0075 BTC per week)
- Hero (Bonus - 0.013 BTC per week)
- Legendary Member (Bonus - 0.025 BTC per week).
Facebook Campaign (award: 0.00005 - 0.00025 BTC)
Like and repost news from the company page
- Your account and posts must be open to public
- Attach your referral link in the post description
- Your Facebook account must be created more than 6 months ago
- The number of friends in your profile must exceed 200
- You can create applications with the latest news repost. For each new news you can submit one application.
Twitter Campaign (award: 0.00005 - 0.00025 BTC)
Like and make a Retweet of the news having attached your referral link.
- Your account must be open to public
- Attach your referral link in the tweet description
- Your Twitter account must be created more than 6 months ago
- The number of Followers in your profile must exceed 200
- You can create applications with the latest news retweet. For each new news you can submit one application.
Content Creation (award: 0.0075 - 0.075 BTC)

Write a review article on your website about our company and your experience of cooperation with us.
- The number of visitors of your resource should exceed 10000 per month
- The article must contain at least 3000 characters
- The text must have at least 80% of uniqueness
- The text should contain your referral link
- Place a banner in the article (the banner code is in your account in the Promotional Materials section).
Important! Articles posted on subdomains of public blogs (blogspot, etc.) will not be paid!
Bug Bounty (award: 0.001 - 0.02 BTC)

Search for bugs and errors or improvements in functionality of the platform.
- Each comment should be constructive and useful
- Every proposed improvement in functionality that will be adopted and implemented will be rewarded
- Each error found and corrected will be rewarded
- Each bug found and corrected will be rewarded
- Each suggestion for improving functionality or information about errors should be sent via the form at the link below
Seems great, join the bounty