oooorrrr just send steem to poloniex, sell for btc, send BTC to Bitpay debit card BTC wallet ($10 One time charge to buy your bitpay debitcard ) ...I just got my card a few days ago after just a few days after ordering it!
There are many btc debit cards to choose from...New monaco ccard just raised alot of money....there is a card for every country now almost!
I believe my poloniex to bitpay fiat gateway is far easier!
You just send steem to your poloniex OR bittrexx (poloniex is eeasier and same price or cheaper than bittrex) or use shapeshift or Blocktrades it doesnt matter! just get a good rate for steem to BTC (poloniex is .1 to .2percent! POINT one to POINT two thats so small, anyway once u have BTC from steem u just send to bitpay OR coinbase account for theshiftcard but screw coinbase bitpay is way better!
I am willing to buy steem for cash in san diego and online for non san diego peopke who can simply use a netspend card or whatever way they would like to send me cash or have me end them cash cheap, and i will take steem, convert it to BTC, sell that btc for cash sen them the cash, i will get it to where it will only be 10 percent fee to exchange steem to CASH without using any BTC middleman service email me if interested im also just bought and i need someone tl help me make a localbitcoins clone but for all altcoin maybe just a place to put up ads locally wil be ok for now, just need a place people can sell their doge and steem and xrp and steller and litecoin for cash etc
@ackza Thank you for sharing this information , I was just setting here not knowing how to go about ths . . I already signed up with poloniex. than saw this one and thought ummm..