How to send Steem Dollars from Steemit to Bittrex exchange

in #bittrex9 years ago (edited)

This a step by step guide on withdrawing steemdollars from your account to

First off you need an account at
It's quite intuitive and similar to sign ups on most sites so we won't cover it

Step 1 - On, while you are logged in go to the SBD market page by using the search tab

Step 2 - From the SBD market page, and click the wallet tab.
Click the new address button if the deposit fields are blank.
Copy (CTRL+C or right click) your memo field as this is require by bittrex to identify your transaction and credit your bittrex account.

Step 3 - On, while logged in click the head in the corner and select wallet from the drop down list

Step 4 - From the wallet screen, click the arrow on your Steem dollars and select transfer from the drop down list

Step 5 - Fill out the transfer popup
TO - bittrex
Amount - 500 whatever amount you want to withdraw
Memo - 1f8bc55389da453bbc1 this is mine, feel free to use it ;) or paste (CTRL+V) your own
Once you have these 4 items selected, click transfer and the transaction will start

Step 6 - Verify your deposit
You can see your balance from the market page or go to the wallet tab and see your pending/complete deposits, the bitshares network is speedy! So you should see it almost immediately.
If there's nothing after 10 minutes you might have something wrong with your memo field. Contact immediately or join their live chat, or the help desk

Now your Steem dollars (SBD) on bittrex exchange! If you want to transfer $STEEM the process is very similar but your deposit memo field will be different. Hope this helps and happy steeming

Crossposts #steemit #steem #markets


great explanation

I was able to follow it, he's instructions were great and he used gifs!

Needed this now that Poloniex is being painful! Thanks :)

Ditto on that. This is extremely helpful. Thanks :)

polo stole from me

What crypto? Is it stuck there or stolen?


I did that....did i accidentally send it to some dudes account that calls himself bittrex?

Very detailed, good information and LOVE the gif's :)

Clear and concise. Great job!

Can you please explain how to send Steem FROM Bittrex TO steemit? What do I put in for registered account and memo?

Sure I'll do another post when transfers are re-enabled

Good job thanks :)

Thx helpful post

how long approx does it take for it to process?

the network is relatively quick, consistently less then 10 minutes

Grateful for this!

I can't believe this post didn't make more.. .thank you though.

Thats for sbd what about steem?

the process is relatively the same, just go to the steem market page.
Keep in mind the memo is different for each token

Good post, very thorough. My only recommendation would be to put a fade-out image or blank image at the end of your GIFs so we know its looped. Kinda hard to tell where it starts, ya know? Thanks!

i didnot see an pending deposits on bittrex :/ how do i do the live chat with the supporters on there?

Perfect Info ! thank you so much @blocktalk !

How exactly does the powering down work? When will i receive actually steem and how much? Thanks

This info could really be useful to our fellow steemian @alexiapbullard

@legions this is what I was missing yesterday. Now I know.

helpful, thanks

Great illustration

Thanks a lot for this helpful explanation.

So what happens if you send steem to the sbd wallet ? xD

This is a great explanation, thanks.

Thanks. It's very helpful

Thanks. This was very helpfull

Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation. I learned the internet. Perhaps, i can master this too.

How am I just bow finding this?? I'm gonna try this right now.... 🏃

I might be the one person with the problem the SBD don't add in my Bittrex account... How can that be?
The support-options aren't really helpful yet...

Solid post. I was about to start a similair discussion. The high risk the cryoto space brings with it one thing nobody seemingly cares about. Besides there is: I'm really enthusiastic about this site, they let you analyze every single coin out there. Check: To see the: Steem Report

This is EXACTLY what I needed! Fantastic post! Thanks so much! Followed and upvoted you!

Absolutely the best explanation of this by far. Exquisite. Thank you. UPVOTE!

Great post - Upoveted, followed and damn! This post really deserves far more rewards than what it's earned.

thank you for posting this.

Hi! I followed this instruction and used your memo. Until now, I still haven't seen my balance on Bittrex :(

Use your own memo

I fucking had to make sure this was the right way after I fucked it up once by sending it through Blocktrades to a STEEM Dollars deposit address instead of a STEEM cause the option chosen was STEEM at that moment

I'll have to try it and see how simple it is.

Don't use blocktrades, just use Bittrex

I find this very useful. Thank you so much. :)